Comment on the perspectives of water resources development in Greece with regard to the Water Framework Directive

D. Koutsoyiannis, and I. Tselentis, Comment on the perspectives of water resources development in Greece with regard to the Water Framework Directive, Water Framework Directive - Harmonization with the Greek reality, Proceedings, 87–92, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1988.8887, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering – National Technical University of Athens, Athens, 2002.



As a consequence of the inadequate development of water resources and the Mediterranean hydroclimatic conditions, water needs in several areas in Greece are not satisfactorily met. Therefore, the need for further development of water resources is urgent. Such a development should comprise the construction of new works that can assure long-lasting and sustainable solutions in water supply, hydropower and agricultural development. Furthermore such works would mitigate the existing stresses acting on natural environment and groundwater aquifers. Modifications to be made to the natural water systems will not be in breach of the Water Framework Directive provided that sustainability requirements will be met, while negative environmental impacts are alleviated. In this direction, the fact that water quality and environmental conditions of the existing modified water systems (e.g. large reservoirs), match and often exceed the condition of the natural water bodies, is very encouraging.

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