Completion of the classification of quantitative and qualitative parameters of water resources in water districts of Greece


Duration: November 2001–April 2003

Budget: 33 898 305 DRS (about €99 481)

Commissioned by: Directorate of Water and Natural Resources

Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering

Collaborators: Directorate of Water and Natural Resources

Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis

Principal investigator: D. Mamais

The project continues an earlier study elaborated by the Ministry of Development, the Department of Water Resources of the National Technical University of Athens, the Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploration, and the Centre of Planning and Research.The project objective is the classification of the existing information related to water quantity and quality in characteristic areas (water districts) of Greece, using geographical information systems. The specific objective of this phase is the analysis of water supply and demand balance, and the qualitative characterisation of water resources in four water districts of Greece.
