Stardardization of processing of hydrometeorological time series of fine temporal resolution - Application to the data set of the National Technical University Campus

G. Tsoutra, Stardardization of processing of hydrometeorological time series of fine temporal resolution - Application to the data set of the National Technical University Campus, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering – National Technical University of Athens, September 2004.



This study aims to organise the meteorological data which have been collected during the functioning period (years 1993-2003) of the Hydrolometeorological Telemetric Station of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), located at the southeastern side of the Zographou campus. The main goal of this thesis is the analysis of the various types of raw data and the production of a large number of derivative time series for the eleven meteorological variables that have been measured the latest decade (1993-2003). A software application "Hydrognomon" is used, and both raw and derivative time series are kept in a database. The whole procedure has been standardised for easy implementation. The lack of a few data was tackled by the filling in of the missing daily or monthly data from other two stations: a Hydrolometeorological Telemetric Station which is situated in the northwestern side of the Zografou campus, and the meteorological station of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) located in the Athens city centre (Thission). Furthermore, different methods which estimate the mean temperature and the mean relative humidity are compared by using the hourly data of the Station under study. This thesis results in the construction of a ten years long sample for the measured variables, while, special applications are presented such as the correction of the relative humidity which is measured by a sensor which encountered problems, the reduction of the atmospheric pressure to the Mean Sea Level, the presentation of the estimated evaporation through different methods, the proper estimate of the wind direction, the creation of graphs which depict the wind direction and the production of a Heat Index timeseries.

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