Professor, Surveying Engineer, Dr. Engineer
Open Hydrosystem Information Network (
Duration: January 2018–December 2020
Budget: €320 000
Commissioned by: Special Secretary of ERDF & CF
Contractor: Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Project director: N. Mamassis
Principal investigator: A. Efstratiadis is sub-project of the national research infrastructure “Hellenic Integrated Marine and Inland Water Resources Observing, Forecasting and Offshore Technology Systems” (HIMIOFoTS). Its objective is the design of an integrated e-infrastructure for collection, management and dissemination of hydrological and environmental information for the surface water resources of Greece, and the coordination of sub-projects that are involved in the development and initial operation of the system. The sub-project comprises the recording and evaluation of the existing infrastructures of the country (monitoring networks, databases), the analysis of specifications and assessment of the information system, the organization and processing of geographical data with respect to surface water bodies and hydrosystems of Greece, and their implementation within OpenHi. The system design will foresee the incorporation of all related infrastructure of the country, in a forthcoming phase, in order to provide free access to all hydrological, environmental and geographical data of surface water resources of Greece.
Project web-page:
Exploration of Hadrian aqueduct of Athens and recording of current state of specific underground parts
Duration: September 2017–April 2019
Budget: €14 950
Commissioned by: Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP)
Contractor: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Project director: N. Mamassis
Principal investigator: N. Mamassis
Maintenance, upgrading and extension of the Decision Support System for the management of the Athens water resource system
Duration: October 2008–November 2011
Budget: €72 000
Project director: N. Mamassis
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
This research project includes the maintenance, upgrading and extension of the Decision Support System that developed by NTUA for EYDAP in the framework of the research project “Updating of the supervision and management of the water resources’ system for the water supply of the Athens’ metropolitan area”. The project is consisted of the following parts: (a) Upgrading of the Data Base, (b)Upgrading and extension of hydrometeorological network, (c) upgrading of the hydrometeorological data process software, (d) upgrading and extension of the Hydronomeas software, (e) hydrological data analysis and (f) support to the preparation of the annual master plans
Development of Database and software applications in a web platform for the "National Databank for Hydrological and Meteorological Information"
Duration: December 2009–May 2011
Budget: €140 000
Commissioned by: Hydroscope Systems Consortium
Contractor: Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Project director: N. Mamassis
Principal investigator: N. Mamassis
The Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works assigned to a consortium of consultancy companies the Project "Development of a new software platform for the management and operation of the National Databank for Hydrologic and Meteorological Information - 3rd Phase within a GIS environment and relevant dissemination actions". In the framework of the specific project a research team of NTUA undertakes a part as subcontractor. NTUA delivers methodologies for further development of the databases and applications of the Databank and their migration into a web platform (including the experimental node for free data storage for the public). Specifically, using the knowhow that has been developed in the past by Research Teams from the Department of Water Resources of the School of Civil Engineering a database system and software applications (included hydrological models) are created fully adapted for operation over the Internet. NTUA's contribution is primarily on the design of the new system and the hydrological and geographical database the development of distibuted hydological models, the adaptation of the system to the WFD 2000/60/EC and on supporting dissemination activities. Finally NTUA will participate in the technical support and pilot operation of the project after its delivery from the consortium to the Ministry.
More information is available at
Development of a Geographical Information System and an Internet application for the supervision of Kephisos protected areas
Duration: April 2008–March 2009
Budget: €30 000
Contractor: Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Project director: N. Mamassis
Principal investigator: N. Mamassis
The main purpose of the system is the supervision of the protected areas in Kephisos river basin. Using the applications that will be developed, the staff of Kephisos Institution will achieve the real time recording of various activities that are built up inside the limits of protection belts. Specifically, three main applications will be developed: (a) A Geographical Information System (GIS) (b) An General Positioning System Application (GPS) (c) An Internet application
Development of computational infrastructure for the hydrodynamic simulation of the hydrosystem downstream of Asomata Dam
Duration: February 2024–May 2024
Budget: €29 500
Commissioned by: Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Contractor: Hydroelectric Power Plants Operation Department
Project director: A. Efstratiadis
Principal investigator: N. Mamassis
The project aims at the development of a suitable computational infrastructure for the hydrodynamic simulation of the hydrosystem downstream of Asomata Dam, in Aliakmonas River. This will be applied for various outflow scenarios through the hydroelectric plant and the dam spillway, which will be the upstream boundary of the study area, extending over about 2800 km2, of which approximately 2200 km2 are occupied by the catchment of the so-called Peripheral Trench (T66). The final product will be a computer system for one-dimensional analysis, in a HEC-RAS environment, and the associated data infrastructure, as backgrounds for the hydrodynamic simulation and, eventually, flood risk assessment across the vulnerable areas downstream of Asomata dam.
Combined REnewable Systems for Sustainable ENergy DevelOpment (CRESSENDO)
Duration: February 2014–July 2015
Budget: €315 000
Commissioned by: General Secretariat of Research and Technology
Contractor: Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: N. Mamassis
Programme: Αριστεία ΙΙ
The project's objective is to develop a holistic framework for optimal planning and management of large-scale hybrid renewable energy systems, in which hydropower plays the dominant role. The scale refers to both the size of energy units and their spatial extent, and is of major importance, as efficiency increases with scale, while uncertainty decreases. Outcomes of the research include a coherent stochastic-entropic theory for uncertainty assessment of the processes that are related to energy production (wind velocity, solar radiation, streamflow), and a parameterization-simulation-optimization scheme inspired from established system-based approaches for supporting optimal decision-making in complex water management problems. The whole framework is integrated within a decision support system (DSS), in which several software tools are integrated . The methodology and the DSS are tested at a large region that covers 12% of Greece, characterized by substantial hydropower potential. The study area is viewed as a closed and energy-autonomous system, in order to investigate the perspectives of sustainable development at a regional scale, using exclusively renewable energy sources. Following the principle of openness, we provide free accessibility to data, methods and tools, through a broad range of dissemination activities.
DEUCALION – Assessment of flood flows in Greece under conditions of hydroclimatic variability: Development of physically-established conceptual-probabilistic framework and computational tools
Duration: March 2011–March 2014
Budget: €145 000
Commissioned by: General Secretariat of Research and Technology
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: N. Mamassis
Programme: ΕΣΠΑ "Συνεργασία"
The project aims to develop a set of physically-based methodologies associated with modelling and forecasting of extreme rainfall events and the subsequent flood events, and adapted to the peculiarities of the hydroclimatic and geomorphological conditions of Greece. It includes the implementation of a set of research river basins that comprises a number of gauged basins in Greece and Cyprus with reliable measurements of adequate length, as well as three new experimental basins (with their sub-basins), which will be equipped with the necessary infrastructure. From the field data analysis (hydrological, meteorological, geographical) physically-established regional models will be devoloped for the estimation of characteristic hydrological design quantities, along with hydrological-hydraulic models, which will be integrated within an operational system for hydrometeorological forecasting. A framework of design criteria and methodologies (in a draft form for discussion) will be prepared for the elaboration of hydrological studies for flood-prevention works.
Project web-page:
Investigation of management scenarios for the Smokovo reservoir
Duration: November 2005–December 2006
Budget: €60 000
Commissioned by: Special Directorate for the Management of Corporate Programs of Thessaly
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: N. Mamassis
Programme: Επιχειρησιακά Σχέδια Διαχείρισης Δικτύων Σμοκόβου
Cost of raw water of the water supply of Athens
Duration: June 2010–December 2010
Budget: €110 000
Commissioned by: Fixed Assets Company EYDAP
Contractor: Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Project director: C. Makropoulos
EU COST Action C22: Urban Flood Management
Duration: June 2005–December 2007
Project director: C. Zevenbergen
The primary objective is to increase knowledge required for prevention and mitigation of potential flood impacts to urban areas by exchanging experiences, developing integrated approaches, and by promoting the diffusion of best practices in Urban Flood Management. Secondary objectives are to develop holistic approaches in Urban Flood Management, to initiate R&D projects for the EU 7th Framework programme, to stimulate national R&D activities and to increase awareness of the importance of flood management. The action includes three phases: (1) inventory (state-of-the-art relevant aspects of UFM), (2) analysis and integration (best practices and knowledge gaps), and (3) dissimination and consolidation. The action involves four working groups: (1) models and tools to assess flood probability and measures to reduce probability, (2) models and tools to assess impact of flooding to decrease vulnerability, (3) flood recovery methods and methods of damage compensation, and (4) non-technical measures and techniques to decrease vulnerability.
Integrated Management of Hydrosystems in Conjunction with an Advanced Information System (ODYSSEUS)
Duration: July 2003–June 2006
Budget: €779 656
Commissioned by: General Secretariat of Research and Technology
Contractor: NAMA
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: A. Andreadakis
Programme: ΕΠΑΝ, Φυσικό Περιβάλλον και Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη
The project aims at providing support to decision-making processes within the direction of integrated management of water resource systems at a variety of scales. Several methodologies and computing tools are developed, which are incorporated into an integrated information system. The main deliverable is an operational software package of general use, which is evaluated and tested on two pilot case studies, concerning hydrosystems in Greece with varying characteristics (Karditsa, Dodecanesus). The end-product of the project is a software system for simulation and optimisation of hydrosystem operation, as well as a series of separate software applications for solving specific problems, aiming at producing input data to the central system or post-processing of the results. The project includes eleven work packages, eight for basic research, two for industrial research and one for the pilot applications.
Modernisation of the supervision and management of the water resource system of Athens
Duration: March 1999–December 2003
Commissioned by: Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Athens
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
Due to the dry climate of the surrounding region, Athens has suffered from frequent water shortages during its long history but now has acquired a reliable system for water supply. This extensive and complex water resource system extends over an area of around 4000 km2 and includes surface water and groundwater resources. It incorporates four reservoirs, 350 km of main aqueducts, 15 pumping stations and more than 100 boreholes. The water resource system also supplies secondary uses such as irrigation and water supply of nearby towns. The Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP) that runs the system commissioned this project, which comprises: (a) development of a geographical information system for the representation and supervision of the external water supply system; (b) development of a measurement system for the water resources of Athens; (c) development of a system for the estimation and prediction of the water resource system of Athens utilising stochastic models; (d) development of a decision support system for the integrated management of water resource system of Athens using simulation-optimisation methodologies; and (e) cooperation and transfer of knowledge between NTUA and EYDAP.
Products: 17 reports; 14 publications
Classification of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the water resources of Greece - Phases 1 and 2
Duration: February 1996–April 2003
Budget: €216 000
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water and Natural Resources
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigators: A. Andreadakis, D. Mamais
The scope of the project is the classification of the existing information related to water quantity and quality in the water districts of Greece, using geographical information systems. The project part related to water quantity aims at the development of a methodology for establishing a water balance between supply and demand and extracting the most important summary characteristics that are then entered into a geographical information system. The methodology is applied at a water district scale, using information based on existing studies. The project part related to water quality aims at the characterisation of the rivers, lakes and aquifers based on the water quality characteristics, and the water uses and requirements. The characterisation is based on the classification of critical quantity parameters that have been measured and includes the use of a geographical information system. The project was elaborated in two phases. The first phase was implemented in 1996, and its objective was the development of methodologies, the analysis of the 10 water districts and their relationships and the creation of maps. In collaboration with other authorities (Ministry of Development, Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploitation, Centre for Research and Planning), the institutional and administrative status, the international environment and the water policies, were investigated. Finally a first approach towards the integrated management of the water resources of the country was attempted. The second phase was implemented in 2002-2003, and aims at the completion of the study, by incorporating the 4 remaining water districts, a more analytical approach regarding the water management at a country scale and the update of results of the first phase.
Investigation of scenarios for the management and protection of the quality of the Plastiras Lake
Duration: May 2001–January 2002
Commissioned by:
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: K. Hadjibiros
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
To protect the Plastiras Lake, a high quality of the natural landscape and a satisfactory water quality must be ensured, the conflicting water uses and demands must be arranged and effective water management practices must be established. To this aim, the hydrology of the catchment is investigated, the geographical, meteorological and water power data are collected and processed, the water balance is studied and a stochastic model is constructed to support the study of alternative management scenarios. In addition, an analysis of the natural landscape is performed and the negative influences (e.g. dead tries) are determined and quantified using GIS. Furthermore, the water quality parameters are evaluated, the water quality state is assessed, the quantitative targets are determined, the pollution sources are identified and measures for the reduction of pollution are studied using a hydrodynamic model with emphasis on the nutrient status. Based on the results of these analyses, scenarios of safe water release are suggested.
Assessment of sediment generation in Thriasio
Duration: January 2001–December 2001
Contractor: School of Civil Engineering
Project director: P. Marinos
Appraisal of river sediment deposits in reservoirs of hydropower dams
Duration: February 1998–October 2001
Commissioned by:
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
The objective of this research project is the estimation of the sediment deposits in reservoirs of hydropower dams. Specifically, an estimation of the volume of deposits in one of the reservoirs of the Public Power Corporation (the Kremasta Reservoir) is done using hydrographic methods. The estimation is used as a basis to calibrate a mathematical model of sediment discharge, which accounts for the processes involved such as soil erosion, sediment transport and deposition.
National databank for hydrological and meteorological information - Hydroscope 2000
Duration: January 1997–December 2000
Commissioned by: Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: M. Mimikou
Principal investigators: D. Koutsoyiannis, M. Mimikou
Evaluation of Management of the Water Resources of Sterea Hellas - Phase 3
Duration: November 1996–December 2000
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water Supply and Sewage
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
The main objectives of the research project are the evaluation and management of the water resources, both surface and subsurface, of the Sterea Hellas region, and the systematic study of all parameters related to the rational development and management of the water resources of this region. Another objective of the project, considered as an infrastructure work, is the development of software for the hydrological, hydrogeological and operational simulation of the combined catchments of the study area. The development of the software and, at the same time, the development of methodologies suitable for the Greek conditions will assist in decision-making concerning the water resources management of Sterea Hellas and of other Greek regions. The project also aims at the improving of the cooperation between the National Technical University of Athens and the Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works. This is considered as a necessary condition for the continuous updating of the project results as well as for the rational analysis of the water resource problems of the Sterea Hellas region. The specific themes of Phase 3 are: (a) the completion of the information systems of the previous phases, which concerned hydrological and hydrogeological information, by including two additional levels of information related to the water uses and the water resources development works; (b) the development of methodologies for optimising the hydrosystems operation and the construction of integrated simulation and optimisation models for the two major hydrosystems of the study area (Western and Eastern Sterea Hellas); and (c) the integration of all computer systems (databases, geographical information systems, application models) into a unified system with collaborating components.
Evaluation of Management of the Water Resources of Sterea Hellas - Phases 1, 2, 3
Duration: December 1990–December 2000
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water Supply and Sewage
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project directors: D. Koutsoyiannis, Th. Xanthopoulos
Principal investigators: P. Marinos, I. Nalbantis
The main objectives of the research project are the evaluation and management of the water resources, both surface and subsurface, of the Sterea Hellas region, and the systematic study of all parameters related to the rational development and management of the water resources of this region. Another objective of the project, considered as an infrastructure work, is the development of software for the hydrological, hydrogeological and operational simulation of the combined catchments of the study area. The development of the software and, at the same time, the development of methodologies suitable for the Greek conditions will assist in decision-making concerning the water resources management of Sterea Hellas and of other Greek regions. The project also aims at the improving of the cooperation between the National Technical University of Athens and the Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works. This is considered as a necessary condition for the continuous updating of the project results as well as for the rational analysis of the water resource problems of the Sterea Hellas region. The whole project is implemented in three phases. The objective of Phase 1 (December 1990 - November 1992) is the collection and the organising of the surface water data and the development of hydrological simulation programs. The themes of Phase 2 (November 1993 - October 1995) are: (a) the conversion of the databases of the previous phase into the new computer environment based on Unix and Windows workstations; (b) the conversion of the computer programs for statistical processing of hydrologic data into the new computer environment; (c) the development of software for hydrologic data processing and the processing of the Sterea Hellas data; (d) the development of a geographical information system for hydrological and hydrogeological information; (e) the review of existing studies regarding water uses; (f) the collection, evaluation and organising of hydrogeological data; and (g) the hydrogeological study of selected watersheds. Finally, the themes of Phase 3 (November 1996 - December 2000) are: (a) the completion of the information systems of the previous phases, which concerned hydrological and hydrogeological information, by including two additional levels of information related to the water uses and the water resources development works; (b) the development of methodologies for optimising the hydrosystems operation and the construction of integrated simulation and optimisation models for the two major hydrosystems of the study area (Western and Eastern Sterea Hellas); and (c) the integration of all computer systems (databases, geographical information systems, application models) into a unified system with collaborating components.
Systematisation of the raw data archive of surface and subsurface waters of the Ministry of Agriculture in Thessalia
Duration: February 1997–January 1999
Commissioned by: Department of Hydrogeology, Boreholes and Mathematical Models
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: I. Nalbantis
The project aims at the modernisation of the archive of surface and subsurface water related data of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Thessalia region (mainly data on quantities of the drafts from both surface waters and groundwater pumped from public or private boreholes). It also includes the data organisation into a geographical information system and the data evaluation and processing, from which the evapotranspiration of the area is estimated using semi-empirical methods.
