G.-K. Sakki, A. Castelletti, C. Makropoulos, and A. Efstratiadis, Unwrapping the triptych of climatic, social and energy-market uncertainties in the operation of multipurpose hydropower reservoirs, Journal of Hydrology, 628, 132416, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132416, 2025.
[Ξετυλίγοντας το τρίπτυχο των αβεβαιοτήτων του κλίματος, των κοινωνιών και των ενεργειακών αγορών στη λειτουργία των υδροηλεκτρικών ταμιευτήρων πολλαπλού σκοπού]
Το πλήρες κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στο δίκτυο του ΕΜΠ λόγω νομικών περιορισμών
Εργασίες μας στις οποίες αναφέρεται αυτή η εργασία:
1. | A. Christofides, A. Efstratiadis, D. Koutsoyiannis, G.-F. Sargentis, and K. Hadjibiros, Resolving conflicting objectives in the management of the Plastiras Lake: can we quantify beauty?, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9 (5), 507–515, doi:10.5194/hess-9-507-2005, 2005. |
2. | A. Efstratiadis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, One decade of multiobjective calibration approaches in hydrological modelling: a review, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55 (1), 58–78, doi:10.1080/02626660903526292, 2010. |
3. | D. Koutsoyiannis, Hurst-Kolmogorov dynamics and uncertainty, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47 (3), 481–495, doi:10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00543.x, 2011. |
4. | A. Efstratiadis, and K. Hadjibiros, Can an environment-friendly management policy improve the overall performance of an artificial lake? Analysis of a multipurpose dam in Greece, Environmental Science and Policy, 14 (8), 1151–1162, doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2011.06.001, 2011. |
5. | A. Efstratiadis, I. Nalbantis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Hydrological modelling of temporally-varying catchments: Facets of change and the value of information, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60 (7-8), 1438–1461, doi:10.1080/02626667.2014.982123, 2015. |
6. | I. Tsoukalas, A. Efstratiadis, and C. Makropoulos, Building a puzzle to solve a riddle: A multi-scale disaggregation approach for multivariate stochastic processes with any marginal distribution and correlation structure, Journal of Hydrology, 575, 354–380, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.05.017, 2019. |
7. | I. Tsoukalas, P. Kossieris, and C. Makropoulos, Simulation of non-Gaussian correlated random variables, stochastic processes and random fields: Introducing the anySim R-Package for environmental applications and beyond, Water, 12 (6), 1645, doi:10.3390/w12061645, 2020. |
8. | A. Efstratiadis, I. Tsoukalas, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Generalized storage-reliability-yield framework for hydroelectric reservoirs, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66 (4), 580–599, doi:10.1080/02626667.2021.1886299, 2021. |
9. | G.-K. Sakki, I. Tsoukalas, and A. Efstratiadis, A reverse engineering approach across small hydropower plants: a hidden treasure of hydrological data?, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 67 (1), 94–106, doi:10.1080/02626667.2021.2000992, 2022. |
10. | G.-K. Sakki, I. Tsoukalas, P. Kossieris, C. Makropoulos, and A. Efstratiadis, Stochastic simulation-optimisation framework for the design and assessment of renewable energy systems under uncertainty, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 168, 112886, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2022.112886, 2022. |
11. | P.E. O’Connell, G. O’Donnell, and D. Koutsoyiannis, On the spatial scale dependence of long-term persistence in global annual precipitation data and the Hurst Phenomenon, Water Resources Research, 59 (4), e2022WR033133, doi:10.1029/2022WR033133, 2023. |
12. | A. Efstratiadis, and G.-K. Sakki, The water-energy nexus as sociotechnical system under uncertainty, Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management, edited by P. Kountouri and A. Alamanos, Chapter 64, 279–283, doi:10.4337/9781802202946.00071, 2024. |
13. | A. Efstratiadis, and G.-K. Sakki, Driving energy systems with synthetic electricity prices, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-3165, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3165, 2024. |
Κατηγορίες: Υδροσυστήματα, Αβεβαιότητα, Νερό και ενέργεια