Professional Experience
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, Athens)
Position: Scientific Associate / Engineering Hydrologist
Date from - Date to | Description |
2010 |
Cost of Raw Water for the Water Supply Company of Athens (EYDAP) The research project developed and applied a methodology for the assessment of the cost of untreated drinking water for the city of Athens, compliant with the Water Framework Directive. Operation optimisation scenarios were developed and applied to identify the system operation that maximises the system's reliability, and examine its impact on cost, under different water demand projections. Within this context the environmental and resource costs were also assessed. Participation in the NTUA research team, carrying out analysis of economic data and implementing simulations of the hydro-system model for stochastic inflows scenarios. |
2010 |
Preliminary Analysis – Feasibility Study for the conversion of Agistri island into a “green island” Research study that aims at the preliminary analysis for the conversion of Agistri island into a “green island” in the context of “green urban development”. It includes the study of possible interventions in the sectors of energy, water, wastewater and solid waste management, transport and environmental / forestal protection. Part of the research team studying water resource, urban water and wastewater management. Description and analysis of the current situation in the water and wastewater sectors, data analysis and simulations, estimation of the rainwater harvesting potential in the 3 island communities, possible total urban water savings, greywater recycling potential and the feasibility for water independence; assessment of alternative wastewater treatment technologies and list of suggested interventions. |
2009-2010 |
Development of Database and software applications in a web platform for the "National Databank for Hydrological and Meteorological Information" The project delivers methodologies for further development of the databases and applications of the national Databank and their migration into a web platform. Responsible for the general management and coordination of the project deliverables, as well as for the development, application and pilot operation of hydrologic and water quality simulation models (eco-hydrologic models) for catchments and water bodies, and their connection with the Water Framework Directive. Involvement in the pilot operation of the web management platform of the hydrologic and meteorological databank, in the training of platform users and in the development of the corresponding educational/training material. |
2009-2010 |
OpenMI LIFE. The Open Modelling Interface The LIFE-Environment European project promotes an integrated approach to water management, according to the governing principles of the Water Framework Directive, through the application of the Open Modelling Interface and Environment (OpenMI) for linking different simulation models. Responsible for the development of the USGS OTIS water quality model for Pinios River catchment that represents the pilot catchment for Greece. Participation in the customization of the hydraulic model and the linking procedure of the different simulation models for the specific pilot catchment. |
2008 |
Development of a Geographic Information System and Internet Application for the monitoring of Kephisos River protection zones The main aim of the developed system is the monitoring of the Kephisos River protection zones. The applications will allow the accurate real-time monitoring of the actual conditions within the zone boundaries by the employees of the Kephisos River Management Board. Participation in the preparation of the technical report/study for: a. the application using the Global Positioning System (GPS) that will enable during the conducted autopsies the identification of the exact location of the various activities in relation to the protection zone boundaries and b. the Internet application, where all autopsy results (reports, photographs, etc.) from specific locations are going to be available through the web. |
2006-2009 |
EDUCATE!: Building the Future of Transnational Cooperation in Water Resources in South East Europe, INTERREG IIIB CADSES The project aims at the establishment of a Higher Education Institutions’ network in the Balkans and SEE for capacity building in the area of Water Resources and the Environmental Management involving stakeholders from the Industry and Government of the participating countries. The main project objective was the organisation of an international e-learning postgraduate course, as well as of a series of seminars/workshops for professionals. The main duties included project management responsibilities, financial and technical coordination, management and reporting, mainly assisting the Lead Partner and coordinating all PPs. Also, participated in the active customization of the e-learning platform to meet project needs and in the development of the educational material for the Hydrology module. |
Community of Niñocorín (Apolobamba region, Bolivia)
Position: Environmental expert (volunteer)
Date from - Date to | Description |
03/2006 – 5/2006 |
Scientific and technical assistance for the production of a video related to environmental and biodiversity issues in a small rural mountain community in the Apolobamba region of Bolivia aiming at cultural heritage preservation and environmental protection. |
NGO Ak’ Tenamit (Rio Dulce, Guatemala)
Position: Water and Sanitation expert / engineer (volunteer)
Date from - Date to | Description |
04/2005 – 12/2005 |
Technical analysis for the improvement of the sanitation and management of water related issues in a rural community in Rio Dulce, Guatemala Work in a long-established NGO in Guatemala for the design of an improved sanitation system of a rural community. The main aim of the project is the improvement of the living conditions of the local Maya Q'eqchi population. Preparation of technical and economical study, including detailed drawings. Participation in the technical assessment and resolution of water related issues in the area (water filtration, etc), as well as in hygiene education. Teaching of environmental education in the final year of high-school and assisting in the preparation of last year projects related to water supply and sanitation. |
WS Atkins (Epsom, United Kingdom)
Position: Consultant - Engineering Hydrologist
Date from - Date to | Description |
01/2002 – 12/2004 |