Classification of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the water resources of Greece using geographical information systems
Duration: February 1996–September 1996
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water and Natural Resources
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: A. Andreadakis
The project part related to water quantity aims at the development of a methodology for establishing a water balance between supply and demand and extracting the most important summary characteristics that are then entered into a geographical information system. The methodology is applied to characteristic areas (water districts) of Greece with adequacy of information (based on existing studies). The project part related to water quality aims at the characterisation of the rivers, lakes and aquifers based on the water quality characteristics, and the water uses and requirements. The characterisation is based on the classification of critical quantity parameters that have been measured and includes the use of a geographical information system.
Hydroscope II - Creation of a National Databank for Hydrological and Meteorological Information
Duration: April 1993–September 1995
Commissioned by:
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
This project is complementary to the major Hydroscope project. Its objectives are the purchase of computational infrastructure and the pilot data entry into the databank that is developed in the framework of the major project. The data entered provides a means for testing of the operation of the distributed database and the wide area network, and the operational use of the related infrastructure.
Integrated management of the riparian ecosystem of the Sperhios river
Duration: January 1995–May 1995
Commissioned by: European Union
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: M. Bonazountas
Programme: LIFE
AFORISM: A comprehensive forecasting system for flood risk mitigation and control
Duration: June 1991–May 1994
Budget: 17 300 000 DRS (about €83 900)
Commissioned by: DGXII / FP6-SUSTDEV-2005-3.II.1.2
Contractor: University of Bologna
Project director: Th. Xanthopoulos
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
Programme: EPOCH
The aim of this project is the development of a comprehensive flood forecasting system and the study of alternative management policies intending to flood risk mitigation. The Greek research team contributes to AFORISM in the following tasks: (a) the analysis of intense rainfall events and their classification by weather type as well as the modelling of intense rainfall and the production of alternative hyetographs of temporal evolution of rainfall; (b) the comparison of the alternative rainfall-runoff models, using multiple time steps in modelling rainfall-runoff and applying it to Greek hydrological basins. The contribution of the other research teams deal with: (a) the forecasting of spatial-temporal evolution of rainfall using limited area models; (b) the development of optimisation models in order to mitigate flood risks; (c) the development of an expert system for flood management; (d) the development of a geographical information system for visualisation of the evaluation of flood and its consequences; and (e) the integration of the forecast and control system in the Reno basin (Italy).
Hydroscope: Creation of a National Databank for Hydrological and Meteorological Information
Duration: January 1992–December 1993
Budget: 394 238 400 DRS (about €1 600 000)
Commissioned by:
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: D. Koutsoyiannis
Principal investigators: M. Aftias, D. Koutsoyiannis
Programme: STRIDE
The main objective of HYDROSCOPE is the creation of a modern information infrastructure for the hydrological cycle in Greece. Specifically, it aims at organising and systematising the hydrological, hydrogeological and meteorological information using the capacities that are provided by the modern methods and techniques of computer science and telecommunications. The database, which will be built, will contribute to the reliable programming, planning and management of the water resources of the country, the mitigation of phenomena like flood and drought, the evaluation of hydroclimatic parameters and their effects to the natural and biological environment, the diagnosis of climatic changes as well as the prediction and the control of the air pollution and the groundwater and surface water pollution. The development of a unified synergistic network, the information exchange and the co-ordination of the activities of the participating organisations, which are involved with the components of the hydrological cycle (Universities, Research Centres, Ministries and Services) as well as the reorganisation and standardisation of the hydrometeorological networks' function are considered as indirect but essential benefits. The programme includes: (a) hardware equipment, to install a network with 13 major nodes (RISC Workstations with Unix operation system) in Athens and Thessaloniki, local networks of PCs in each node, private high speed wide area network using routers and leased telephone lines, (b) infrastructure software, and specifically, distributed relational data base and graphic environment for applications' development, and (c) application software, and specifically, a distributed database system and applications concerning the input, the supervision and the processing of data in a graphic environment. This distributed database system provides firstly, the autonomy of each participant in managing data and secondly, a transparent, relatively to the data position, access. In addition, the project includes the locating of the available hydrological, hydrogeological and meteorological data that is maintained by the participants and the determination of the volume, the form and the reliability of measurements. Finally, a significant part of HYDROSCOPE deals with the development and the standardisation of methodologies regarding the processing as well as the pilot data entry of a part of the hydrological, hydrogeological and meteorological information aiming at the testing of the methodologies and systems.
A pilot study for the water resources management of the Epirus water district
Duration: September 1991–September 1993
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water and Natural Resources
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: Th. Xanthopoulos
Principal investigator: I. Nalbantis
The main objective is to obtain an insight of the interrelation of the water balance components of the Epirus water district. The methodology is based on an earlier project regarding the water resources of the Louros and Arachthos watersheds. The role of the research team of the National Technical University of Athens is to supervise the project and evaluate its results at each stage of the project.
Evaluation of Management of the Water Resources of Sterea Hellas - Phase 1
Duration: December 1990–November 1992
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water Supply and Sewage
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: Th. Xanthopoulos
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
The main objectives of the research project are the evaluation and management of the water resources, both surface and subsurface, of the Sterea Hellas region, and the systematic study of all parameters related to the rational development and management of the water resources of this region. Another objective of the project, considered as an infrastructure work, is the development of software for the hydrological, hydrogeological and operational simulation of the combined catchments of the study area. The development of the software and, at the same time, the development of methodologies suitable for the Greek conditions will assist in decision-making concerning the water resources management of Sterea Hellas and of other Greek regions. The project also aims at the improving of the cooperation between the National Technical University of Athens and the Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works. This is considered as a necessary condition for the continuous updating of the project results as well as for the rational analysis of the water resource problems of the Sterea Hellas region. The specific objective of Phase 1 is the collection and the organising of the surface water data and the development of hydrological simulation programs.
A pilot study for the management of the Louros and Arachthos watersheds
Duration: June 1989–April 1991
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water and Natural Resources
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: Th. Xanthopoulos
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
The objective of the pilot study is the combined management of the surface and subsurface water resources of the Louros and Arachthos watersheds. The main target is to obtain an insight of the interrelation of the relevant quantities, to draw conclusions regarding the management of water resources of the two catchments, and to locate the issues that will require further research. An additional objective is the development of a methodology for water resources planning and management, which can be applied to other watersheds or water districts in Greece.
Appraisal of existing potential for improving the water supply of greater Athens - Phase 2
Duration: May 1989–June 1990
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water Supply and Sewage
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: Th. Xanthopoulos
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
The project includes the following main components: (1) Processing and analysis of the available hydrometeorological data and estimation of the water potential of the Mornos, Evinos and Yliki watersheds. (2) Hydrologic design study of alternative reservoirs in the Evinos River basin combined with the operation of the Mornos reservoir. (3) Study for improving of the hydrometeorological measuring system at Mornos and Evinos watersheds. (4) Evaluation of the exploitable water potential of the Yliki Lake and the alternative rational ways of its management, both under the current conditions and future conditions, without or with the Evinos reservoir. (5) Development of methodologies and computer programs for the support of the rational scheduling of the water release from Yliki.
Appraisal of existing potential for improving the water supply of greater Athens - Phase 1
Duration: November 1987–February 1989
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water Supply and Sewage
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: Th. Xanthopoulos
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
This project aims at organising the hydrological information in the Mornos and Evinos watersheds, and more specifically, the collection, the evaluation, the archiving and the processing of hydrometeorological data of these basins. The project also deals with the estimation of the actual release capacity of the Mornos reservoir and the appraisal of the alternatives for improving it by diverting water from the Evinos River.
Hydrological investigation of the Thessalia water basin
Duration: July 1986–October 1988
Commissioned by: Division of Acheloos Diversion Works
Contractor: Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Project director: Th. Xanthopoulos
Principal investigator: D. Koutsoyiannis
The project aims at organising the hydrological information in the Thessalia water district, and more specifically, the collection, the evaluation, the archiving and the processing of hydrometeorological data of the district. The project also deals with the development of an appropriate hydrological infrastructure (criteria and hydrologic design parameters) to support the studies of the works for the development of the Thessalia Plain (irrigation projects, flood protection works and dams) also considering the planned diversion of the Acheloos River.
Σχέδιο Διαχείρισης Κινδύνων Πλημμύρας των Λεκανών Απορροής Ποταμών του Υδατικού Διαμερίσματος Ανατολικής Πελοποννήσου (GR03)
Commissioned by: Specific Secreteriat of Water
Contractor: ADT-OMEGA
Σχέδιο Διαχείρισης Κινδύνων Πλημμύρας των Λεκανών Απορροής Ποταμών του Υδατικού Διαμερίσματος Κρήτης (GR13)
Commissioned by: Specific Secreteriat of Water
Contractor: ADT-OMEGA
Παροχή Συμβουλευτικών Υπηρεσιών για την Κατάρτιση του 2ου Σχεδίου Διαχείρισης Λεκάνης Απορροής Ποταμού της Κύπρου για την Εφαρμογή της Οδηγίας 2000/60/ΕΚ και για την Κατάρτιση του Σχεδίου Διαχείρισης Κινδύνων Πλημμύρας για την Εφαρμογή της Οδηγίας 2007/60
Commissioned by: Depatment of Water Development of Cyprus
Contractor: LDK & ECOS
Σχέδιο Διαχείρισης Κινδύνων Πλημμύρας των Λεκανών Απορροής Ποταμών του Υδατικού Διαμερίσματος Δυτικής Πελοποννήσου (GR01)
Commissioned by: Specific Secreteriat of Water
Contractor: ADT-OMEGA
Σχέδιο Διαχείρισης Κινδύνων Πλημμύρας των Λεκανών Απορροής Ποταμών του Υδατικού Διαμερίσματος Βόρειας Πελοποννήσου (GR02)
Commissioned by: Specific Secreteriat of Water
Contractor: ADT-OMEGA
Investigation of the hydrographic network development in Mavro Vouno, Grammatiko, Attica, Greece
Duration: May 2012–June 2012
Budget: €15 000
Commissioned by: Perifereiako Tameio Anaptyxis Attikis
Water supply works from Gadouras dam - Phase B
Duration: July 2009–July 2010
Commissioned by: Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works
Contractor: Ydroexigiantiki
Study of the management of Kephisos
Duration: June 2009–April 2010
Commissioned by: General Secretariat of Public Works
Delineation of the Arachthos River bed in the town of Arta
Duration: January 2009–February 2010
Commissioned by: Municipality of Arta
Specific Technical Study for the Ecological Flow from the Dam of Stratos
Duration: January 2009–June 2009
Commissioned by: Public Power Corporation
Contractor: ECOS Consultants S.A.
Μελέτες Διερεύνησης Προβλημάτων Άρδευσης και Δυνατότητας Κατασκευής Ταμιευτήρων Νομού Βοιωτίας
Duration: January 2006–December 2006
Commissioned by: Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food
Contractor: ETME- Antoniou Peppas and Co.
Water resource management of the Integrated Tourist Development Area in Messenia
Duration: January 2003–December 2005
Commissioned by: TEMES - Tourist Enterprises of Messinia
Contractor: D. Argyropoulos
Technical consulting for the floods of Lower Acheloos and Edesseos
Duration: September 2004–June 2005
Budget: €21 000
Commissioned by: Public Power Corporation
Diversion of the Soulou Stream for the Development of Lignite Exploitations of the Public Power Corporation in the Mine of Southern Field of Region Kozani-Ptolemais
Duration: September 2004–October 2004
Budget: €3 000
Commissioned by: Public Power Corporation
Hydrological and hydraulic study for the flood protection of the new railway in the region of Sperhios river
Duration: October 2002–January 2003
Budget: €90 000
Commissioned by: ERGA OSE
Contractor: D. Soteropoulos
Collaborators: D. Koutsoyiannis
Engineering consultant for the project "Water supply of Heracleio and Agios Nicolaos from the Aposelemis dam"
Duration: October 2000–December 2002
Budget: €1 782 000
Commissioned by: Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works
Contractor: Aposelemis Joint Venture
Consultative service for the spring "Kephalovriso" in Kaloskope
Duration: May 2000–December 2001
Commissioned by: Association of Kaloskopi Parnassidas
Complementary study of environmental impacts from the diversion of Acheloos to Thessaly
Duration: December 2000–February 2001
Commissioned by: Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works
Contractor: Ydroexigiantiki
Collaborators: D. Koutsoyiannis
Estimation of losses from DXX canal in the irrigation network of Lower Acheloos
Duration: January 1999–December 1999
Commissioned by: Division of Land Reclamation Works
Contractor: NAMA
Concerted actions for the sector of environment in Santorine and Therasia islands
Duration: November 1998–December 1998
Commissioned by: Cohesion Fund EU
Engineering study of the hydraulic project of old and new river bed of Peneios in Larisa
Duration: January 1997–December 1997
Commissioned by: Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works
Water resources management of the Evinos river basin and hydrogeological study of the Evinos karstic system
Duration: January 1996–December 1996
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water Supply and Sewage
Integrated study of the environmental impacts from Acheloos diversion
Duration: September 1995–December 1995
Contractor: Directorate for Acheloos Diversion Works
Collaborators: Ydroexigiantiki
Engineering study for improving the water supply of Athens with the construction of a dam at the Evinos River
Duration: January 1991–December 1991
Commissioned by: Directorate of Water Supply and Sewage
G.-F. Sargentis, T. Iliopoulou, R. Ioannidis, M. Kougia, I. Benekos, P. Dimitriadis, A. Koukouvinos, D. Dimitrakopoulou, N. Mamassis, A. Tsouni, S. Sigourou, V. Pagana, C. Kontoes, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Technological Advances in Flood Risk Assessment and Related Operational Practices Since the 1970s: A Case Study in the Pikrodafni River of Attica, Water, 17(1) (112), doi:10.3390/w17010112, 2025.
As cities have expanded into floodplains, the need for their protection has become crucial, prompting the evolution of flood studies. Here, we describe the operational tools, methods and processes used in flood risk engineering studies in the 1970s, and we evaluate the technological progress up to the present day. To this aim, we reference relevant regulations and legislation and the recorded experiences of engineers who performed hydrological, surveying and hydraulic studies in the 1970s. These are compared with the operational framework of a contemporary flood risk assessment study conducted in the Pikrodafni basin in the Attica region. We conclude that, without the technologically advanced tools available today, achieving the level of detail and accuracy in flood mapping that is now possible would have been unfeasible, even with significant human resources. However, ongoing urban development and growth continue to encroach upon flood plains that have existed for centuries, contributing to increased flood risk.
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P. Dimas, G.-K. Sakki, P. Kossieris, I. Tsoukalas, A. Efstratiadis, C. Makropoulos, N. Mamassis, and K. Pipili, Establishing a strategic blueprint for the design and evaluation of flood control infrastructure in extensive watersheds, Water Resources Management, doi:10.1007/s11269-024-04084-4, 2025.
Triggered by the need for developing a comprehensive flood protection strategy (referred to as the Master Plan) for Western Thessaly in Central Greece, we demonstrate a strategic approach for large-scale hydrosystems, where the need for design accuracy is contrasted to extreme computational burden. The area of interest occupies approximately 6,400 km2, thus constituting a mega-scale hydrological, hydraulic and water management system, which poses multiple conceptual and computational challenges. The overall question is to provide a synthesis of flood protection solutions and prioritize them under a multipurpose prism. The core methodological framework comprises two axes: (i) a semi-distributed representation of the rainfall-runoff transformations and flood routing processes across the entire study area, and (ii) a coupled 1D/2D hydrodynamic simulation, targeted only over the flood prone riverine system and the highly complex network of main artificial channels. Key results show reductions in flood extents by up to 15% in high-risk areas and significant attenuation of peak flows (averaging to 56% across all dam sites). The final planning prioritizes the strengthening of flood protection through the combined influence of a set of large-scale projects, i.e., dikes, multi-purpose dams and retention basins of controlled inundation. The cornerstone objective is to sketch a framework for facing similar studies in a holistic manner, while maintaining a high level of computational efficiency and explainability.
G.-F. Sargentis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, The multifaceted importance of mediterranean pine-tree forests to social cohesion. Energy, resin, grazing, and wildfire management in North Euboea, Greece, Natural Resources Conservation and Research, 7, 15 pages, 9962, doi:10.24294/nrcr9962, 2024.
Forests are essential not only for their ecological roles but also as invaluable natural resources supporting biodiversity, climate regulation, and human livelihoods. In Mediterranean regions, pine-tree forests are particularly susceptible to intense wildfires, which pose significant challenges to containment and long-term forest health. This study focuses on the pine-tree forests of North Euboea, examining their embedded energy, natural regenerative capacity, and sustainable management approaches. Key aspects investigated include the forest’s contributions to biomass and resin productivity, the social and economic impacts of wildfire events, and the role of managed grazing as a proactive tool in fire prevention and forest stewardship. Our analysis highlights the potential benefits of grazing as a strategic measure to manage forest biomass levels, thereby reducing the fuel load and lowering the intensity of possible future fires. Grazing is also shown to support broader access across the forest landscape, allowing firefighting forces to respond more effectively in case of a fire outbreak. By utilizing grazing to maintain forest ecosystems beyond just the periphery, this approach can enhance both ecological resilience and community cohesion in regions vulnerable to forest fires. The study underscores the need for integrated management practices that balance forest use with conservation, leveraging grazing as a means to sustain the health and accessibility of Mediterranean pine-tree forests.
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G.-F. Sargentis, R. Ioannidis, P. Dimitriadis, N. Malamos, O. Lyra, O. Kitsou, M. Kougia, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Energy Self-Sufficiency in Rural Areas; Case Study: North Euboea, Greece, Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research, 5 (4), 20 pages, doi:10.21926/aeer.2404025, 2024.
