A flood inundation modelling approach for urban and rural areas in lake and large-scale river basins

G. Papaioannou, L. Vasiliades, A. Loukas, A. Alamanos, A. Efstratiadis, A. Koukouvinos, I. Tsoukalas, and P. Kossieris, A flood inundation modelling approach for urban and rural areas in lake and large-scale river basins, Water, 13 (9), 1264, doi:10.3390/w13091264, 2021.



Fluvial floods are one of the primary natural hazards to our society, and the associated flood risk should always be evaluated for present and future conditions. The European Union’s Floods Directive highlights the importance of flood mapping as a key-stage for detecting vulnerable areas, assessing floods’ impacts, and identifying damages and compensation plans. The implementation of the E.U. Flood Directive in Greece is challenging, because of its geophysical and climatic variability and diverse hydrologic and hydraulic conditions. This study addresses this challenge by modelling of design rainfall at sub-watershed level and subsequent estimation of flood design hydrographs using the NRCS Unit Hydrograph Procedure. HEC-RAS 2D model is used for flood routing, estimation of flood attributes (i.e., water depths and flow velocities) and mapping of inundated areas. The modelling approach has been applied at two complex and ungauged representative basins: Lake Pamvotida basin located in the Epirus Region of the wet western Greece and Pinios River basin located in Thessaly Region of the drier central Greece, a basin with a complex dendritic hydrographic system, expanding to more than 1188 river-km. The proposed modelling approach aims to better estimation and mapping of flood inundation areas including relative uncertainties and providing guidance to professionals and academics.

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See also: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/13/9/1264

Our works referenced by this work:

1. A. Efstratiadis, A. D. Koussis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, Flood design recipes vs. reality: can predictions for ungauged basins be trusted?, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 1417–1428, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-1417-2014, 2014.
2. P. Dimitriadis, A. Tegos, A. Oikonomou, V. Pagana, A. Koukouvinos, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and A. Efstratiadis, Comparative evaluation of 1D and quasi-2D hydraulic models based on benchmark and real-world applications for uncertainty assessment in flood mapping, Journal of Hydrology, 534, 478–492, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.01.020, 2016.
3. E. Michailidi, S. Antoniadi, A. Koukouvinos, B. Bacchi, and A. Efstratiadis, Timing the time of concentration: shedding light on a paradox, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63 (5), 721–740, doi:10.1080/02626667.2018.1450985, 2018.
4. G. Papaioannou, A. Efstratiadis, L. Vasiliades, A. Loukas, S.M. Papalexiou, A. Koukouvinos, I. Tsoukalas, and P. Kossieris, An operational method for Floods Directive implementation in ungauged urban areas, Hydrology, 5 (2), 24, doi:10.3390/hydrology5020024, 2018.

Our works that reference this work:

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2. P. Dimas, G.-K. Sakki, P. Kossieris, I. Tsoukalas, A. Efstratiadis, C. Makropoulos, N. Mamassis, and K. Pipili, Outlining a master plan framework for the design and assessment of flood mitigation infrastructures across large-scale watersheds, 12th World Congress on Water Resources and Environment (EWRA 2023) “Managing Water-Energy-Land-Food under Climatic, Environmental and Social Instability”, 75–76, European Water Resources Association, Thessaloniki, 2023.
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Tagged under: Floods, Hydraulic models, Hydrological models