Building the Future of Transnational Cooperation in Water Resources in South East Europe (EDUCATE!)


Duration: May 2006–August 2008

Budget: €200 000

Commissioned by: European Union

Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering


  1. School of Chemical Engineering
  2. University of Ljubljana
  3. Technical University of Bucharest
  4. University of Belgrade

Project director: A. Katsiri

Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis

Programme: Interreg IIIB CADSES (Neighborhood Programme)

Educate! assists in shaping current and future policy and practice in Water Resources Management in SE Europe, through professional capacity building and provision of a common understanding of IWRM for young graduates within a cooperative, transnational environment. Specifically, Educate! is: 1. Setting up and operate a network of Higher Education Organisations in SE Europe with an expertise in Environmental Protection and Water Resources Management; 2. Developping a transnational postgraduate course on Integrated Water Resources Management; 3. Developping a flexible structure for delivering the course across geographic areas and across different audiences (from students to professionals) through e-learning and a modular format and 4. Running a pilot transnational postgraduate course and professional educational and training courses for governmental officials and industry.