The modern globalized civilization is sustained by interactions, trade, the transportation of goods, and energy. Energy self-sufficiency is crucial in rural and disaster-prone areas like North Euboea because dependence on external energy supplies can leave regions vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, price volatility, and geopolitical risks. In such isolated regions, energy independence ensures resilience in natural disasters and economic instability. The alternative to self-sufficiency often involves reliance on centralized energy systems, fossil fuels, or external imports, which may not always be reliable or sustainable. Therefore, in this study, we explore the possibility of an area having energy self-sufficiency. As a case study, we chose North Euboea in Greece, explicitly focusing on the Municipality of Mantoudi-Limni-Agia Anna. The analysis combines local land use patterns, energy needs for inhabitants, agriculture and water requirements. It is followed by exploring various renewable energy sources, including hydropower, biomass, solar, and wind. We considered the stochastic nature of renewable energy production and the challenges associated with energy storage. The findings suggest that while wind turbines and solar panels could be installed in the area and contribute significantly to energy needs, achieving complete self-sufficiency requires careful planning, particularly regarding energy storage and the social acceptance of these installations. The results highlight the need for a holistic approach that integrates environmental, landscape, societal, and technical considerations in designing and implementing renewable energy systems. Additionally, it is highlighted that the available renewable energy from forest biomass (before the 2021 megafire event) could reliably and adequately meet the area's energy needs without requiring investments in photovoltaic parks and wind turbines and without competing with the use of agricultural land.
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G.-F. Sargentis, R. Ioannidis, N. Mamassis, V. Zoukos, and D. Koutsoyiannis, A review of the energy policy in Greece in the last 50 years and its implications for prosperity, Clean Energy and Sustainability, 2 (4), 10021, doi:10.70322/ces.2024.10021, 2024.
This paper elucidates the development of electricity production and distribution in Greece from the 1950s to date, in correlation with national and European energy policy. During this period, Greece experienced a multifaceted energy transition, including both the transition of ownership of energy generation companies from public to private and a transition from an energy mix in which coal (lignite) served as a major and inexpensive resource to a mix in which wind power, solar power and natural gas gained a primary role, but with high costs for energy generation. The correlation between electrical energy consumption and economic growth is explored in this context, revealing an increase in consumption before the 2009 recession and a decline thereafter. The study investigates the correlation between escalating electricity prices and legislative dependencies that mandated the purchase of wind- and solar-generated electricity at exorbitant rates, the closure of cost-effective lignite units, and the reliance on natural gas—a commodity susceptible to geopolitical shifts. It also shows that, given the structure of the Greek energy mix, the increase in the share of wind and solar energy in the mix is directly related to the increase in the price of electricity. Highlighting the importance of energy costs for prosperity, this paper underscores, through the detailed review of the Greek energy “landscape”, that the major determinants of electricity prices are both the accessibility to natural resources but also their proper and judicious management.
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G.-F. Sargentis, K. Moraiti, I. Benekos, R. Ioannidis, and N. Mamassis, Fast-Track Documentation of the Alterations on the Landscape, before and after a Natural Hazard—Case Study: North Euboea Greece before and after Storms Daniel and Elias, Rural and Regional Development, 2, 10016, doi:10.70322/rrd.2024.10016, 2024.
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K. Moraiti, S. Sigourou, P. Dimitriadis, R. Ioannidis, I. Benekos, T. Iliopoulou, O. Kitsou, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and G.-F. Sargentis, Documenting the changing floodplain of Nileas Basin in North Euboea (Greece) before and after Storms Daniel and Elias, Rural and Regional Development, 2 (3), 10013, doi:10.35534/rrd.2024.10013, 2024.
The area of north Euboea is characterized by its intense relief, dense hydrographic network, and rich flora and fauna. In the mid-2010s, the region was struck by a plane tree disease that withered the large population of plane trees in the area, while in 2021, a large wildfire completely burned the forest. These unfortunate events depleted the landscape’s natural ability to manage and mitigate flood phenomena. Observing the landscape’s vulnerability to floods, in April 2023, we conduct on-site field inspections in the rivers of the area. In September 2023, a major flood hit the area, causing in dramatic changes to the landscape. Therefore, in November 2023, we conducted follow-up on-site field inspections in the area, in order to trace the differences, present the damages the phenomenon left behind. These inspections allowed to document the landscape changes from the combination of all previous events and identify any associated pathologies. Site visits and comparisons before and after the Daniel/Elias storm revealed dramatic changes in the riverbed width at lower altitudes, significant sediment accumulation in the Voudouros River delta, alterations in the natural landscape along the river and its floodplain, destruction of the arable land, and road collapses in several locations.
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T. Iliopoulou, D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Malamos, A. Koukouvinos, P. Dimitriadis, N. Mamassis, N. Tepetidis, and D. Markantonis, A stochastic framework for rainfall intensity–time scale–return period relationships. Part ΙΙ: point modelling and regionalization over Greece, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 69 (8), 1092–1112, doi:10.1080/02626667.2024.2345814, 2024.
In this work, we formulate a regionalization framework for rainfall intensity–time scale–return period relationships which is applied over the Greek territory. The methodology for single-site estimation is based on a stochastic framework for multi-scale modelling of rainfall intensity which is outlined in the companion paper. Five parameters are first fitted independently for each site and the resulting parameter variability is assessed. Following a systematic investigation of uncertainty and variability patterns, two parameters, i.e. the tail-index and a time scale parameter, are identified as constant in space and estimated using data pooling techniques. The other three parameters are regionalized over Greece by means of spatial interpolation and smoothing techniques that are assessed through cross-validation in a multi-model framework. The regionalization scheme is implemented in a sequential order that allows exploiting rainfall information both from rainfall stations with sub-daily resolution and from the more reliable network of daily raingauges.
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See also:
E. Dimitriou, A. Efstratiadis, I. Zotou, A. Papadopoulos, T. Iliopoulou, G.-K. Sakki, K. Mazi, E. Rozos, A. Koukouvinos, A. D. Koussis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Post-analysis of Daniel extreme flood event in Thessaly, Central Greece: Practical lessons and the value of state-of-the-art water monitoring networks, Water, 16 (7), 980, doi:10.3390/w16070980, 2024.
Storm Daniel initiated on 3 September 2023, over the Northeastern Aegean Sea, causing extreme rainfall levels for the following four days, reaching an average of about 360 mm over the Peneus basin, in Thessaly, Central Greece. This event led to extensive floods, with 17 human lives lost and devastating environmental and economic impacts. The automatic water-monitoring network of the HIMIOFoTS National Research Infrastructure captured the evolution of the phenomenon and the relevant hydrometeorological (rainfall, water stage, and discharge) measurements were used to analyse the event’s characteristics. The results indicate that the average rainfall’s return period was up to 150 years, the peak flow close to the river mouth reached approximately 1950 m3/s, and the outflow volume of water to the sea was 1670 hm3. The analysis of the observed hydrographs across Peneus also provided useful lessons from the flood-engineering perspective regarding key modelling assumptions and the role of upstream retentions. Therefore, extending and supporting the operation of the HIMIOFoTS infrastructure is crucial to assist responsible authorities and local communities in reducing potential damages and increasing the socioeconomic resilience to natural disasters, as well as to improve the existing knowledge with respect to extreme flood-simulation approaches.
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See also:
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Leivadiotis, E., S. Kohnová, and A. Psilovikos, Evaluating flood events caused by Medicane "Daniel" in the Thessaly District (Central Greece) using remote sensing data and techniques, Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, 25(1), 115-126, doi:10.31577/ahs-2024-0025.01.0013, 2024. |
2. | Mavroulis, S., M. Mavrouli, E. Lekkas, and A. Tsakris, Impact of the September 2023 storm Daniel and subsequent flooding in Thessaly (Greece) on the natural and built environment and on infectious disease emergence, Environments, 11(8), 163, doi:10.3390/environments11080163, 2024. |
3. | Papadopoulou, E. E., and A. Papakonstantinou, Combining drone LiDAR and virtual reality geovisualizations towards a cartographic approach to visualize flooding scenarios, Drones, 8(8), 398, doi:10.3390/drones8080398, 2024. |
4. | Stamos, I., and M. Diakakis, Mapping flood impacts on mortality at European territories of the Mediterranean region within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework, Water, 16(17), 2470, doi:10.3390/w16172470, 2024. |
5. | #Flaounas, E., S. Dafis, S. Davolio, D. Faranda, C. Ferrarin, K. Hartmuth, A. Hochman, A. Koutroulis, S. Khodayar, M. M. Miglietta, F. Pantillon, P. Patlakas, M. Sprenger, and I. Thurnherr, Dynamics, predictability, impacts, and climate change considerations of the catastrophic Mediterranean Storm Daniel (2023), EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-2809, 2024. |
6. | Kolios, S., and N. Papavasileiou, Daily rainfall patterns during storm “Daniel” based on different satellite data, Atmosphere, 15(11), 1277, doi:10.3390/atmos15111277, 2024. |
7. | Katsanos, D., A. Retalis, J. Kalogiros, B. E. Psiloglou, N. Roukounakis, and M. Anagnostou, Performance evaluation of satellite precipitation products during extreme events — The case of the Medicane Daniel in Thessaly, Greece, Remote Sensing, 16(22), 4216, doi:10.3390/rs16224216, 2024. |
8. | Tupas, M. E., F. Roth, B. Bauer-Marschallinger, and W. Wagner, Assessment of time-series-derived no-flood references for sar-based Bayesian flood mapping, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 61(1), 1-23, doi:10.1080/15481603.2024.2427304, 2024. |
9. | Antoniadis, K., I. Z. Gitas, N. Georgopoulos, D. Stavrakoudis, and D. Hadjimitsis, Investigating the potential of ICEYE-SAR data in storm damage detection in a coniferous forest with rugged terrain, International Journal of Remote Sensing, doi:10.1080/01431161.2024.2433761, 2024. |
10. | Argüeso, D., M. Marcos, and A. Amores, Storm Daniel fueled by anomalously high sea surface temperatures in the Mediterranean, npj Climate and Atmosphere Science, 7, 307, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00872-2, 2024. |
11. | #Tziolas, T., E. Papageorgiou, K. Papageorgiou, G. Zardas, A. Lekidis, and P. Panagiotis, Applying LSTM for river's water level forecasting as potential flood indication: A case study in Greece, 15th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems & Applications (IISA), 1-5, Chania Crete, Greece, doi:10.1109/IISA62523.2024.10786618, 2024. |
G.-F. Sargentis, N. Mamassis, O. Kitsou, and D. Koutsoyiannis, The role of technology in the water–energy–food nexus. A case study: Kerinthos, North Euboea, Greece, Frontiers in Water, 6, 1343344, doi:10.3389/frwa.2024.1343344, 2024.
The water–energy–food (WEF) nexus is a basic element of prosperity, yet it is not equally distributed on the land. Human progress has optimized the function of the WEF nexus to bridge the inequality gap. In order to understand this progress, this study compares the preindustrial and modern agricultural practices in an area in Greece. Interviews were conducted with an elderly man who lived in the 1950s, and the process was quantified in units of WEF. The same procedure was also carried out with modern farmers for modern agricultural practices. In comparing the past and present agricultural processes, it is observed that today, a farmer can feed approximately 100 times more people. This feat has been achieved as modern practices push the land with energy sources in multiple ways (fuels and fertilizers). However, energy indices such as energy ratio, net energy gain, specific energy, and energy productivity do not seem to be improved. Furthermore, farmers prefer to pump underground water for irrigation, instead of utilizing the nearby river, as was done in the past when the river provided both energy to the watermill and an abundance of water for irrigation. In addition, as the price of wheat is dependent on the stock market, even in 2023, there are risks to food security, the cultivation of wheat was not economically efficient for farmers in this area in 2023.
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D. Koutsoyiannis, T. Iliopoulou, A. Koukouvinos, N. Malamos, N. Mamassis, P. Dimitriadis, N. Tepetidis, and D. Markantonis, In search of climate crisis in Greece using hydrological data: 404 Not Found, Water, 15 (9), 1711, doi:10.3390/w15091711, 2023.
In the context of implementing the European Flood Directive in Greece, a large set of rainfall data was compiled with the principal aim of constructing rainfall intensity–timescale–return period relationships for the entire country. This set included ground rainfall data as well as non-conventional data from reanalyses and satellites. Given the European declaration of climate emergency, along with the establishment of a ministry of climate crisis in Greece, this dataset was also investigated from a climatic perspective using the longest of the data records to assess whether or not they support the climate crisis doctrine. Monte Carlo simulations, along with stationary Hurst–Kolmogorov (HK) stochastic dynamics, were also employed to compare data with theoretical expectations. Rainfall extremes are proven to conform with the statistical expectations under stationarity. The only notable climatic events found are the clustering (reflecting HK dynamics) of water abundance in the 1960s and dry years around 1990, followed by a recovery from drought conditions in recent years.
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D. Markantonis, G.-F. Sargentis, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, A. Siganou, K. Moraiti, M. Nikolinakou, I. Meletopoulos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Stochastic Evaluation of the Investment Risk by the Scale of Water Infrastructures-Case Study: The Municipality of West Mani (Greece), World, 4 (1), 1–20, doi:10.3390/world4010001, 2022.
Social structure is based on the availability of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. To cover these needs of society, several solutions of different scales of infrastructures coexist. The construction of infrastructure is capital-intensive; therefore, investment risk is always a consideration. In this paper, we try to evaluate the investment risk by interest rates (IR). We show that IR is a key indicator, which includes multiple parameters of prosperity expressing the political and economic status quo of the society. The selection of a particular scale influences the required capital and is thus one of the most critical decisions. Water supply infrastructure is one of the foundations of society, and the selection of the optimal scale of such infrastructure is often a great challenge in civil engineering. As a case study, we analyse three different scales of water supply infrastructures for the area of West Mani (Greece), i.e., dam, water ponds, and seawater desalination. We evaluate each case by the capital intensity by performing stochastic simulations of interest rates and identify the optimal solution as the one with the smallest median unit cost, in this case, the water ponds. In order to assess the impact of the development level of a country on the resulting unit cost stochastic properties we apply the optimal solution to various countries with different development levels and IR. We show that IR in the least developed countries, being generally higher and more variable, increases the unit cost, including its variability, which ultimately indicates higher investment risk.
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T. Iliopoulou, P. Dimitriadis, A. Siganou, D. Markantonis, K. Moraiti, M. Nikolinakou, I. Meletopoulos, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and G.-F. Sargentis, Modern use of traditional rainwater harvesting practices: An assessment of cisterns’ water supply potential in West Mani, Greece, Heritage, 5 (4), 2944–2954, doi:10.3390/heritage5040152, 2022.
Water has always been a driver of human civilization. The first human civilizations thrived in places with an abundance of water, typically nearby large rivers as the Tigris–Euphrates, Yang Che and Nile. The invention and construction of hydraulic infrastructure came only later, in prehistoric times, triggered by the expansion of humanity in water-scarce areas. The ancient Greeks invented impressive hydraulic works and small-scale structures, some of which, such as cisterns, were still fully operational until the 20th century. We present a model that explains the use of cisterns in the water-scarce area of West Mani, which allows us to assess the potential of this traditional rainfall harvesting practice to support the modern water supply needs. To assess the system’s reliability, we employ a long-term simulation of a typical cistern system, using synthetic rainfall series from a stochastic model, and assuming variable water demand on a monthly scale. We show that a proper restoration of the cisterns could be sustainable as a complementary water supply source, decreasing the area’s drinking water cost and increasing the locals’ resilience against water shortages. In addition, we highlight the links between the area’s hydroclimate and its history and discuss the cultural merits of reviving and preserving this ancient, long practice.
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A. Koskinas, E. Zacharopoulou, G. Pouliasis, I. Deligiannis, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Estimating the Statistical Significance of Cross–Correlations between Hydroclimatic Processes in the Presence of Long–Range Dependence, Earth, 3 (3), 1027-1041, doi:10.3390/earth3030059, 2022.
Hydroclimatic processes such as precipitation, temperature, wind speed and dew point are usually considered to be independent of each other. In this study, the cross–correlations between key hydrological-cycle processes are examined, initially by conducting statistical tests, then adding the impact of long-range dependence, which is shown to govern all these processes. Subsequently, an innovative stochastic test that can validate the significance of the cross–correlation among these processes is introduced based on Monte-Carlo simulations. The test works as follows: observations obtained from numerous global-scale timeseries were used for application to, and a comparison of, the traditional methods of validation of statistical significance, such as the t-test, after filtering the data based on length and quality, and then by estimating the cross–correlations on an annual-scale. The proposed method has two main benefits: it negates the need of the pre-whitening data series which could disrupt the stochastic properties of hydroclimatic processes, and indicates tighter limits for upper and lower boundaries of statistical significance when analyzing cross–correlations of processes that exhibit long-range dependence, compared to classical statistical tests. The results of this analysis highlight the need to acquire cross–correlations between processes, which may be significant in the case of long-range dependence behavior.
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N. Mamassis, S. Chrisoulaki, Aim. Bedenmaxer-Gerousis, T. Evangelou , P. Koutis, G. Peppas, P. Defteraios, N. Zarkadoulas, D. Koutsoyiannis, and E. Griva, Representing the operation and evolution of ancient Piraeus’ water supply system, Water History, doi:10.1007/s12685-022-00299-7, May 2022.
