M. Papatheodosiou, and D. Christodoulou, Effects of forest fires on hydrology and erosion: The case of Parnes Mt, Greece, Diploma thesis, 312 pages, Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering – National Technical University of Athens, Athens, 2009.
This study deals with forest fires and their effects on ecosystems, as well as with the erosion that takes place at burned forest regions. Initially there is a general description of the factors that affect forest wildfires and a quick review on wildfires that took place in Hellenic areas. Afterwards there is an analysis of the erosion process, its different kinds and the factors that contribute to this procedure. Then there is a registration of the negative influences of forest fires on physical, chemical and biological properties of soil system. Then there is a presentation of the negative effects of wildfire on the watershed condition and on the hydrological circle and its parameters, such as evapotranspiration, infiltration and runoff. A significant part of this study deals with the way that fire affects the soil erosion rate, and the main erosion control treatments that has been applied around the world. There is also a presentation of comparative studies about these treatments, such as mulching, log erosion barriers and seeding. In the end there is a description of the present condition of the burned areas on mountain Parnitha, and the erosion control interventions that were applied, while there is a presentation of the results of laboratorial analysis of soil samples. These samples were submitted in particle size distribution measurements, after the estimation of the organic matter. These results were used to attempt to evaluate the success of interventions, that were applied in Hellenic burned areas and especially on mountain Parnitha.