Duration: May 2019–April 2024
Budget: €120 000
Commissioned by: Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Athens
Contractor: Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Project director: A. Efstratiadis
Principal investigator: I. Papakonstantis
The project aims to revise, upgrade and expand the software tools that have been developed in the context of previous research programs, and the overall support of the Water Supply Directorate of EYDAP S.A. in topics associated with the management of the water resource system of Athens. In this vein we are planning to employ advanced hydrological and water management analyses, improve the existing computational systems and associated methodologies for stochastic simulation and optimization, the elaboration of Master Plans, on annual basis or less, in case of emergency, and the theoretical investigation with respect to the development of a decision support tool for the hydraulic propagation of water flows across the hydrosystem, to be tested in part of Mornos’ channel.