The newly excavated urban water supply system of the city of ancient Piraeus provides an excellent opportunity for the study and evaluation of the issues of sustainability, adaptability, simplicity and environmental protection, which are of main concern in modern engineering design practices. Well-digging in the area of Pireaus dates back to the city’ founding during the Classical period. However, scarcity of groundwaters stimulated development of water harvesting techniques, mainly cisterns for the collection of rain water, and to the gradual increase of their capacity in order to avoid overflows. Changes to land plot areas and the increase in water demand during the Hellenistic period affected the operation of cisterns triggering a variety of subterranean constructions that expanded the existing capacity. During the Roman period, the city’s water needs for domestic and public use skyrocketed beyond the supply capacity of the water resources of the Piraeus’ peninsula. On account of this, an aqueduct which transferred water from outside the peninsula was constructed in the 2nd century AD, while cisterns and wells were gradually abandoned. The present paper examines the operation of ancient Piraeus’ urban water supply system and its evolution across nine centuries by studying the operation and evolution of cisterns through a combination of excavation finds (from the Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and the Islands) and quantitative techniques. Water consumption during several historical periods and the available water resources of the peninsula were quantified and a hydrologic model was developed to simulate the daily operation of the cisterns over an 82-year period. Various circumstances were examined by running numerous scenarios for the: (a) magnitude of collecting area, (b) annual water demand, and (c) capacity of the cisterns. For each scenario, the reliability of the hydro-system for supplying residences with water was estimated. Simulation results were then correlated with specific socio-economic characteristics of the corresponding historical periods.
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R. Ioannidis, N. Mamassis, A. Efstratiadis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Reversing visibility analysis: Towards an accelerated a priori assessment of landscape impacts of renewable energy projects, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161, 112389, doi:10.1016/j.rser.2022.112389, 2022.
Impacts to landscapes have been identified as major drivers of social opposition against renewable energy projects. We investigate how the process of mitigating landscape impacts can be improved and accelerated, through a re-conceptualization of visibility analysis. In their conventional format, visibility analyses cannot be implemented in early planning phases as they require the finalized locations of projects as input. Thus, visual impacts to landscapes cannot be assessed until late in development, when licensing procedures have already begun and projects' locations have already been finalized. In order to overcome this issue and facilitate the earlier identification of impactful projects we investigate the reversal of visibility analyses. By shifting the focus of the analyses from the infrastructure that generates visual impacts to the areas that have to be protected from these impacts, visibility analyses no longer require projects' locations as input. This methodological shift is initially investigated theoretically and then practically, in the region of Thessaly, Greece, computing Reverse - Zones of Theoretical Visibility (R-ZTVs) for important landscape elements of the region, in order to then project visual impacts to them by planned wind energy projects. It was demonstrated that reversing visibility analyses (a) enables the creation of R-ZTV-type maps that facilitate the anticipation of landscape impacts of projects from earlier planning stages and (b) discards the requirement for individual visibility analyses for each new project, thus accelerating project development. Furthermore, R-ZTV maps can be utilized in participatory planning processes or be used independently by projects' investors and by stakeholders in landscape protection.
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1. | Duarte, R., Á. García-Riazuelo, L. A. Sáez, and C. Sarasa, Analysing citizens’ perceptions of renewable energies in rural areas: A case study on wind farms in Spain, Energy Reports, 8, 12822-12831, doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2022.09.173, 2022. |
2. | Ko, I., Rural opposition to landscape change from solar energy: Explaining the diffusion of setback restrictions on solar farms across South Korean counties, Energy Research & Social Science, 99, 103073, doi:10.1016/j.erss.2023.103073, 2023. |
3. | Mikita, T., L. Janošíková, J. Caha, and E. Avoiani, The potential of UAV data as refinement of outdated inputs for visibility analyses, Remote Sensing, 15(4), 1028, doi:10.3390/rs15041028, 2023. |
4. | Rodríguez-Segura, F. J., and M. Frolova, How does society assess the impact of renewable energy in rural inland areas? Comparative analysis between the province of Jaén (Spain) and Somogy county (Hungary), Investigaciones Geográficas, 80, 193-214, doi:10.14198/INGEO.24444, 2023. |
5. | Beer, M., R. Rybár, and L. Gabániová, Visual impact of renewable energy infrastructure: implications for deployment and public perception, Processes, 11(8), 2252, doi:10.3390/pr11082252, 2023. |
6. | García-Ayllón, S., and G. Martínez, Analysis of correlation between anthropization phenomena and landscape values of the territory: A GIS framework based on spatial statistics, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(8), 323, doi:10.3390/ijgi12080323, 2023. |
7. | Sas-Bojarska, A., I. Orzechowska-Szajda, K. Puzdrakiewicz, and M. Kiejzik-Głowińska, Landscape, EIA and decision-making. A case study of the Vistula Spit Canal, Poland, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 42(1), 2-29, doi:10.1080/14615517.2023.2273612, 2024. |
8. | Alphan, H., Incorporating visibility information into multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) for wind turbine deployment, Applied Energy, 353(B), 122164, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.122164, 2024. |
9. | Song, R., X. Gao, H. Nan, S. Zeng, and V. W. Y. Tam, Ecological restoration for mega-infrastructure projects: a study based on multi-source heterogeneous data, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, doi:10.1108/ECAM-12-2022-1197, 2023. |
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11. | Codemo, A., M. Ghislanzoni, M.-J. Prados, and R. Albatici, Landscape-based spatial energy planning: minimization of renewables footprint in the energy transition, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, doi:10.1080/09640568.2023.2287978, 2024. |
12. | Xiao, T. J. Deng, C. Wen, and Q. Gu, Parallel algorithm for multi-viewpoint viewshed analysis on the GPU grounded in target cluster segmentation, International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1), doi:10.1080/17538947.2024.2308707, 2024. |
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20. | Gleason, M., A. Lopez, and M. Rivers, Mapping and characterizing the visual impacts of the existing US wind turbine fleet, Applied Energy, 378(A), 124801, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.124801, 2025. |
21. | Ko, I., Who supports climate mitigation through increasing renewable energy surcharge? Evidence from an online survey in South Korea, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, doi:10.1080/09640568.2024.2439875, 2025. |
N. Mamassis, K. Mazi, E. Dimitriou, D. Kalogeras, N. Malamos, S. Lykoudis, A. Koukouvinos, I. L. Tsirogiannis, I. Papageorgaki, A. Papadopoulos, Y. Panagopoulos, D. Koutsoyiannis, A. Christofides, A. Efstratiadis, G. Vitantzakis, N. Kappos, D. Katsanos, B. Psiloglou, E. Rozos, T. Kopania, I. Koletsis, and A. D. Koussis, A synergistically built, national-scale infrastructure for monitoring the surface waters of Greece, Water, 13 (19), 2779, doi:10.3390/w13192779, 2021.
The large-scale surface-water monitoring infrastructure for Greece Open Hydrosystem Information Network ( is presented in this paper. provides free access to water data, incorporating existing networks that manage their own databases. In its pilot phase, operates three telemetric networks for monitoring the quantity and the quality of surface waters, as well as meteorological and soil variables. Aspiring members must also offer their data for public access. A web-platform was developed for on-line visualization, processing and managing telemetric data. A notification system was also designed and implemented for inspecting the current values of variables. The platform is built upon the web 2.0 technology that exploits the ever-increasing capabilities of browsers to handle dynamic data as a time series. A GIS component offers web-services relevant to geo-information for water bodies. Accessing, querying and downloading geographical data for watercourses (segment length, slope, name, stream order) and for water basins (area, mean elevation, mean slope, basin order, slope, mean CN-curve number) are provided by Web Map Services and Web Feature Services. A new method for estimating the streamflow from measurements of the surface velocity has been advanced as well to reduce hardware expenditures, a low-cost ‘prototype’ hydro-telemetry system (at about half the cost of a comparable commercial system) was designed, constructed and installed at six monitoring stations of
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Spyrou, C., M. Loupis, N. Charizopoulos, P. Arvanitis, A. Mentzafou, E. Dimitriou, S. E. Debele, J. Sahani, and P. Kumar, Evaluating nature-based solution for flood reduction in Spercheios river basin Part 2: Early experimental evidence, Sustainability, 14(6), 10345, doi:10.3390/su141610345, 2022. |
2. | #Chrysanthopoulos, E., C. Pouliaris, I. Tsiroggianis, K. Markantonis, P. Kofakis, and A. Kallioras, Evaluating the efficiency of numerical and data driven modeling in forecasting soil water content, Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR Young Professionals Congress, 64-65, 2022. |
3. | #Samih, I., and D. Loudyi, Short-term urban water demand forecasting using Theta Models in Casablanca city, Morocco, Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR Young Professionals Congress, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, 2022. |
4. | Mazi, K., A. D. Koussis, S. Lykoudis, B. E. Psiloglou, G. Vitantzakis, N. Kappos, D. Katsanos, E. Rozos, I. Koletsis, and T. Kopania, Establishing and operating (pilot phase) a telemetric streamflow monitoring network in Greece, Hydrology, 10(1), 19, doi:10.3390/hydrology10010019, 2023. |
5. | Koltsida, E., N. Mamassis, and A. Kallioras, Hydrological modeling using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool in urban and peri-urban environments: the case of Kifisos experimental subbasin (Athens, Greece), Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27, 917-931, doi:10.5194/hess-27-917-2023, 2023. |
6. | Tsirogiannis, I. L., N. Malamos, and P. Baltzoi, Application of a generic participatory decision support system for irrigation management for the case of a wine grapevine at Epirus, Northwest Greece, Horticulturae, 9(2), 267, doi:10.3390/horticulturae9020267, 2023. |
7. | Yeşilköy, S., Ö. Baydaroğlu, N. Singh, Y. Sermet, and I. Demir, A contemporary systematic review of cyberinfrastructure systems and applications for flood and drought data analytics and communication, EarthArXiv, doi:10.31223/X5937W, 2023. |
8. | Fotia, K., and I. Tsirogiannis, Water footprint score: A practical method for wider communication and assessment of water footprint performance, Environmental Sciences Proceedings, 25(1), 71, doi:10.3390/ECWS-7-14311, 2023. |
9. | Bloutsos, A. A., V. I. Syngouna, I. D. Manariotis, and P. C. Yannopoulos, Seasonal and long-term water quality of Alfeios River Basin in Greece, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 235, 215, doi:10.1007/s11270-024-06981-1, 2024. |
10. | Kalantzopoulos, G., P. Paraskevopoulos, G. Domalis, A. Liopa-Tsakalidi, D. E. Tsesmelis, and P. E. Barouchas, The Western Greece Soil Information System (WΕSIS)—A soil health design supported by the internet of things, soil databases, and artificial intelligence technologies in Western Greece, Sustainability, 16(8), 3478, doi:10.3390/su16083478, 2024. |
11. | Pappa, D., A. Kallioras, and D. Kaliampakos, Water mismanagement in agriculture: a case study of Greece. Starting with “how” and "why", Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Agriculture Sciences, 14(1), 90-106, doi:10.33794/qjas.2024.149833.1175, 2024. |
12. | #Chrysanthopoulos, E., C. Pouliaris, I. Tsirogiannis, P. Kofakis, and A. Kallioras, Development of soil moisture model based on deep learning, In: Ksibi, M., et al. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (4th Edition), EMCEI 2022. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-51904-8_105, 2024. |
G.-F. Sargentis, T. Iliopoulou, P. Dimitriadis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Stratification: An entropic view of society's structure, World, 2, 153–174, doi:10.3390/world2020011, 2021.
In human societies, we observe a wide range of types of stratification, i.e., in terms of financial class, political power, level of education, sanctity, and military force. In financial, political, and social sciences, stratification is one of the most important issues and tools as the Lorenz Curve and the Gini Coefficient have been developed to describe some of its aspects. Stratification is greatly dependent on the access of people to wealth. By “wealth”, we mean the quantified prosperity which increases the life expectancy of people. Prosperity is also connected to the water‐food‐energy nexus which is necessary for human survival. Analyzing proxies of the water‐food‐energy nexus, we suggest that the best proxy for prosperity is energy, which is closely related to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and life expectancy. In order to describe the dynamics of social stratification, we formulate an entropic view of wealth in human societies. An entropic approach to income distribution, approximated as available energy in prehistoric societies, till present‐day economies, shows that stratification can be viewed as a stochastic process subject to the principle of maximum entropy and occurring when limits to the wealth of society are set, either by the political and economic system and/or by the limits of available technology.
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D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, From mythology to science: the development of scientific hydrological concepts in the Greek antiquity and its relevance to modern hydrology, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25, 2419–2444, doi:10.5194/hess-25-2419-2021, 2021.
Whilst hydrology is a Greek term, it has not been in use in the Classical literature but much later, during the Renaissance, in its Latin version, hydrologia. On the other hand, Greek natural philosophers created robust knowledge in related scientific areas, to which they gave names such as meteorology, climate and hydraulics. These terms are now in common use internationally. Within these areas, Greek natural philosophers laid the foundation of hydrological concepts and the hydrological cycle in its entirety. Knowledge development was brought about by search for technological solutions to practical problems, as well as by scientific curiosity to explain natural phenomena. While initial explanations belong to the sphere of mythology, the rise of philosophy was accompanied by attempts to provide scientific descriptions of the phenomena. It appears that the first geophysical problem formulated in scientific terms was the explanation of the flood regime of the Nile, then regarded as a paradox because of the spectacular difference from the river flow regime in Greece and other Mediterranean regions, i.e., the fact that the Nile flooding occurs in summer when in most of the Mediterranean the rainfall is very low. While some of the early attempts to explain it were influenced by Homer’s mythical view (archaic period), eventually, Aristotle was able to formulate a correct hypothesis, which he tested through what it appears to be the first in history scientific expedition, in the turn from the Classical to Hellenistic period. This confirms the fact that the hydrological cycle was well understood during the Classical period yet it poses the question why Aristotle’s correct explanation had not been accepted and, instead, ancient and modern mythical views had been preferred up to the 18th century.
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R. Ioannidis, T. Iliopoulou, C. Iliopoulou, L. Katikas, A. Petsou, M.-E. Merakou, M.-E. Asimomiti, N. Pelekanos, G. Koudouris, P. Dimitriadis, C. Plati, E. Vlahogianni, K. Kepaptsoglou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Solar-powered bus route: introducing renewable energy into a university campus transport system, Advances in Geosciences, 49, doi:10.5194/adgeo-49-215-2019, 2019.
We investigate the application of a solar-powered bus route to a small-scale transportation system, as such of a university campus. In particular, we explore the prospect of replacing conventional fossil fuel buses by electric buses powered by solar energy and electricity provided by the central grid. To this end, we employ GIS mapping technology to estimate the solar radiation at the university campus and, accordingly, we investigate three different scenarios for harnessing the available solar power: (1) solar panels installed on the roof of bus stop shelters, (2) solar panels installed at an unused open space in the university, and (3) solar roads, i.e. roads constructed by photovoltaic (PV) materials. For each of the three scenarios, we investigate the optimal technical configuration, the resulting energy generation, as well as the capital cost for application in the case of NTUA campus in Athens (Greece). The preliminary feasibility analysis showcases that all three scenarios contribute to satisfying transportation demand, proportionately to their size, with scenario (2) presenting the lowest capital cost in relation to energy generation. Therefore, we further explore this scenario by simulating its daily operation including the actions of buying and selling energy to the central grid, when there is energy deficit or surplus, respectively. A sensitivity analysis is carried out in order to ascertain the optimal size of the solar panel installation in relation to profit and reliability. Overall, results indicate that, albeit the high capital costs, solar-powered transportation schemes present a viable alternative for replacing conventional buses at the studied location, especially considering conventional PV panels. We note that present results heavily depend on the choice of capacity factors of PV materials, which differ among technologies. Yet, as capacity factors of PV panels are currently increasing, the studied schemes might be more promising in the future.
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G. Papacharalampous, H. Tyralis, A. Langousis, A. W. Jayawardena, B. Sivakumar, N. Mamassis, A. Montanari, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Probabilistic hydrological post-processing at scale: Why and how to apply machine-learning quantile regression algorithms, Water, doi:10.3390/w11102126, 2019.
We conduct a large-scale benchmark experiment aiming to advance the use of machine-learning quantile regression algorithms for probabilistic hydrological post-processing “at scale” within operational contexts. The experiment is set up using 34-year-long daily time series of precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration and streamflow for 511 catchments over the contiguous United States. Point hydrological predictions are obtained using the Génie Rural à 4 paramètres Journalier (GR4J) hydrological model and exploited as predictor variables within quantile regression settings. Six machine-learning quantile regression algorithms and their equal-weight combiner are applied to predict conditional quantiles of the hydrological model errors. The individual algorithms are quantile regression, generalized random forests for quantile regression, generalized random forests for quantile regression emulating quantile regression forests, gradient boosting machine, model-based boosting with linear models as base learners and quantile regression neural networks. The conditional quantiles of the hydrological model errors are transformed to conditional quantiles of daily streamflow, which are finally assessed using proper performance scores and benchmarking. The assessment concerns various levels of predictive quantiles and central prediction intervals, while it is made both independently of the flow magnitude and conditional upon this magnitude. Key aspects of the developed methodological framework are highlighted, and practical recommendations are formulated. In technical hydro-meteorological applications, the algorithms should be applied preferably in a way that maximizes the benefits and reduces the risks from their use. This can be achieved by (i) combining algorithms (e.g., by averaging their predictions) and (ii) integrating algorithms within systematic frameworks (i.e., by using the algorithms according to their identified skills), as our large-scale results point out.
