Ancient hydraulic works

Madradag aqueduct

Use: Urban Water Supply
Construction era: Hellenistic
Types: Aqueduct
Operation era: Hellenistic
Location: Asia Minor (today Turkey) - Pergamon
  • G. De Feo, P. Laureano, L. W. Mays and A. N. Aggelakis: Water supply management technologies in the Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, Evolution of Water Supply through the Millennia, London, 2012

Madradag aqueduct was built to the acropolis in 197-159 BC by Eumenes II. The aqueduct was consisted by three parallel pipelines with length 50 km. The inner diameter of the terracotta pipes was 18 cm with a wall thickness 3.5 cm and the pipe were in parts of 50-60 cm. The three pipelines were parallel until they reached a header tank, consisted by two chambers of 3.62 x 1.21 m each. The water was flowing into the first chamber and then into the second by a pressure pipeline. The second chamber was united with an inverted siphon, with approximate pressure 190m, which was carrying water from the main tank to the acropolis.

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