P. Kossieris, C. Makropoulos, E. Creaco, L. Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, and D. Savic, Assessing the applicability of the Bartlett-Lewis model in simulating residential water demands, Procedia Engineering, 154, 123–131, 2016.
Το πλήρες κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στο δίκτυο του ΕΜΠ λόγω νομικών περιορισμών
Βλέπε επίσης: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.429
Εργασίες μας που αναφέρονται σ' αυτή την εργασία:
1. | P. Kossieris, and C. Makropoulos, Exploring the statistical and distributional properties of residential water demand at fine time scales, Water, 10 (10), 1481, doi:10.3390/w10101481, 2018. |
2. | P. Kossieris, I. Tsoukalas, C. Makropoulos, and D. Savic, Simulating marginal and dependence behaviour of water demand processes at any fine time scale, Water, 11 (5), 885, doi:10.3390/w11050885, 2019. |
3. | I. Koutiva, and C. Makropoulos, Exploring the effects of alternative water demand management strategies using an agent-based model, Water, 11 (11), 2216, doi:10.3390/w11112216, 2019. |
4. | P. Kossieris, I. Tsoukalas, A. Efstratiadis, and C. Makropoulos, Generic framework for downscaling statistical quantities at fine time-scales and its perspectives towards cost-effective enrichment of water demand records, Water, 13 (23), 3429, doi:10.3390/w13233429, 2021. |
Άλλες εργασίες που αναφέρονται σ' αυτή την εργασία (αυτός ο κατάλογος μπορεί να μην είναι ενημερωμένος):
1. | Onof, C., and L.-P. Wang, Modelling rainfall with a Bartlett–Lewis process: New developments, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, doi:10.5194/hess-2019-406, 2019. |
Κατηγορίες: Μοντέλα βροχής, Αστικό νερό