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G. Koudouris, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, A stochastic model for the hourly solar radiation process for application in renewable resources management, Advances in Geosciences, 45, 139–145, doi:10.5194/adgeo-45-139-2018, 2018.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the scientific community has made huge leaps to exploit renewable energy sources, with solar radiation being one of the most important. However, the variability of solar radiation has a significant impact on solar energy conversion systems, such as in photovoltaic systems, characterized by a fast and nonlinear response to incident solar radiation. The performance prediction of these systems is typically based on hourly or daily data because those are usually available at these time scales. The aim of this work is to investigate the stochastic nature and time evolution of the solar radiation process for daily and hourly scale, with the ultimate goal of creating a new cyclostationary stochastic model capable of reproducing the dependence structure and the marginal distribution of hourly solar radiation via the clearness index KT .
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E. Klousakou, M. Chalakatevaki, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, R. Ioannidis, G. Karakatsanis, A. Efstratiadis, N. Mamassis, R. Tomani, E. Chardavellas, and D. Koutsoyiannis, A preliminary stochastic analysis of the uncertainty of natural processes related to renewable energy resources, Advances in Geosciences, 45, 193–199, doi:10.5194/adgeo-45-193-2018, 2018.
The ever-increasing energy demand has led to overexploitation of fossil fuels deposits, while renewables offer a viable alternative. Since renewable energy resources derive from phenomena related to either atmospheric or geophysical processes, unpredictability is inherent to renewable energy systems. An innovative and simple stochastic tool, the climacogram, was chosen to explore the degree of unpredictability. By applying the climacogram across the related timeseries and spatial-series it was feasible to identify the degree of unpredictability in each process through the Hurst parameter, an index that quantifies the level of uncertainty. All examined processes display a Hurst parameter larger than 0.5, indicating increased uncertainty on the long term. This implies that only through stochastic analysis may renewable energy resources be reliably manageable and cost efficient. In this context, a pilot application of a hybrid renewable energy system in the Greek island of Astypalaia is discussed, for which we show how the uncertainty (in terms of variability) of the input hydrometeorological processes alters the uncertainty of the output energy values.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Kaps, C., S. Marinesi, and S. Netessine, When should the off-grid sun shine at night? Optimum renewable generation and energy storage investment, Management Science, 69(12), 7633-7650, doi:10.1287/mnsc.2021.04129, 2023. |
2. | Adewumi, A., C. E. Okoli, F. O. Usman, K. A. Olu-lawal, and O. T. Soyombo, Reviewing the impact of AI on renewable energy efficiency and management, International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 11(01), 1518–1527, doi:10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.1.0245, 2024. |
3. | #Awudu, S., A. K. Yeliawati, and M. Sari, Unveiling the green tapestry: Exploring the influence of green budget tagging on the nexus of fiscal policy sustainability and green budgeting practices in metropolitan municipal and district assemblies in Ghana, Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2023), 186-192, Atlantic Press, 2024. |
H. Tyralis, G. Karakatsanis, K. Tzouka, and N. Mamassis, Data and code for the exploratory data analysis of the electrical energy demand in the time domain in Greece, Data in Brief, 13 (700-702), doi:, 2017.
We present data and code for visualizing the electrical energy data and weather-,climate-related and socioeconomic variables in the time domain in Greece. The electrical energy data include hourly demand, weekly-ahead forecasted values of the demand provided by the Greek Independent Power Transmission Operator and pricing values in Greece. We also present the daily temperature in Athens and the Gross Domestic Product of Greece. The code combines the data to a single report, which includes all visualizations with combinations of all variables in multiple time scales. The data and code we reused in Tyralis et al.(2017)
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G. Koudouris, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Investigation on the stochastic nature of the solar radiation process, Energy Procedia, 125, 398–404, 2017.
A detailed investigation of the variability of solar radiation can be proven useful towards more efficient and sustainable design of renewable resources systems. In this context, we analyze observations from Athens, Greece and we investigate the marginal distribution of the solar radiation process at a daily and hourly step, the long-term behavior based on the annual scale of the process, as well as the double periodicity (diurnal-seasonal) of the process. Finally, we apply a parsimonious double-cyclostationary stochastic model to generate hourly synthetic time series preserving the marginal statistical characteristics, the double periodicity and the dependence structure of the process.
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M. Chalakatevaki, P. Stamou, S. Karali, V. Daniil, P. Dimitriadis, K. Tzouka, T. Iliopoulou, D. Koutsoyiannis, P. Papanicolaou, and N. Mamassis, Creating the electric energy mix in a non-connected island, Energy Procedia, 125, 425–434, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.089, 2017.
As the electric energy in the non-connected islands is mainly produced by oil-fueled power plants, the unit cost is extremely high due to import cost. The integration of renewable resources in the energy mix is essential for reducing the financial and environmental cost. In this work, various energy resources (renewable and fossil fuels) are evaluated using technical, environmental and economic criteria with an emphasis to biomass, pumped hydro storage and replacement of oil power plants. Finally, a synthesis is presented as a toy-model in an Aegean island that satisfies the electric energy demand including base and peak electric loads.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Bakanos, P. I., and K. L. Katsifarakis, Optimizing operation of a large-scale pumped storage hydropower system coordinated with wind farm by means of genetic algorithm, Global Nest Journal, 2019. |
2. | Giudici, F., A. Castelletti, E. Garofalo, M. Giuliani, and H. R. Maier, Dynamic, multi-objective optimal design and operation of water-energy systems for small, off-grid islands, Applied Energy, 250, 605-616, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.05.084, 2019. |
H. Tyralis, G. Karakatsanis, K. Tzouka, and N. Mamassis, Exploratory data analysis of the electrical energy demand in the time domain in Greece, Energy, 134 (902-918), 16 pages, doi:10.1016/ 0360-5442, 2017.
The electrical energy demand (EED) in Greece for the time period 2002-2016 is investigated. The aim of the study is to introduce a framework for the exploratory data analysis (EDA) of the EED in the time domain. To this end, the EED at the hourly, daily, seasonal and annual time scale along with the mean daily temperature and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Greece are visualized. The forecast of the EED provided by the Greek Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) is also visualized and is compared with the actual EED. Furthermore, the EED pricing system is visualized. The results of the study in general confirm and summarize the conclusions of previous relevant studies in Greece, each one treating a single topic and covering shorter and earlier time periods. Furthermore, some unexpected patterns are observed, which if not considered carefully could result to dubious models. Therefore, it is shown that the EDA of the EED in the time domain coupled with weather-, climate-related and socio-economic variables is essential for the building of a model for the short-, medium- and long-term EED forecasting, something not highlighted in the literature.
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H. Tyralis, A. Tegos, A. Delichatsiou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, A perpetually interrupted interbasin water transfer as a modern Greek drama: Assessing the Acheloos to Pinios interbasin water transfer in the context of integrated water resources management, Open Water Journal, 4 (1), 113–128, 12, 2017.
Interbasin water transfer is a primary instrument of water resources management directly related with the integrated development of the economy, society and environment. Here we assess the project of the interbasin water transfer from the river Acheloos to the river Pinios basin which has intrigued the Greek society, the politicians and scientists for decades. Te set of criteria we apply originate from a previous study reviewing four interbasin water transfers and assessing whether an interbasin water transfer is compatible with the concept of integrated water resources management. In this respect, we assess which of the principles of the integrated water resources management the Acheloos to Pinios interbasin water transfer project does or does not satisfy. While the project meets the criteria of real surplus and deficit, of sustainability and of sound science, i.e., the criteria mostly related to the engineering part, it fails to meet the criteria of good governance and balancing of existing rights with needs, i.e., the criteria associated with social aspects of the project. Te non-fulfillment of the latter criteria is the consequence of chronic diseases of the Greek society, which become obvious in the case study
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H. Tyralis, N. Mamassis, and Y. Photis, Spatial analysis of the electrical energy demand in Greece, Energy Policy, 102 (340-352), doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2016.12.033, March 2017.
The Electrical Energy Demand (EED) of the agricultural, commercial and industrial sector in Greece, as well as its use for domestic activities, public and municipal authorities and street lighting are analysed spatially using Geographical Information System and spatial statistical methods. The analysis is performed on data which span from 2008 to 2012 and have annual temporal resolution and spatial resolution down to the NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) level 3. The aim is to identify spatial patterns of the EED and its transformations such as the ratios of the EED to socioeconomic variables, i.e. the population, the total area, the population density and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Based on the analysis, Greece is divided in five regions, each one with a different development model, i.e. Attica and Thessaloniki which are two heavily populated major poles, Thessaly and Central Greece which form a connected geographical region with important agricultural and industrial sector, the islands and some coastal areas which are characterized by an important commercial sector and the rest Greek areas. The spatial patterns can provide additional information for policy decision about the electrical energy management and better representation of the regional socioeconomic conditions.
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H. Tyralis, N. Mamassis, and Y. Photis, Spatial Analysis of Electrical Energy Demand Patterns in Greece: Application of a GIS-based Methodological Framework, Energy Procedia, 97 (262-269), 8 pages, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2016.10.071, November 2016.
We investigate various uses of the Electrical Energy Demand (EED) in Greece (agricultural, commercial, domestic, industrial use) and we examine their relationships with variables such as population and the Gross Domestic Product. The analysis is performed on data from the year 2012 and have spatial resolution down to the level of prefecture. We both visualize the results of the analysis and we perform spatial cluster and outlier analysis. The definition of the spatial patterns of the aforementioned variables in a GIS environment provides insight of the regional development model in Greece.
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K. Kollyropoulos, F. Georma, F. Saranti, N. Mamassis, and I. Kalavrouziotis, Urban planning and water management in Ancient Aetolian Makyneia, Western Greece, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 16 (5), doi:DOI: 10.2166/ws.2016.145 , September 2016.
The findings of a large – scale archaeological investigation, conducted from 2009 to 2013 at a site in the vicinity of Antirrion – Western Greece, identified with ancient Makyneia, provides interesting information on the architectural features and urban planning of an ancient settlement in this area of mainland Western Greece. Through an interdisciplinary study of its morphological and technological characteristics water management problems and solutions can be revealed by the water management infrastructure (waterways, water reservoirs drainage systems etc.) as it has been documented during the excavation, An interesting question to investigate is whether water management systems of the ancient settlement represent sustainable techniques and principles that can still be used today. To this aim the functioning of systems is reconstructed and characteristic quantities are calculated both for the potable water system and the drainage system.
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P. Dimitriadis, A. Tegos, A. Oikonomou, V. Pagana, A. Koukouvinos, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and A. Efstratiadis, Comparative evaluation of 1D and quasi-2D hydraulic models based on benchmark and real-world applications for uncertainty assessment in flood mapping, Journal of Hydrology, 534, 478–492, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.01.020, 2016.
One-dimensional and quasi-two-dimensional hydraulic freeware models (HEC-RAS, LISFLOOD-FP and FLO-2d) are widely used for flood inundation mapping. These models are tested on a benchmark test with a mixed rectangular-triangular channel cross section. Using a Monte-Carlo approach, we employ extended sensitivity analysis by simultaneously varying the input discharge, longitudinal and lateral gradients and roughness coefficients, as well as the grid cell size. Based on statistical analysis of three output variables of interest, i.e. water depths at the inflow and outflow locations and total flood volume, we investigate the uncertainty enclosed in different model configurations and flow conditions, without the influence of errors and other assumptions on topography, channel geometry and boundary conditions. Moreover, we estimate the uncertainty associated to each input variable and we compare it to the overall one. The outcomes of the benchmark analysis are further highlighted by applying the three models to real-world flood propagation problems, in the context of two challenging case studies in Greece.
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79. | Sarchani, S. K. Seiradakis, P. Coulibaly, and I. Tsanis, Flood inundation mapping in an ungauged basin, Water, 12(6), 1532, doi:10.3390/w12061532, 2020. |
80. | Huţanu, E., A. Mihu-Pintilie, A. Urzica, L. E. Paveluc, C. C. Stoleriu, and A. Grozavu, Using 1D HEC-RAS modeling and LiDAR data to improve flood hazard maps’ accuracy: A case study from Jijia floodplain (NE Romania), Water, 12(6), 1624, doi:10.3390/w12061624, 2020. |
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137. | Li, Y., D. B. Wright, and Y. Liu, Flood-induced geomorphic change of floodplain extent and depth: A case study of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 27(10), doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0002199, 2022. |
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149. | Worley, L. C., K. L. Underwood, R. M. Diehl, J. E. Matt, K.S. Lawson, R. M. Seigel, and D. M. Rizzo, Balancing multiple stakeholder objectives for floodplain reconnection and wetland restoration, Journal of Environmental Management, 326(A), 116648, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116648, 2023. |
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170. | Rojpratak, S., and S. Supharatid, Regional-scale flood impacts on a small mountainous catchment in Thailand under a changing climate, Journal of Water and Climate Change, jwc2023527, doi:10.2166/wcc.2023.527, 2023. |
171. | Abbas, Z., M. Akhtar, S. Akram, S. Hafeez, and S. R. Ahmad, Flood inundation modeling and damage assessment in Lahore using remote sensing, International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 5(4), 638-647, 2023. |
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178. | #Ojasanya, K. A., and B. O. George-Kayode, A simplistic approach for evaluating urban flood risk through the integration of HEC-RAS 2D and GIS, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024, 544-565, doi:10.1061/9780784485477.050, 2024. |
179. | Bănăduc, D., A. Curtean-Bănăduc, S. Barinova, V. L. Lozano, S. Afanasyev, T. Leite, P. Branco, D. F. Gomez Isaza, J. Geist, A. Tegos, H. Olosutean, and K. Cianfanglione, Multi-interacting natural and anthropogenic stressors on freshwater ecosystems: Their current status and future prospects for 21st century, Water, 16(11), 1483, doi:10.3390/w16111483, 2024. |
180. | Khatun, A., M.N. Nisha, S. Chatterjee, and V. Sridhar, A novel insight on input variable and time lag selection in daily streamflow forecasting using deep learning models, Environmental Modelling & Software, 179, 106126, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106126, 2024. |
181. | Banupriy, R., N. M. Indumathi, A. Devendhiran, and C. Navamani, Mapping of high level remote sensing image features with pixel distribution and threshold computation, African Journal of Biological Sciences, 6(7), 703-711, doi:10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.703-711, 2024. |
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183. | Yadav, A., R. M., Singh, M. K. Pandey, S. P. Maurya, and S. K. Singh, Hydrodynamic modelling of river training works for protection of group of villages on the left bank of Ramganga River: a case study, Natural Hazards, doi:10.1007/s11069-024-06888-4, 2024. |
184. | Sccoti, A. A. V., C. V. M. Bateira, L. E. S. Robaina, S. Pereira, R. Trentin, Definition of flood-prone areas in Estrela and Lajeado/rs using IBER 2D model, Finisterra, 59(127), e35402, 2024. |
185. | #Abbaszadeh, P., K. Gavahi, and H. Moradkhani, Towards a robust hydrologic data assimilation system for hurricane-induced river flow forecasting, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, doi:10.5194/hess-2024-209, 2024. |
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187. | Kaya, Y. Z., and F. Üneş, Comparison of three different satellite data on 2D flood modeling using HEC-RAS (5.0.7) software and investigating the improvement ability of the RAS Mapper tool, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 18(1), e13046, doi:10.1111/jfr3.13046, 2025. |
188. | Wang, W., G. Sang, Q. Zhao, Y. Liu, L. Lu, and G. Shao, An integrated framework for prediction and sensitivity analysis of water levels in front of pumping stations, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 57, 102119, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2024.102119, 2025. |
A. Tegos, A. Efstratiadis, N. Malamos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Evaluation of a parametric approach for estimating potential evapotranspiration across different climates, Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 4, 2–9, doi:10.1016/j.aaspro.2015.03.002, 2015.
Potential evapotranspiration (PET) is key input in water resources, agricultural and environmental modelling. For many decades, numerous approaches have been proposed for the consistent estimation of PET at several time scales of interest. The most recognized is the Penman-Monteith formula, which is yet difficult to apply in data-scarce areas, since it requires simultaneous observations of four meteorological variables (temperature, sunshine duration, humidity, wind velocity). For this reason, parsimonious models with minimum input data requirements are strongly preferred. Typically, these have been developed and tested for specific hydroclimatic conditions, but when they are applied in different regimes they provide much less reliable (and in some cases misleading) estimates. Therefore, it is essential to develop generic methods that remain parsimonious, in terms of input data and parameterization, yet they also allow for some kind of local adjustment of their parameters, through calibration. In this study we present a recent parametric formula, based on a simplified formulation of the original Penman-Monteith expression, which only requires mean daily or monthly temperature data. The method is evaluated using meteorological records from different areas worldwide, at both the daily and monthly time scales. The outcomes of this extended analysis are very encouraging, as indicated by the substantially high validation scores of the proposed approach across all examined data sets. In general, the parametric model outperforms well-established methods of the everyday practice, since it ensures optimal approximation of potential evapotranspiration.
