Systematisation of the raw data archive of surface and subsurface waters of the Ministry of Agriculture in Thessalia


Duration: February 1997–January 1999

Budget: 21 004 000 DRS (about €68 100)

Commissioned by: Department of Hydrogeology, Boreholes and Mathematical Models

Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering

Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis

Principal investigator: I. Nalbantis

The project aims at the modernisation of the archive of surface and subsurface water related data of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Thessalia region (mainly data on quantities of the drafts from both surface waters and groundwater pumped from public or private boreholes). It also includes the data organisation into a geographical information system and the data evaluation and processing, from which the evapotranspiration of the area is estimated using semi-empirical methods.
