A. Efstratiadis, Investigation of global optimum seeking methods in water resources problems, MSc thesis, 139 pages, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering – National Technical University of Athens, Athens, May 2001.
The methods for determining the global optimum of nonlinear functions without constraints are investigated. Initially, the global optimisation problem is posed, which was first remedied using classical analytical mathematics and subsequently using deterministic numerical techniques. In the next chapter, a detailed literature review of modern approaches for the global optimisation problem is done. Next, an original optimisation scheme, named evolutionary annealing-simplex algorithm, is presented, which was developed within the framework of this thesis. This algorithm incorporates in an efficient manner the principles of simulated annealing into the well-known downhill simplex method, applying some heuristic strategies in order to escape from local optima. The following two chapters are referred to the evaluation of the major global optimisation methodologies on the basis of theoretical as well as real-world problems, taken from the water resources field. Through the analysis it was proved that the shuffled complex evolution, which is a recent and well-established method, as well as the evolutionary annealing-simplex algorithm, had the best performance, both in terms of accuracy in locating the global optimum and convergence speed. The thesis concludes with a summary of most important points and a list of some proposals for further improvement of the evolutionary annealing-simplex algorithm.
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