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Works that cite this document: View on Google Scholar or ResearchGate
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1. | Stan, F.I., G. Neculau, L. Zaharia, G. Ioana-Toroimac, and S. Mihalache, Study on the evaporation and evapotranspiration measured on the Căldăruşani Lake (Romania), Procedia Environmental Sciences, 32, 281–289, doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2016.03.033, 2016. |
2. | Esquivel-Hernández, G., R. Sánchez-Murillo, C. Birkel, S. P. Good, and J. Boll, Hydro-climatic and ecohydrological resistance/resilience conditions across tropical biomes of Costa Rica, Ecohydrology, 10(6), e1860, doi:10.1002/eco.1860, 2017. |
3. | Hodam, S., S. Sarkar, A.G.R. Marak, A. Bandyopadhyay, and A. Bhadra, Spatial interpolation of reference evapotranspiration in India: Comparison of IDW and Kriging methods, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 98(4), 551-524, doi:10.1007/s40030-017-0241-z, 2017. |
4. | Deng, H., and J. Shao, Evapotranspiration and humidity variations in response to land cover conversions in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Journal of Mountain Science, 15(3), 590-605, doi:10.1007/s11629-016-4272-0, 2018. |
5. | Nadyozhina, E. D., I. M. Shkolnik, A. V. Sternzat, B. N. Egorov, and A. A. Pikaleva, Evaporation from irrigated lands in arid regions as inferred from the regional climate model and atmospheric boundary layer model simulations, Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 43(6), 404-411, doi:10.3103/S1068373918060080, 2018. |
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8. | Dimitriadou, S., and K. G. Nikolakopoulos, Artificial neural networks for the prediction of the reference evapotranspiration of the Peloponnese Peninsula, Greece, Water, 14(13), 2027, doi:10.3390/w14132027, 2022. |
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12. | Baber, S., and K. Ullah, Short-term forecasting of daily reference crop evapotranspiration based on calibrated Hargreaves–Samani equation at regional scale, Earth Systems and Environment, doi:10.1007/s41748-024-00373-5, 2024. |
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N. Mamassis, S. Moustakas, and N. Zarkadoulas, Representing the operation of ancient reclamation works at Lake Copais in Greece, Water History, doi:10.1007/s12685-015-0126-x, 2015.
Water has been playing a vital role in Greeks’ life during their long history. Ancient Greek societies were very active towards water management, having presented an impressive variety of hydraulic works. The main purpose of this paper is to represent the operation of one of the most ancients and extended hydraulic works. The drainage project of Lake Copais (is located in Central Greece) was developed and operated by Minyans, a powerful Mycenaean race. Minyans, partially diverted two large rivers which fed the lake. The water was conveyed towards labyrinthine natural sinkholes, which were formed in limestone terrain. Through sinkholes the water slowly discharged to the sea. This impressive ancient water management system of Copais has gained the attention of many scientists and has been extensively studied by archaeologists and engineers. Still important questions exist about the way that the hydrosystem worked. Trying to provide some reliable answers, we have attempted to study the Minyans’ interventions to hydrosystem, from a hydraulics engineers’ perspective. All the available archeological, hydrological and geological information of the area was used, to evaluate the operation of the hydrosystem. The main elements of the hydrosystem, are presented here and their purpose is examined. For this, (i) a water balance model was developed and (ii) the hydrosystem was simulated using synthetic time series of the hydrological processes. Several operational cases were examined in order to define critical parameters of the system, such as the Copais’ water level variation and the water accumulation at the sinkholes’ area. The analysis reveals some significant factors, which were combined with the archaeological findings, to lead us to some interesting conclusions for hydrosystem’s performance.
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A. N. Angelakis, N. Mamassis, E. Dialynas, and P. Defteraios, Urban Water Supply, Wastewater, and Stormwater Considerations in Ancient Hellas: Lessons Learned, Environment and Natural Resources Research, 4 (3), doi:10.5539/enrr.v4n3p95, October 2014.
Urban water, wastewater and stormwater management practices in ancient Hellas, from the Minoan to the Roman times are briefly reviewed. In the Prehistoric Hellas palaces and other settlements tended to be located at dry places, at a distance from rivers or lakes. During the Bronze Age decentralized water supply and wastewater and stormwater management of small-scale systems were dominant. These systems are characterized by their salient architectural and hydraulic features and perfect adaptation to the environment. On the other hand, under tyranny, cities grew significantly and the first large-scale urban water infrastructures were developed. During the periods of democracy the Hippodameian system of city planning included the public hydraulic works. This period is also characterized by significant scientific progress in the hygienic use of water in public baths and latrines. Finally, Romans used the scientific knowledge and the experience of small scale constructions of the Hellenes, to construct large scale hydraulic works using sophisticated techniques.
N. Mamassis, D. Panagoulia, and A. Novcovic, Sensitivity analysis of Penman evaporation method, Global Network for Environmental Science and Technology, 16 (4), 628–639, 2014.
In this paper the influence of key meteorological variables in Penman evaporation method was explored. Monthly data over a 16-years period (1993-2008)were used from Thissio-Athens meteorological station. The climatic parameters of surface air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and sunshine duration were varied in Penman method and the obtained results were compared. Moreover, the investigationof sunshine duration during winter months was thoroughly examined. An open source software (Hydrognomon) was used for this exploration. The analysis showed that: (a) the influence of the meteorological parameters to evaporation is almost linear, (b) the temperature has the greater influence to annual evaporation while the relative humidity, wind speed and sunshine duration follow, and (c) the relationship between sunshine duration and evaporation in a monthly scale is not constant. During the winter months the increase of sunshine duration leads to decrease of evaporation. The performed analysis could be used to quantify the impact of climatic change on evaporation, to determine the accuracy of predicted evaporation against that obtained from the meteorological instruments, and to investigate the alternative values of several meteorological variables in the case of limited data sets.
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See also:
K. Zotalis, E. Dialynas, N. Mamassis, and A. N. Angelakis, Desalination Technologies: Hellenic Experience, Water, 6 (5), 1134–1150, doi:10.3390/w6051134, 30 April 2014.
Beyond doubt, desalination is growing rapidly worldwide. However, there are still obstacles to its wider implementation and acceptance such as: (a) high costs and energy use for fresh water production; (b) environmental impacts from concentrate disposal; (c) a complex, convoluted and time-consuming project permitting process; and (d) limited public understanding of the role, importance, benefits and environmental challenges of desalination. In this paper, a short review of desalination in Greece is being made. Data on the cost of desalination shows a decrease in the future and the potential of water desalination in Greece. The paper summarizes the current status in southeastern Greece (e.g., Aegean islands and Crete), and investigates the possibility of production of desalinated water from brackish water.
A. Efstratiadis, A. D. Koussis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, Flood design recipes vs. reality: can predictions for ungauged basins be trusted?, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 1417–1428, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-1417-2014, 2014.
Despite the great scientific and technological advances in flood hydrology, everyday engineering practices still follow simplistic approaches that are easy to formally implement in ungauged areas. In general, these "recipes" have been developed many decades ago, based on field data from typically few experimental catchments. However, many of them have been neither updated nor validated across all hydroclimatic and geomorphological conditions. This has an obvious impact on the quality and reliability of hydrological studies, and, consequently, on the safety and cost of the related flood protection works. Preliminary results, based on historical flood data from Cyprus and Greece, indicate that a substantial revision of many aspects of flood engineering procedures is required, including the regionalization formulas as well as the modelling concepts themselves. In order to provide a consistent design framework and to ensure realistic predictions of the flood risk (a key issue of the 2007/60/EU Directive) in ungauged basins, it is necessary to rethink the current engineering practices. In this vein, the collection of reliable hydrological data would be essential for re-evaluating the existing "recipes", taking into account local peculiarities, and for updating the modelling methodologies as needed.
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Works that cite this document: View on Google Scholar or ResearchGate
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38. | Bournas, A., and E. Baltas, Comparative analysis of rain gauge and radar precipitation estimates towards rainfall-runoff modelling in a peri-urban basin in Attica, Greece, Hydrology, 8(1), 29, doi:10.3390/hydrology8010029, 2021. |
39. | Devkota, N., and N. M. Shakya, Development of rainfall-runoff model for extreme storm events in the Bagmati River Basin, Nepal, Journal of Engineering Issues and Solutions, 1(1), 158-173, doi:10.3126/joeis.v1i1.36835, 2021. |
40. | Almedeij, J., Modified NRCS abstraction method for flood hydrograph generation, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 47(10), 04021042-1, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001609, 2021. |
41. | Zahraei, A., R. Baghbani, and A. Linhoss, Applying a graphical method in evaluation of empirical methods for estimating time of concentration in an arid region, Water, 13(19), 2624, doi:10.3390/w13192624, 2021. |
42. | Salazar-Galán, S., R. García-Bartual, J. L. Salinas, and F. Francés, A process-based flood frequency analysis within a trivariate statistical framework. Application to a semi-arid Mediterranean case study, Journal of Hydrology, 603, Part C, 127081, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127081, 2021. |
43. | Kastridis, A., G. Theodosiou, and G. Fotiadis, Investigation of flood management and mitigation measures in ungauged NATURA protected watersheds, Hydrology, 8(4), 170, doi:10.3390/hydrology8040170, 2021. |
44. | Coser, M. C., M. S. Mendes, J. A. T. Reis, and A. S. F. Mendonça, Periodic autoregressive models in flow regulating reservoirs design, Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 10(4), 278-295, doi:10.1080/23249676.2021.1980124, 2022. |
45. | Lapides, D., A. Sytsma, G. O'Neil, D. Djokic, M. Nichols, and S. Thompson, Arc Hydro hillslope and Critical Duration: New tools for hillslope-scale runoff analysis, Environmental Modelling & Software, 153, 105408, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105408, 2022. |
46. | Tegos, A., A. Ziogas, V. Bellos, and A. Tzimas, Forensic hydrology: a complete reconstruction of an extreme flood event in data-scarce area, Hydrology, 9(5), 93, doi:10.3390/hydrology9050093, 2022. |
47. | Singh, N., and T. Devi, Regionalization methods in ungauged catchments for flow prediction: review and its recent developments, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15(11), 1019, doi:10.1007/s12517-022-10287-z, 2022. |
48. | Liu, Y., and D. B. Wright, A storm-centered multivariate modeling of extreme precipitation frequency based on atmospheric water balance, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, 5241-5267, doi:10.5194/hess-26-5241-2022, 2022. |
49. | Al-Amri, N. S., H. A. Ewea, and M. M. Elfeki, Stochastic rational method for estimation of flood peak uncertainty in arid basins: Comparison between Monte Carlo and first order second moment methods with a case study in southwest Saudi Arabia, Sustainability, 15(6), 4719, doi:10.3390/su15064719, 2023. |
50. | Acuña, P., and A. Pizarro, Can continuous simulation be used as an alternative for flood regionalisation? A large sample example from Chile, Journal of Hydrology, 626(A), 130118, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130118, 2023. |
51. | Evangelista, J., R. Woods, and P. Claps, Dimensional analysis of literature formulas to estimate the characteristic flood response time in ungauged basins: a velocity-based approach, Journal of Hydrology, 627(B), 130409, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130409, 2023. |
52. | Moccia, B., L. Buonora, and C. Bertini, On the influence of sample size and recentness for the definition of design rainfall, AIP Conference Proceedings, 3094(1), 500047, doi:10.1063/5.0210571, 2024. |
N. Efthimiou, S. Alexandris, C Karavitis, and N. Mamassis, Comparative analysis of reference evapotranspiration estimation between various methods and the FAO56 Penman - Monteith procedure, European Water, 42 (19-34), 2013.
This study aimed to assess the performance of nine empirical methods [FAO-24 Penman (1977), Makkink (1957), Turc (1961), Penman (1963), Priestley-Taylor (1972), Linacre (1977), Kimberly Penman (1982), Hargreaves-Samani (1985), Turc (1961), Penman (1963), Priestley-Taylor (1972), Linacre (1977), Kimberly Penman (1982), Hargreaves-Samani (1985), Copais (2006)], for the daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) estimation in comparison with the Penman Monteith method standardized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO56 – PM). The analysis, used data of two meteorological stations at Krania and Kozane, located at Western Macedonia, Greece. Daily values of ETo were calculated using meteorological data for a time-period of 34 and 48 years of the two stations respectively. Since none of the solar radiation variables was measured on the stations, the net radiation variable (Rnet) was derived empirically following the procedure outlined in the FAO-56 paper (Allen et al., 1998). Such values were compared using linear regression and statistical indices of quantitative approaches to model performance evaluation. All the statistical indices used were calculated on a daily basis. However, the root mean square error (RMSE) was additionally calculated on a monthly basis in order to evaluate the seasonality differences of the methods to be compared. In regard to the regression equations, the Priestley-Taylor method had the best correlation to the FAO56-PM method at Krania station, while at Kozane station the Turc method gave the best predicted values. By comparing the monthly accumulated values of ETo it may be concluded that not only on a daily but on a monthly basis as well, all of the methods compared perform good during the winter season (October-February) with smaller deviations in absolute values of ETo and lower RMSE, but show poor performance during the summer season (March-September) with the opposite characteristics
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C. Papathanasiou, D. Serbis, and N. Mamassis, Flood mitigation at the downstream areas of a transboundary river, Water Utility Journal, 3, 33–42, 2013.
Floods in the basin of the Ardas river, a transboundary river that has its springs in Bulgaria and its outlet in Greece, have often created havoc and caused millions of damage, especially in downstream Greek areas, which repeatedly receive unregulated flow from upstream dams. More specifically, the Ardas river, a tributary of the Evros river, flows for 241 km in Bulgaria and for only 49 km in Greece and its catchment stretches for 5.200 km2 (94% of the total area) in Bulgaria and for 350 km2 (6% of the total area) in Greece. Three large dams along the river have been constructed in Bulgaria (Kardzhaly, Studen Kladenets and Ivaylovgrad), the last one, Ivaylovgrad dam, being in short distance (approx. 15 km) from the transnational borders. During heavy rain, excessive flow from Ivaylovgrad dam is often released downstream, in order to relieve the reservoir that is kept at maximum level for energy production reasons. As a result, the downstream areas, also affected by the same heavy rain events, need to regulate large flows, often with inadequate response time and relevant means. The present study describes an approach to estimate flood water levels in the Greek territory, caused by both intense rain events and increased releases from the upstream dam. For this purpose the study area was divided into three sub-basins and the corresponding flood volumes were calculated using several methodologies. Given the fact that downstream areas are proved to be in high risk in terms of flooding, a series of structural and non-structural measures for the downstream area is examined and the paper concludes with an approach towards the confrontation and mitigation of flood effects in transboundary river basins.
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E. Kountouri, N. Petrochilos, N. Liaros, V. Oikonomou, D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Mamassis, N. Zarkadoulas, A. Vött, H. Hadler, P. Henning, and T. Willershäuser, The Mycenaean drainage works of north Kopais, Greece: a new project incorporating surface surveys, geophysical research and excavation, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 13 (3), 710–718, doi:10.2166/ws.2013.110, 2013.
The attempt to drain the Kopais Lake was one of the most impressive and ambitious technical works of prehistoric times in Greece, inspiring myths and traditions referring to its construction and operation. The impressive remnants of the Mycenaean hydraulic works represent the most important land reclamation effort during prehistoric Greek antiquity, thus attracting the attention of the international scientific community. Nevertheless, in spite of the minor or extended contemporary surveys, the picture of the prehistoric drainage works in Kopais has remained ambiguous. Concerning the function of these works and their precise date within the Bronze Age, the proposed theories were based solely on indications from surface survey; data stemming from archaeological or geophysical research methods have been largely neglected. A new interdisciplinary project focusing on the interpretation of the Mycenaean drainage works of Kopais has been established and paper presents the results of thefirst study season.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Voudouris, K. S., Y. Christodoulakos, F. Steiakakis and A. N. Angelakis, Hydrogeological characteristics of Hellenic aqueducts-like Qanats, Water, 5, 1326-1345, 2013. |
N. Mamassis, A. Efstratiadis, and E. Apostolidou, Topography-adjusted solar radiation indices and their importance in hydrology, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (4), 756–775, doi:10.1080/02626667.2012.670703, 2012.
Solar radiation, direct and diffuse, is affected by surface characteristics, such as slope, aspect, altitude and shading. The paper examines the effects of topography on radiation, at multiple spatiotemporal scales, using suitable geometrical methods for the direct and diffuse components. Two indices are introduced for comparing the direct radiation received by areas at the same and different latitudes, respectively. To investigate the profile of direct radiation through the Greek territory, these are evaluated from hourly to annual basis, via GIS techniques. Moreover, different approaches are examined for estimating the actual global radiation at operational spatial scales (sub-basin and terrain), according to the available meteorological data. The study indicates that the errors of typical hydrometeorological modelling formulas, ignoring the topographic effects and the seasonal allocation of direct and diffuse radiation, depend on the spatial scale and they are non-uniformly distributed in time. In all cases, the estimations are improved by applying the proposed adjusting approaches. In particular, the adjustment of the measured global radiation ensures up to 10% increase of efficiency, while the modified Angström formula achieves slight (i.e. 2-4%) increase of efficiency and notable reduction of bias.
