Design and implementation of the central database

N. Papakostas, Design and implementation of the central database, Modernisation of the supervision and management of the water resource system of Athens, Report 19, 106 pages, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering – National Technical University of Athens, Athens, January 2004.



The design of the central database of the research project "Modernization of the supervision and management of the water resources for water supply of Athens" is described. The database obeys the relational model and encompasses all data of the water supply system with the exception of the geographical data for which proper fields (links) have been provided. The databases consists of subsystems for the support of the primary, processed and synthetic time series, the representation of the "real world", i.e., the geographical entities for measuring stations, cities, dams, conduits, lakes etc., the support of data collection process, the mathematical models, the hydrological scenarios etc.

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Related project: Modernisation of the supervision and management of the water resource system of Athens