3 years experience in a major UK consultancy working as an engineering hydrologist. During employment worked on a wide range of different projects for UK water companies and the Environment Agency, as well as for overseas projects mainly focusing in the following areas: Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modelling, Water Resource Planning/Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment, Climate Change studies, Impact of Abstractions, Flood modelling/mapping, Environmental Impact Assessment, Risk Analysis for Water Resources, Statistical Analysis, Field work (river gauging, pumping tests, groundwater level monitoring). Key projects include the following: |
2004 |
Water Resources Plan, Sutton & East Surrey Water, UK Hydrologist assessing the impacts of climate change (UKCIP02 scenarios) on the demand and supply side of Sutton & East Surrey Water for PR04. The assessment on the supply side focused on the Water Company’s groundwater sources and the work involved the application of a simple recharge model for the simulation of groundwater levels. The study was carried out in accordance with the best practice guidance produced by the Environment Agency and OFWAT. |
2004 |
Water Resources Plan, Bournemouth & West Hampshire Water, UK Hydrologist assessing the impacts of climate change (UKCIP02 scenarios) on the supply side of Bournemouth & West Hampshire Water for PR04. The assessment was carried out for three surface water sources and the work involved the review and analysis of hydrologic data, the generation of naturalised flow series and the application of the CL-04 methodology. The study was carried out in accordance with the best practice guidance produced by the Environment Agency and OFWAT. |
2003 |
Analysis of the risks and uncertainty associated with the demand forecast for PR04, Thames Water, UK Developing methods for incorporating uncertainties related to climate, social and economic change in forecasts for the demand for water. Consultant responsible for the development of a spreadsheet tool linked with the risk analysis software @Risk that produces high and low demand forecasts. Also provided guidance to the TW team on the development of TW sub-models (pcc, leakage, peak) and responsible for creating a link between them and the demand uncertainty spreadsheet tool. The work involved working closely with the Thames Water PR04 team by organising software training for Thames Water and workshops. |
2003-2004 |
AMP3 Impact of abstractions – Conservation sites, Anglian Water, UK Investigations into the impact of a number of Anglian Water’s public water supply groundwater abstractions on twelve conservation sites including Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). Investigations entailed both empirical and numerical methods. Responsibilities included installation and instrumentation of an extensive hydrological monitoring network, intensive long-term groundwater level monitoring and analysis and test pumping. Hydrologist also responsible for undertaking multilevel statistical modelling based on vegetation monitoring data at three SSI’s using the multilevel modelling software MLwiN. |
2003 |
Dumfries and Galloway water resource modelling, Scottish Water, UK Rainfall-runoff modelling and water resources modelling with the HYSIM – AQUATOR package in order to estimate deployable output and inform investment decisions for four water supply areas in West Dumfries. In total 18 small upland catchments were modelled with HYSIM and AQUATOR models were developed for four sub-areas. |
2003 |
Hydrology consultancy support, Environment Agency – Southern Region, UK Support to the Environment Agency in order in order to address climate change impacts in various hydrologic issues. Estimation of changes in PET based on the UKCIP02 climate change scenarios and provision of general guidance and tools for incorporating climate change. |
2002 |
June Returns 2001 to OFWAT for UK water companies, Drinking Water Inspectorate (secondment) 2-month secondment at DWI (Drinking Water Inspectorate) for the preparation and assessment of the annual information on the UK water companies for OFWAT, the regulating authority for the UK water & wastewater industry. |
2002 |
Azadegan oilfield project, IHS Energy Group, Iran Hydrologist participating in the assessment and quantification of flood risks of the rivers Karun, Karkheh and Tigris for the pipeline routing and well/facility locations in the Azadegan Oil Field in Iran. Work involved the collection and reviewing of hydrologic and satellite imagery data, processing of hydrologic data and probability analysis in order to obtain an understanding of the hydrological regime of the Hor Al Azim marshes, essential for the oilfield infrastructure. |
2002 |
East Stour Village, Cheeseman’s Green – PPG25 Flood Risk Assessment, UK Engineering Hydrologist participating in the assessment of flood risks on the East Stour and Ruckinge Dyke associated with the proposed East Stour Village new development. Work involved the interim estimate of the 1 in 100 year floodplain of the two rivers based on analysis of the available topographic and river cross-section data, flood history and calculations of the capacity of the river channel. |
2002 |
Southern Region climate study, Environment Agency, UK Hydrologist responsible for the assessment of the impacts of climate change on groundwater levels in the Southern Region of England. Work involved the development, application and calibration of a simple recharge model that simulates groundwater levels. The potential impacts of climate change were assessed using the UK Climate Impact Programme (UKCIP) climate change scenarios. The study also involved the investigation of trends in the rainfall time-series. Appropriate statistical tests were applied in long-term rainfall datasets at selected locations in Kent, Hampshire and Sussex for the detection of monotonic trends. |
2002 |
Strategic Link Main, Bournemouth & West Hampshire Water, UK Environmental impact assessment for the construction of a 6km emergency water supply pipeline that will link two Water Resource Zones. Engineering Hydrologist involved in developing an understanding of the hydrologic regime of the particular area and assessing the effects on the hydrology of the proposed pipeline. A combined field and desk-based approach was employed. |
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, Athens)
Position: Research Assistant
Date from - Date to | Description |
09/1999-09/2000 | Participated in the research work for a project that aimed to quantify the pollution input into the Greater Athens Area Water Supply Network. Research was based on a methodology developed during Diploma Thesis focusing on catchment modelling coupled with GIS technologies. It provided an input into the legal and regulatory framework of EYDAP, as well as a basis for the reduction of non-point source pollution of the Athens water supply system. |