See also:
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Kunkel, V., T. Wells, and G. R. Hancock, Soil temperature dynamics at the catchment scale, Geoderma, 273, 32–44, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.03.011, 2016. |
2. | Felicísimo Pérez, Á. M., and M.Á. Martín-Tardío, A method of downscaling temperature maps based on analytical hillshading for use in species distribution modelling, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 45(4), 329-338, doi:10.1080/15230406.2017.1338620, 2018. |
3. | Frey, J., K. Kovach, S. Stemmler, and B. Koch, UAV photogrammetry of forests as a vulnerable process. A sensitivity analysis for a structure from motion RGB-image pipeline, Remote Sensing, 16(2), 912, doi:10.3390/rs10060912, 2018. |
4. | Aguilar, C., R. Pimentel, and M. J. Polo, Two decades of distributed global radiation time series across a mountainous semiarid area (Sierra Nevada, Spain), Earth System Science Data, 13, 1335-1359, doi:10.5194/essd-13-1335-2021, 2021. |
5. | Nepali, B. R., J. Skartveit, and C. B. Baniya, Impacts of slope aspects on altitudinal species richness and species composition of Narapani-Masina landscape, Arghakhanchi, West Nepal, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 14(3), 415-424, doi:10.1016/j.japb.2021.04.005, 2021. |
6. | Pisinaras V., F. Herrmann, A. Panagopoulos, E. Tziritis, I. McNamara, and F. Wendland, Fully distributed water balance modelling in large agricultural areas—The Pinios river basin (Greece) case study, Sustainability, 15(5), 4343, doi:10.3390/su15054343, 2023. |
7. | Masoodian, S. A., Estimation of surface solar energy budget over Iran, Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, 49(2), 503-516, doi:10.22059/jesphys.2023.348599.1007457, 2023. |
8. | Dani, R. S., and C. B. Baniya, Seedling potential of trees species along the elevational gradient in temperate hill forest of central Nepal, Journal of Forest Sciences, 21(4), 1329-1344, doi:10.1007/s11629-023-8323-z, 2024. |
9. | Akbar, G., P. Prajitno, Ariffudin, and N. Ananda, Multivariate imputation chained equation on solar radiation in automatic weather station, Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(7), 3633–3639, doi:10.29303/jppipa.v10i7.7679, 2024. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, A. Christofides, A. Efstratiadis, G. G. Anagnostopoulos, and N. Mamassis, Scientific dialogue on climate: is it giving black eyes or opening closed eyes? Reply to “A black eye for the Hydrological Sciences Journal” by D. Huard, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56 (7), 1334–1339, doi:10.1080/02626667.2011.610759, 2011.
The full text is available at the journal's web site:
Huard's Discussion can be accessed again from the journal's web site:
Weblog discussions can be seen in Climate Science, ABC News Watch, Fabius Maximus, Itia.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Jiang, P., M. R. Gautam, J. Zhu and Z. Yu, How well do the GCMs/RCMs capture the multi-scale temporal variability of precipitation in the Southwestern United States?, Journal of Hydrology, 479, 75-85, 2013. |
2. | Chun, K. P., H. S. Wheater, and C. Onof, Comparison of drought projections using two UK weather generators, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58(2), 1–15, 2013. |
3. | #Ranzi, R., Influence of climate and anthropogenic feedbacks on the hydrological cycle, water management and engineering, Proceedings of 2013 IAHR World Congress, 2013. |
4. | Kundzewicz, Z.W., S. Kanae, S. I. Seneviratne, J. Handmer, N. Nicholls, P. Peduzzi, R. Mechler, L. M. Bouweri, N. Arnell, K. Mach, R. Muir-Wood, G. R. Brakenridge, W. Kron, G. Benito, Y. Honda, K. Takahashi, and B. Sherstyukov, Flood risk and climate change: global and regional perspectives, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(1), 1-28, doi:10.1080/02626667.2013.857411, 2014. |
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10. | Refsgaard, J. C., T. O. Sonnenborg, M. B. Butts, J. H. Christensen, S. Christensen, M. Drews, K. H. Jensen, F. Jørgensen, L. F. Jørgensen, M. A. D. Larsen, S. H. Rasmussen, L. P. Seaby, D. Seifert, and T. N. Vilhelmsen, Climate change impacts on groundwater hydrology – where are the main uncertainties and can they be reduced?, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(13), 2312-2324, doi:10.1080/02626667.2015.1131899, 2016. |
11. | Kundzewicz, Z. W., V. Krysanova, R. Dankers, Y. Hirabayashi, S. Kanae, F. F. Hattermann, S. Huang, P. C. D. Milly, M. Stoffel, P. P. J. Driessen, P. Matczak, P. Quevauviller, and H.-J. Schellnhuber, Differences in flood hazard projections in Europe – their causes and consequences for decision making, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62(1), 1-14, doi:10.1080/02626667.2016.1241398, 2017. |
12. | Connolly, R., M. Connolly, W. Soon, D. R. Legates, R. G. Cionco, and V. M. Velasco Herrera, Northern hemisphere snow-cover trends (1967–2018): A comparison between climate models and observations, Geosciences, 9(3), 135, doi:10.3390/geosciences9030135, 2019. |
13. | Kron, W., J. Eichner, and Z. W. Kundzewicz, Reduction of flood risk in Europe – Reflections from a reinsurance perspective, Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.050, 2019. |
G. G. Anagnostopoulos, D. Koutsoyiannis, A. Christofides, A. Efstratiadis, and N. Mamassis, A comparison of local and aggregated climate model outputs with observed data, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55 (7), 1094–1110, doi:10.1080/02626667.2010.513518, 2010.
We compare the output of various climate models to temperature and precipitation observations at 55 points around the globe. We spatially aggregate model output and observations over the contiguous USA using data from 70 stations, and we perform comparison at several temporal scales, including a climatic (30-year) scale. Besides confirming the findings of a previous assessment study that model projections at point scale are poor, results show that the spatially integrated projections do not correspond to reality any better.
The paper has been discussed in weblogs and forums.
Weblogs and forums that discussed this article during 2010:
- Very Important New Paper “A Comparison Of Local And Aggregated Climate Model Outputs With Observed Data” By Anagnostopoulos Et Al 2010 (Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.)
- New peer reviewed paper shows just how bad the climate models really are (Watts Up With That?)
- Missing News: No skill in climate modelling (ABC News Watch)
- Missing News: Climate models disputed (ABC News Watch)
- New peer reviewed paper shows just how bad the climate models really are (repost 1) (Countdown to critical mass)
- New peer reviewed paper shows just how bad the climate models really are (repost2 ) (Climate Observer)
- New Major Peer-Reviewed Study: Climate Models' Predictions Found To Be Shitty (C3)
- New peer reviewed paper shows just how bad the climate models really are - A response to the Climate Change Misinformation at (Wott's Up With That?)
- Climate model abuse (Niche Modeling)
- Very Important New Paper on models versus reality (Greenie Watch)
- New paper shows that there is no means of reliably predicting climate variables (Greenie Watch 2)
- A comparison of local and aggregated climate model outputs with observed data (Fire And Ice)
- Peer Reviewed Study States The Obvious (US Message Board)
- Climate models don’t work, in hindsight (Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog)
- Climate models don’t work, in hindsight (repost) (The Daily Telegraph)
- No abuse hides the fact: warmist models cannot even predict our past (Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog 2)
- No abuse hides the fact: the warmist models cannot even predict our past (PA Pundits – International)
- Aussie rains – IPCC models are bunkum, Energy tsunami, CCNet updates, Exit EU petition (clothcap)
- Aussie rains – IPCC models are bunkum, Energy tsunami, CCNet updates, Exit EU petition (repost) (My Telegraph)
- Science not politics (ecomyths)
- More evidence that Global Climate computer models are worthless (Tucano's Perch)
- Model skill? (Retread Resources Blog)
- Estudo sobre modelos climáticos ( - Fórum de Meteorologia)
- Strategie di verifica delle prestazioni dei GCM, i risultati degli idrologi dell’università di Atene (Climate Monitor)
- Strategie di verifica delle prestazioni dei GCM, i risultati degli idrologi dell’università di Atene (repost) (Blog All Over The World)
- Klima - spådommer og målinger (ABC News)
- "Scam for the Ages" Makes Madoff Look Like Small Change (Al Fin)
- Teoria do AGA: um passado duvidoso, um presente mal contado e um futuro pior ainda. (Sou Engenheiro)
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Climate Etc. * Climate Etc. (2) * Climate Etc. (3) * YouTube * Science Forum * Google Groups * Google Groups 2 * Errors in IPCC climate science * Errors in IPCC climate science (2) * Just Grounds Community * A Few Things Ill Considered * Popular * The Climate Scam * JunkScience * The Chronicle of Higher Education * The Little Skeptic * Jennifer Marohasy * Dot Earth Blog - * ICECAP * Watching the Deniers * DVD Talk * Pure Poison * Peak Oil News and Message Boards * Bishop Hill * San Diego News * Sheffield Forum * Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog 3 * BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch * Liberation * Pistonheads * * Climate Conversation Group * Sydsvenskan - Nyheter dygnet runt * Telepolis * Keskisuomalainen * Keskisuomalainen 2
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Works that cite this document: View on Google Scholar or ResearchGate
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5. | Carlin, A., A multidisciplinary, science-based approach to the economics of climate change, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 8(4), 985-1031, 2011. |
6. | Fildes, R., and N. Kourentzes, Validation and forecasting accuracy in models of climate change, International Journal of Forecasting, 27(4), 968-995, 2011. |
7. | Kundzewicz, Z. W., Nonstationarity in water resources – Central European perspective, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47(3), 550-562, 2011. |
8. | Sivakumar, B., Water crisis: From conflict to cooperation – an overview, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56(4), 531-552, 2011. |
9. | Loehle, C., Criteria for assessing climate change impacts on ecosystems, Ecology and Evolution, 1 (1), 63–72, 2011. |
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12. | #Huard, D., The challenges of climate change interpretation, Ouranos Newsletter, Montreal, Quebec, 3 pp., 21 September 2011. |
13. | Stakhiv, E. Z., Pragmatic approaches for water management under climate change uncertainty, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47(6), 1183-1196, 2011. |
14. | Huard, D., A black eye for the Hydrological Sciences Journal, Discussion of “A comparison of local and aggregated climate model outputs with observed data”, by G. G. Anagnostopoulos et al. (2010, Hydrol. Sci. J. 55 (7), 1094–1110), Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56(7), 1330–1333, 2011. |
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26. | Nazemi, A., H. S. Wheater, K. P. Chun, and A. Elshorbagy, A stochastic reconstruction framework for analysis of water resource system vulnerability to climate-induced changes in river flow regime, Water Resources Research, 49(1), 291-305, doi:10.1029/2012WR012755, 2013. |
27. | Chun, K. P., H. S. Wheater, and C. Onof, Comparison of drought projections using two UK weather generators, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58(2), 1–15, 2013. |
28. | Pielke, Sr. R.A., Comment on “The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program: Overview of Phase I Results”, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94(7), 1075-1077, 2013. |
29. | Piniewski, M., F. Voss, I. Bärlund, T. Okruszko and Z. W. Kundzewicz, Effect of modelling scale on the assessment of climate change impact on river runoff, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 737-754, 2013. |
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31. | #Lang, M. A., Renewable energy and water resources, Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources, Pielke, R. (editor), Vol. 3, 149-166, Elsevier Science, 2013. |
32. | #He, Y., F. Pappenberger, D. Manful, H. Cloke, P. Bates, F. Wetterhall, and B. Parkes, Flood inundation dynamics and socioeconomic vulnerability under environmental change, Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources, Pielke, R. (editor), Vol. 5, 241-255, Elsevier Science, 2013. |
33. | Kumar, S., P. A. Dirmeyer, V. Merwade, T. DelSole, J. M. Adams, and D. Niyogi, Land use/cover change impacts in CMIP5 climate simulations – A new methodology and 21st century challenges, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118(12), 6337-6353, 2013. |
34. | #Loukas, A., and L. Vasiliades, Review of applied methods for flood-frequency analysis in a changing environment in Greece, In: A review of applied methods in Europe for flood-frequency analysis in a changing environment, Floodfreq COST action ES0901: European procedures for flood frequency estimation (ed. by H. Madsen et al.), Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford, UK, 2013. |
35. | Ruffault, J., N. K .Martin-StPaul, C. Duffet, F. Goge and F. Mouillot, Projecting future drought in Mediterranean forests: bias correction of climate models matters!, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 117 (1-2), 113-122, 2014. |
36. | Nazemi, A., and H. S. Wheater, How can the uncertainty in the natural inflow regime propagate into the assessment of water resource systems? Advances in Water Resources, 63, 131-142, 2014. |
37. | Kundzewicz, Z. W., S. Kanae, S. I. Seneviratne, J. Handmer, N. Nicholls, P. Peduzzi, R. Mechler, L. M. Bouweri, N. Arnell, K. Mach, R. Muir-Wood, G. R. Brakenridge, W. Kron, G. Benito, Y. Honda, K. Takahashi, and B. Sherstyukov, Flood risk and climate change: global and regional perspectives, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(1), 1–28, 2014. |
38. | Grygoruk, M., U. Biereżnoj-Bazille, M. Mazgajski and J.Sienkiewicz, Climate-induced challenges for wetlands: revealing the background for the adaptive ecosystem management in the Biebrza Valley, Poland, Advances in Global Change Research, 58, 209-232, 2014. |
39. | Gilioli, G., S. Pasquali, S. Parisi and S. Winter, Modelling the potential distribution of Bemisia tabaci in Europe considering climate change scenario, Pest Management Science, 70(1), 1611–1623, 10.1002/ps.3734, 2014. |
40. | Krakauer, N. Y., and B. M. Fekete, Are climate model simulations useful for forecasting precipitation trends? Hindcast and synthetic-data experiments, Environmental Research Letters, 9(2), 024009, 2014. |
41. | Hughes, D. A., S. Mantel and T. Mohobane, An assessment of the skill of downscaled GCM outputs in simulating historical patterns of rainfall variability in South Africa, Hydrology Research, 45 (1), 134-147, 2014. |
42. | #Jiménez Cisneros, B.E., T. Oki, N.W. Arnell, G. Benito, J.G. Cogley, P. Döll, T. Jiang, and S.S. Mwakalila, Freshwater resources. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 229-269, 2014. |
43. | Hromadka, T. V., H. D. McInvale, B. Gatzke, M. Phillips, and B. Espinosa, Cumulative departure model of the cryosphere during the Pleistocene, Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 06014002, 2014. |
44. | Nova, J., Government monopoly in science and the role of independent scientists, Energy and Environment, 25(6-7), 1219–1224, 2014. |
45. | #McKitrick, R., Climate Policy Implications of the Hiatus in Global Warming, Fraser Institute, 2014. |
46. | Galbraith, H., D. W. DesRochers, S. Brown and J. M. Reed, Predicting vulnerabilities of North American shorebirds to climate change, PLoS ONE, 9(9), 10.1371/journal.pone.0108899, 2014. |
47. | Yao, Y., S. Zhao, Y. Zhang, K. Jia and M. Liu, Spatial and decadal variations in potential evapotranspiration of China based on reanalysis datasets during 1982–2010, Atmosphere, 5(4), 737-754, 2014. |
48. | Kundzewicz, Z., and D. Gerten, Grand challenges related to assessment of climate change impacts on freshwater resources, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20 (1), 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001012, A4014011, 2015. |
49. | Hromadka II, T.V., H.D. McInvale, M. Phillips and B. Espinosa, Assessment of ice volume changes in the cryosphere via simplified heat transport model, American Journal of Climate Change, 3, 421-428, 2014. |
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51. | Stefanova, A., V. Krysanova, C. Hesse, and A. I. Lillebø, Climate change impact assessment on water inflow to a coastal lagoon: the Ria de Aveiro watershed, Portugal, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60(5), 929-948, 2015. |
52. | Hesse, C., A. Stefanova, and V. Krysanova, Comparison of water flows in four European lagoon catchments under a set of future climate scenarios, Water, 7(2), 716-746, doi:10.3390/w7020716, 2015. |
53. | Gelfan, A., V. A. Semenov, E. Gusev, Y. Motovilov, O. Nasonova, I. Krylenko, and E. Kovalev, Large-basin hydrological response to climate model outputs: uncertainty caused by the internal atmospheric variability, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 2737-2754, doi:10.5194/hess-19-2737-2015, 2015. |
54. | Nayak, P. C., R. Wardlaw, and A. K. Kharya, Water balance approach to study the effect of climate change on groundwater storage for Sirhind command area in India, International Journal of River Basin Management, 13(2), 243-261, doi:10.1080/15715124.2015.1012206, 2015. |
55. | Yu, Z., P. Jiang, M. R. Gautam, Y. Zhang, and K. Acharya, Changes of seasonal storm properties in California and Nevada from an ensemble of climate projections, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120(7), 2676-2688, doi:10.1002/2014JD022414, 2015. |
56. | Legates, D. R., W. Soon, W. M. Briggs and C. Monckton of Brenchley, Climate consensus and ‘misinformation’: a rejoinder to agnotology, scientific consensus, and the teaching and learning of climate change, Science and Education, 24, 299-318, doi:10.1007/s11191-013-9647-9, 2015. |
57. | Frank, P., Negligence, non-science, and consensus climatology, Energy and Environment, 26(3), doi:10.1260/0958-305X.26.3.391, 2015. |
58. | Kundzewicz, Z.W., Climate change track in river floods in Europe, Proc. IAHS, 369, 189–194, 10.5194/piahs-369-189-2015, 2015. |
