Climate, hydrology, energy, water: recognizing uncertainty and seeking sustainability (4863 visits/downloads) >>>
Clausius-Clapeyron equation and saturation vapour pressure: simple theory reconciled with practice >>>
Holistic versus monomeric strategies for hydrological modelling of human-modified hydrosystems >>>
Scale of water resources development and sustainability: Small is beautiful, large is great >>>
On the credibility of climate predictions >>>
Lecture Notes on Urban Hydraulic Works - Water Supply (11 454 visits/downloads) >>>
Probability and statistics for geophysical processes >>>
Design of Urban Sewer Networks >>>
Engineering Hydrology >>>
Lecture notes on Urban Hydraulic Works - Part 2: Sewerage >>>
Assessment of the reliability of climate predictions based on comparisons with historical time series (2817 visits/downloads) >>>
HYDROSCOPE: National Databank for Hydrological, Meteorological and Geographical Information >>>
Climate is changing ... since 4.5 billion years ago >>>
Rainfall disaggregation methods: Theory and applications >>>
Investigation of methods for hydroclimatic data homogenization >>>
Master plan for water resource management of the country (8690 visits/downloads) >>>
National Programme for Water Resources Management and Preservation >>>
A system for the simulation of the hydrological cycle in the Boeoticos Kephisos basin >>>
WATer pathways towards the non-deterministic future of renewable enERGY (WATERGY) >>>
Litterature review of flood hydrology and related tools >>>
Desalination technology and potential application in Greece (2245 visits/downloads) >>>
Stochastic simulation framework for optimal planning of hybrid system of hydroelectic - wind energy. Investigation based on the Aliakmonas hydrosystem >>>
Development of the hydroelectric production optimization framework within Hydronomeas software - Investigation in the Acheloos-Thessaly hydrosystem >>>
Climatic Atlas of Greece >>>
Renewable energy sources: Temporal evolution - comparison >>>
Hyetos - A Computer program for stochastic disaggregation of fine-scale rainfall (4514 visits/downloads) >>>
Hydronomeas – Integrated computer system for the support of hydrosystems management >>>
MuDRain - A computer program for multivariate disaggregation of rainfall >>>
Castalia - A computer system for stochastic simulation and forecasting of hydrologic processes >>>
Hydrognomon ( - Hydrological time series processing software >>>
Αναμνήσεις από τον Νοέμβρη του 1973 (2312 visits) >>>
Γρίφοι για νέους ερευνητές >>>