Testing of the new measuring system of the aqueduct of Mornos


Duration: January 2001–December 2003

Budget: 18 880 000 DRS (about €55 407)

Commissioned by: Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Athens

Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering

Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis

Principal investigator: J. Gavriilidis

In an earlier research project, the development of an automatic measuring system of water level meters and flow meters was proposed for the aqueduct network of the water supply of Athens. After the realisation of the measuring system, its devices should be checked for proper operation. The current project aims at scheduling and implementing a flow measurement programme at the sites where discharge meters are installed by the Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Athens (EYDAP) in the Mornos aqueduct, in order to check their accuracy based on the methodology proposed in the earlier project. Specifically, measurements are done using flow meter according to the ISO standard ISO 748 (1979, 1997; Measurement of liquid flow in open channels - Velocity-area methods). At each site 5 flow measurements (one daily measurement per month on the average) for different values of the discharge are done in steady state flow conditions. The measurements are processed appropriately, whereas for any problems of instrument inaccuracies that emerge, the appropriate solutions are studied and suggested.