Structure stochastique de pluies intenses par type de temps

N. Mamassis, et D. Koutsoyiannis, Structure stochastique de pluies intenses par type de temps, Publications de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie, 6eme Colloque International de Climatologie, edité par P. Maheras, Thessaloniki, 6, 301–313, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3643.6726, Association Internationale de Climatologie, Aix-en-Provence Cedex, France, 1993.



We studied the influence of weather types on the stochastic structure of the intense rainfall events. We used hourly rainfall depths from three rain recorders in Evinos River basin while the corresponding weather types were determined based on classification by Maheras (1982). Initially, we calculated the frequency of occurrence of intense rainfall events for each weather type. Also, we calculated the statistics of the rainfall event characteristics (duration, the hourly and the total rainfall depth), including the autocorrelation and cross correlation functions of hourly depths. To detect statistically significant differences between event characteristics for different weather types, we applied various statistical tests and analysis of variance.

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