Duration: June 2005–December 2007
Project director: C. Zevenbergen
The primary objective is to increase knowledge required for prevention and mitigation of potential flood impacts to urban areas by exchanging experiences, developing integrated approaches, and by promoting the diffusion of best practices in Urban Flood Management. Secondary objectives are to develop holistic approaches in Urban Flood Management, to initiate R&D projects for the EU 7th Framework programme, to stimulate national R&D activities and to increase awareness of the importance of flood management. The action includes three phases: (1) inventory (state-of-the-art relevant aspects of UFM), (2) analysis and integration (best practices and knowledge gaps), and (3) dissimination and consolidation. The action involves four working groups: (1) models and tools to assess flood probability and measures to reduce probability, (2) models and tools to assess impact of flooding to decrease vulnerability, (3) flood recovery methods and methods of damage compensation, and (4) non-technical measures and techniques to decrease vulnerability.