Evaluation of management policies for hydropower plants in the light of flood risk at the downstream areas: the case of Aliakmon River

P. Dimas, N. Mamassis, A. Lykou, E. Zacharopoulou, G.-K. Sakki, T. Karantoumanis, A. Efstratiadis, and I. Mavros, Evaluation of management policies for hydropower plants in the light of flood risk at the downstream areas: the case of Aliakmon River, Proceedings of 4th Hellenic Conference on Dams and Reservoirs, War Museum Athens, Hellenic Commission on Large Dams, Athens, 2024.



Aliakmonas is the longest river in Greece with significant hydroelectric production. Its river basin has undergone intense modifications that have drastically changed the flood regime in the downstream areas. Hydroelectric production and the operation of spillways of such complex hydroelectric plants are crucial factors for flood risk evolution and management. In this study, a multi-criteria GIS analysis is applied to identify flood prone areas and assess floor risk, and a 1D hydrodynamic simulation model under steady flow conditions is developed to investigate scenarios of combined flow releases from upstream structures. The above constitutes the initial step for holistic risk assessment and can be operationally utilised in decision making processes.

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1. G. Papaioannou, A. Efstratiadis, L. Vasiliades, A. Loukas, S.M. Papalexiou, A. Koukouvinos, I. Tsoukalas, and P. Kossieris, An operational method for Floods Directive implementation in ungauged urban areas, Hydrology, 5 (2), 24, doi:10.3390/hydrology5020024, 2018.

Tagged under: Floods, Hydraulic models, Hydrosystems