T. Vergou, A. Efstratiadis, and D. Dermatas, Water balance model for evaluation of landfill malfunction due to leakage, Proceedings of ISWA 2016 World Congress, Novi Sad, Ιnternational Solid Waste Association, 2016.
We present a conceptual model that aims to represent the main hydrological processes in a landfill, taking into account its dynamic evolution. The model is employed in a real-world case study, involving the operation of the landfill of Mavrorachi, Northern Greece, for a one-year period. The landfill exhibits several environmental problems due to significant leakage production, which often exceeds the capacity of treatment works, as well as lateral outflows. By simulating the entire water cycle over the landfill basin, we attempt to recognize the major sources of failure and propose management measures to mitigate the current environmental impacts.
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Tagged under: Environment, Hydrological models, Students' works