How extreme is extreme? An assessment of daily rainfall distribution tails (4198 visits/downloads) >>>
On the credibility of climate predictions >>>
Climate change, the Hurst phenomenon, and hydrological statistics >>>
A mathematical framework for studying rainfall intensity-duration-frequency relationships >>>
One decade of multiobjective calibration approaches in hydrological modelling: a review >>>
Lecture notes on Urban Hydraulic Works - Part 1: Water Supply (20042 visits/downloads) >>>
Engineering Hydrology >>>
Lecture notes on Stochastic Methods in Water Resources >>>
Lecture notes on Urban Hydraulic Works - Part 2: Sewerage >>>
Design of Urban Sewer Networks >>>
Investigation of methods for hydroclimatic data homogenization (3603 visits/downloads) >>>
Climate is changing ... since 4.5 billion years ago >>>
Assessment of the reliability of climate predictions based on comparisons with historical time series >>>
Why (and how) to write and publish a scientific paper in hydrology? >>>
On the appropriateness of the Gumbel distribution for modelling extreme rainfall >>>
Master plan for water resource management of the country (4842 visits/downloads) >>>
National Programme for Water Resources Management and Preservation >>>
Computer programmes for simulation of the rainfall-runoff relationship >>>
Hydrognomon version 4 - User manual >>>
Data base and data processing software for monthly hydrologic data >>>
Climatic Atlas of Greece (3096 visits/downloads) >>>
Desalination technology and potential application in Greece >>>
Renewable energy sources: Temporal evolution - comparison >>>
Regionalization of flow duration curves in flow regimes of intermittent streams >>>
Development of flood maps under Directive 2001/60/EU. Application to Sperchios basin >>>
HydroChton - Estimate K and Ss of an aquifer based on measurements of slug tests (30331 visits/downloads) >>>
Castalia - A computer system for stochastic simulation and forecasting of hydrologic processes >>>
Hyetos - A Computer program for stochastic disaggregation of fine-scale rainfall >>>
Hydrogeios 2.1 - Geo-hydrological simulation of river basin >>>
Hydrognomon ( - Hydrological time series processing software >>>
My reviews to IPCC AR5 WGII (3291 visits) >>>
The revenge of the incompetent >>>
Goodbye to Mathios Karlaftis (1969-2014) >>>
Τόπο στα γηρατειά >>>
Περί εργαστηρίων και διευθυντών >>>