D. Koutsoyiannis, A. Efstratiadis, G. Karavokiros, A. Koukouvinos, N. Mamassis, I. Nalbantis, D. Grintzia, N. Damianoglou, A. Xanthakis, S Politaki, and V. Tsoukala, Master plan of the Athens water resource system - Year 2000-2001, Modernisation of the supervision and management of the water resource system of Athens, Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering – National Technical University of Athens, Report 5, 165 pages, Athens, December 2000.
The master plan for the operation of the Athens water resource system for the hydrological year 2000-20001 deals first with issues on the relations between the different organisations involved in the water supply of Athens, i.e., the Water Supply and Sewage Company of Athens, the Infrastructure Company for Water Supply and Sewage of Athens and a number of ministries. Projections of the water demand and the related water resources availability are studied in the form of future scenarios for which optimised system operating rules are drawn. The scenarios consider the phenomenon of the drought persistence as well as various possible emergency incidents. Operating cost estimates are also given together with elements on the environmental dimensions of the subject. Finally, estimates of the system safe yield and of the energy consumption for pumping water are presented in detail.
Related project: Modernisation of the supervision and management of the water resource system of Athens
Our works that reference this work:
1. | D. Koutsoyiannis, A. Efstratiadis, and G. Karavokiros, A decision support tool for the management of multi-reservoir systems, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 38 (4), 945–958, doi:10.1111/j.1752-1688.2002.tb05536.x, 2002. |
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Getimis, P., K. Bithas and D. Zikos, Key actors, institutional framework and participatory procedures, for the sustainable use of water in Attica-basin, Proc. 7th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Syros, Greece, 243-252, 2001. |
2. | #Minasidou K., D. F. Lekkas, A. D. Nikolaou, and S. K. Golfinopoulos, Water quality changes during storage - the case of Mornos reservoir, Proceedings, Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII, Mykonos, Greece, 2006. |
3. | Stergiouli, M. L., and K. Hadjibiros, The growing water imprint of Athens (Greece) throughout history, Regional Environmental Change, 12(2), 337-345, 2012. |