59. | Kara, F., I. Yucel, and Z. Akyurek, Climate change impacts on extreme precipitation of water supply area in Istanbul: Use of ensemble climate modelling and geo-statistical downscaling, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(14), 2481-2495, doi:10.1080/02626667.2015.1133911, 2016. |
60. | Refsgaard, J. C., T. O. Sonnenborg, M. B. Butts, J. H. Christensen, S. Christensen, M. Drews, K. H. Jensen, F. Jørgensen, L. F. Jørgensen, M. A. D. Larsen, S. H. Rasmussen, L. P. Seaby, D. Seifert, and T. N. Vilhelmsen, Climate change impacts on groundwater hydrology – where are the main uncertainties and can they be reduced?, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(13), 2312-2324, doi:10.1080/02626667.2015.1131899, 2016. |
61. | #Kundzewicz, Z. W., Climate change impacts and adaptation in water and land context, Environmental Resource Management and the Nexus Approach – Managing Water, Soil, and Waste in the Context of Global Change, H. Hettiarachchi, and R. Ardakanian (editors), 11-39, Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28593-1_2, 2016. |
62. | #Serrat-Capdevila, A., D. A. García Ramírez, and N. Tayebi, Key global water challenges and the role of remote sensing, Earth Observation for Water Resources Management: Current Use and Future Opportunities for the Water Sector, 9-31, doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-0475-5_ch1, 2016. |
63. | Jiang, P., Z. Yu, M. R. Gautam, F. Yuan, and K. Acharya, Changes of storm properties in the United States: Observations and multimodel ensemble projections, Global and Planetary Change, 142, 41–52, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.05.001, 2016. |
64. | #Fekete, B. M., G. Pisacane, and D. Wisser, Crystal balls into the future: are global circulation and water balance models ready?, Proc. IAHS, 374, 41-51, doi:10.5194/piahs-374-41-2016, 2016. |
65. | Kundzewicz, Z. W., V. Krysanova, R. Dankers, Y. Hirabayashi, S. Kanae, F. F. Hattermann, S. Huang, P. C. D. Milly, M. Stoffel, P. P. J. Driessen, P. Matczak, P. Quevauviller, and H.-J. Schellnhuber, Differences in flood hazard projections in Europe – their causes and consequences for decision making, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62(1), 1-14, doi:10.1080/02626667.2016.1241398, 2017. |
66. | Grygoruk, M., and S. Rannowb, Mind the gap! Lessons from science-based stakeholder dialogue in climate-adapted management of wetlands, Journal of Environmental Management, 186, 108-119, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.10.066, 2017. |
67. | Hossain, F., E. Beighley, S. Burian, J. Chen, A. Mitra, D. Niyogi, R. Pielke Sr, and D. Wegner, Review of approaches and recommendations for improving resilience of water management infrastructure: the case for large dams, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000370, 2017. |
68. | Gusev, Y. M., V. A. Semenov, O. N. Nasonova, and E E. Kovalev, Weather noise impact on the uncertainty of simulated water balance components of river basins, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62(8), 1181-1199, doi:10.1080/02626667.2017.1319064, 2017. |
69. | #Shalby, A., M. Elshemy, and B. A. Zeidan, Selecting of regional climate model simulations for modeling climate change impacts on the water quality status of Lake Burullus, Egypt, Twentieth International Water Technology Conference, Hurghada, 2017. |
70. | Vogel, M., Stochastic watershed models for hydrologic risk management, Water Security, 1, 28-35, doi:10.1016/j.wasec.2017.06.001, 2017. |
71. | Loehle, C., The epistemological status of general circulation models, Climate Dynamics, 50(5-6), 1719-1731, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3717-7, 2018. |
72. | Gupta, H. V., G. Sapriza-Azuri, J. Jódar, and J. Carrera, Circulation pattern-based assessment of projected climate change for a catchment in Spain, Journal of Hydrology, 556, 944-960, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.06.032, 2018. |
73. | #Maraun, D., and M. Widmann, Statistical Downscaling and Bias Correction for Climate Research, Cambridge University Press, 2018. |
74. | Stefanidis, S., and D. Stathis, Effect of climate change on soil erosion in a mountainous Mediterranean catchment (Central Pindus, Greece), Water, 10(10), 1469, doi:10.3390/w10101469, 2018. |
75. | Connolly, R., M. Connolly, W. Soon, D. R. Legates, R. G. Cionco, and V. M. Velasco Herrera, Northern hemisphere snow-cover trends (1967–2018): A comparison between climate models and observations, Geosciences, 9(3), 135, doi:10.3390/geosciences9030135, 2019. |
76. | Kron, W., J. Eichner, and Z. W. Kundzewicz, Reduction of flood risk in Europe – Reflections from a reinsurance perspective, Journal of Hydrology, 576, 197-209, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.050, 2019. |
77. | Shalby, A., M. Elshemy, and B. A. Zeidan, Assessment of climate change impacts on water quality parameters of Lake Burullus, Egypt, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi:10.1007/s11356-019-06105-x, 2019. |
78. | Wine, M. L., Toward strong science to support equitable water sharing in securitized transboundary watersheds, Biologia, doi:10.2478/s11756-019-00334-8, 2019. |
79. | Frank, P., Propagation of error and the reliability of global air temperature projections, Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 223, doi:10.3389/feart.2019.00223, 2019. |
80. | #Hossain, F., D. Niyogi, R. A. Pielke, J. Chen, D. Wegner, A. Mitra, S. Burian, E. Beighley, C. Brown, and V. Tidwell, Current approaches for resilience assessment, Resilience of Large Water Management Infrastructure, Hossain, F. (editor), 35-43, Springer International Publishing, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-26432-1_3, 2020. |
81. | Wine, M. L., Climatization of environmental degradation: A widespread challenge to the integrity of earth science, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65(6), 867-883, doi:10.1080/02626667.2020.1720024, 2020. |
82. | Verbist, K. M. J., H. Maureira, P. Rojas, and S.Vicuna, A stress test for climate change impacts on water security: a CRIDA case study, Climate Risk Management, 28, 100222, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2020.100222, 2020. |
83. | Hosseini-Moghari, S.-M., and Q. Tang, Validation of GPM IMERG-V05 and V06 precipitation products over Iran, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21(5), 1011-1037, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-19-0269.1, 2020. |
84. | Stefanidis, S., S. Dafis, and D. Stathis, Evaluation of regional climate models (RCMs) performance in simulating seasonal precipitation over mountainous Central Pindus (Greece), Water, 12(10), 2750, doi:10.3390/w12102750, 2020. |
85. | Dong, Z., W. Jia, R. Sarukkalige, G. Fu, Q. Meng, and Q. Wang, Innovative trend analysis of air temperature and precipitation in the Jinsha river basin, China, Water, 12(11), 3293, doi:10.3390/w12113293, 2020. |
86. | Turner, S. W. D., and P. J. Jeffrey, A simple drought risk analysis procedure to supplement water resources management planning in England and Wales, Water and Environment Journal, 35(1), 417-424, doi:10.1111/wej.12639, 2021. |
87. | Sun, B., S. Chen, Q. Liu, Y. Lu, C. Zhang, and H. Fang, Review of sewage flow measuring instruments, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 12(2), 2089-2098, doi:10.1016/j.asej.2020.08.031, 2021. |
88. | Baran-Zgłobicka, B., D. Godziszewska, and W. Zgłobicki, The flash floods risk in the local spatial planning (case study: Lublin Upland, E Poland), Resources, 10(2), 14, doi:10.3390/resources10020014, 2021. |
89. | Neupane, S., S. Shrestha, U. Ghimire, S. Mohanasundaram, and S. Ninsawat, Evaluation of the CORDEX regional climate models (RCMs) for simulating climate extremes in the Asian cities, Science of The Total Environment, 797, 149137, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149137, 2021. |
90. | Manous, J., and E. Z. Stakhiv, Climate risk-informed decision analysis (CRIDA): ‘top-down’ vs ‘bottom-up’ decision making for planning water resources infrastructure, Water Policy, 23(S1), 54-76, doi:10.2166/wp.2021.243, 2021. |
91. | Stakhiv, E. Z., The centrality of engineering codes and risk-based design standards in climate adaptation strategies, Water Policy, 23(S1), 106-127, doi:10.2166/wp.2021.345, 2021. |
92. | Ramadhan, R., H. Yusnaini, M. Marzuki, R. Muharsyah, W. Suryanto, S. Sholihun, M. Vonnisa, H. Harmadi, A. P. Ningsih, A. Battaglia, H. Hashiguchi, and A. Tokay, Evaluation of GPM IMERG performance using gauge data over Indonesian maritime continent at different time scales, Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1172, doi:10.3390/rs14051172, 2022. |
93. | Haji-Aghajany, S., Y. Amerian, and A. Amiri-Simkooei, Function-based troposphere tomography technique for optimal downscaling of precipitation, Remote Sensing, 14(11), 2548, doi:10.3390/rs14112548, 2022. |
94. | Mohebbi, A., K. R. Adams, S. Akbariyeh, M. Maruf, and A. H. Baghanam, Application of weather research and forecasting (WRF) model in evaluating depth–duration–frequency estimates under a future climate scenario, Hydrology Research, 53(9), 1186-1202, doi:10.2166/nh.2022.045, 2022. |
95. | Girma, R., C. Fürsta, and A. Moges, Performance evaluation of CORDEX-Africa regional climate models in simulating climate variables over Ethiopian main rift valley: Evidence from Gidabo river basin for impact modeling studies, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 99, 101317, doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2022.101317, 2022. |
96. | Ahamed, M. R. A., A. Sharma, J. M. Wani, and A. P. Dimri, The representation of summer monsoon rainfall over northeast India: assessing the performance of CORDEX-CORE model experiments, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 51, 1949-1962, doi:10.1007/s00704-023-04369-5, 2023. |
97. | Frank, P., LiG metrology, correlated error, and the integrity of the global surface air-temperature record, Sensors, 23(13), 5976, doi:10.3390/s23135976, 2023. |
98. | #Bénard, G., M. Gehlen, and M. Vrac, A causality-based method for multi-model comparison: Application to relationships between atmospheric and marine biogeochemical variables, Earth System Dynamics Discussions, doi:10.5194/esd-2024-31, 2024. |
G. Papathopoulou, E. Georgiou, N. Mamassis, and M. Mimikou, Estimation of areal distribution of climatic and bioclimatic indices in Attica region using the METEONET Network data, Technica Chronica, I, Athens, January 2009.
This paper has as main objective the climatic and bioclimatic investigation of the wider area of Athens that is defined by the fully automated telemetric network of stations (METEONET), which has been installed by the National Technical University of Athens. The climatic and bioclimatic investigation of study area was accomplished by the use of climatic and bioclimatic indices. Through a wide spectrum of indices that exist, the appropriate indices were selected in order to describe as well as possible the climatic conditions of Athens. Firstly the indices were calculated for every hydrometeorological station and afterwards a surface completion of data was realized with the use of Arc Map software by applying the interpolation method IDW. The results were many thematic maps for every climatic index in monthly basis. The spatial depiction points out the climatic classification of study area and concludes to valuable information for climatic conditions.
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D. Koutsoyiannis, C. Makropoulos, A. Langousis, S. Baki, A. Efstratiadis, A. Christofides, G. Karavokiros, and N. Mamassis, Climate, hydrology, energy, water: recognizing uncertainty and seeking sustainability, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, 247–257, doi:10.5194/hess-13-247-2009, 2009.
Since 1990 extensive funds have been spent on research in climate change. Although Earth Sciences, including climatology and hydrology, have benefited significantly, progress has proved incommensurate with the effort and funds, perhaps because these disciplines were perceived as “tools” subservient to the needs of the climate change enterprise rather than autonomous sciences. At the same time, research was misleadingly focused more on the “symptom”, i.e. the emission of greenhouse gases, than on the “illness”, i.e. the unsustainability of fossil fuel-based energy production. Unless energy saving and use of renewable resources become the norm, there is a real risk of severe socioeconomic crisis in the not-too-distant future. A framework for drastic paradigm change is needed, in which water plays a central role, due to its unique link to all forms of renewable energy, from production (hydro and wave power) to storage (for time-varying wind and solar sources), to biofuel production (irrigation). The extended role of water should be considered in parallel to its other uses, domestic, agricultural and industrial. Hydrology, the science of water on Earth, must move towards this new paradigm by radically rethinking its fundamentals, which are unjustifiably trapped in the 19th-century myths of deterministic theories and the zeal to eliminate uncertainty. Guidance is offered by modern statistical and quantum physics, which reveal the intrinsic character of uncertainty/entropy in nature, thus advancing towards a new understanding and modelling of physical processes, which is central to the effective use of renewable energy and water resources.
Blogs and forums that have discussed this article: Climate science; Vertical news; Outside the cube.
Update 2011-09-26: The removed video of the panel discussion of Nobelists entitled “Climate Changes and Energy Challenges” (held in the framework of the 2008 Meeting of Nobel Laureates at Lindau on Physics) which is referenced in footnote 1 of the paper, still cannot be located online. However, Larry Gould has an audio file of the discussion here.
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25. | Clark, C., Two rural temperature records in Somerset, UK, Weather, 70(10), 280-284, doi:10.1002/wea.2512, 2015. |
26. | Tsonis, A. A., Randomness: a property of the mathematical and physical systems, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(9), 1591-1610, doi:10.1080/02626667.2014.992434, 2016. |
27. | Di Baldassarre, G., L. Brandimarte, and K. Beven, The seventh facet of uncertainty: wrong assumptions, unknowns and surprises in the dynamics of human-water systems, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(9), 1748-1758, doi:10.1080/02626667.2015.1091460, 2016. |
28. | Chrs, C. C., Models, the establishment, and the real world: Why do so many flood problems remain in the UK?, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 5, 44-59, doi:10.4236/gep.2017.52004, 2017. |
29. | Vogel, M., Stochastic watershed models for hydrologic risk management, Water Security, 1, 28-35, doi:10.1016/j.wasec.2017.06.001, 2017. |
30. | Madani, E. M., P. E. Jansson, and I. Babelon, Differences in water balance between grassland and forest watersheds using long-term data, derived using the CoupModel, Hydrology Research, 49(1), 72-89, doi:10.2166/nh.2017.154, 2018. |
31. | #Oliveira da Silva Araújo, R. C., L. Gomes Lourenço, O. Siena, and C. A. da Silva Müller, Inovação e sustentabilidade na produção e uso de energia: uma meta-análise, Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade Social em Foco – Volume 4, Capítulo 3, Organização Editora Poisson, doi:10.5935/978-85-93729-64-5.2018B001, 2018. |
32. | Biondi, D., and E. Todini, Comparing hydrological post‐processors including ensembles predictions into full predictive probability distribution of streamflow, Water Resources Research, 54(12), 9860-9882, doi:10.1029/2017WR022432, 2018. |
33. | Dahlke, H. E., G. T. LaHue, M. R. L. Mautner, N. P. Murphy, N. K. Patterson, H. Waterhouse, F. Yang, and L. Foglia, Managed aquifer recharge as a tool to enhance sustainable groundwater management in California: Examples from field and modeling studies, Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection, 3, 215-275, doi:10.1016/bs.apmp.2018.07.003, 2018. |
34. | Giudici, F., A. Castelletti, E. Garofalo, M. Giuliani, and H. R. Maier, Dynamic, multi-objective optimal design and operation of water-energy systems for small, off-grid islands, Applied Energy, 250, 605-616, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.05.084, 2019. |
35. | Tzanakakis, V. A., A. N. Angelakis, N. V. Paranychianakis, Y. G. Dialynas, and G. Tchobanoglous, Challenges and opportunities for sustainable management of water resources in the island of Crete, Greece, Water, 12(6), 1538, doi:10.3390/w12061538, 2020. |
36. | Ayzel, G., L. Kurochkina, and S. Zhuravlev, The influence of regional hydrometric data incorporation on the accuracy of gridded reconstruction of monthly runoff, Hydrological Sciences Journal, doi:10.1080/02626667.2020.1762886, 2020. |
37. | Yang, W., F. Jin, Y. Si, and Z. Li, Runoff change controlled by combined effects of multiple environmental factors in a headwater catchment with cold and arid climate in northwest China, Science of The Total Environment, 756, 143995, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143995, 2021. |
38. | Kourgialas, N. N., A critical review of water resources in Greece: The key role of agricultural adaptation to climate-water effects, Science of the Total Environment, 775, 145857, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145857, 2021. |
39. | #Eslamian S., and S. Parvizi, Engineering Hydrology: Impact on Sustainable Development, Climate Action, Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Özuyar P.G., Wall T. (eds), Springer, Cham, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71063-1_134-1, 2021. |
40. | Lemonis, A. S. Skroufouta, and E. Baltas, An economic evaluation towards sustainability: The case of a hybrid renewable energy system in Greece, American Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics, 7(1), 37-47, doi:10.11648/j.ajere.20220701.15, 2022. |
41. | Cui, Y., J. Jin, X. Bai, S. Ning, L. Zhang, C. Wu, and Y. Zhang, Quantitative evaluation and obstacle factor diagnosis of agricultural drought disaster risk using connection number and information entropy, Entropy, 24(7), 872, doi:10.3390/e24070872, 2022. |
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43. | Caixeta F., A. M. Carvalho, P. Saraiva, and F. Freire, Sustainability-focused excellence: A novel model integrating the water-energy-food nexus for agro-industrial companies, Sustainability, 14(15), 9678, doi:10.3390/su14159678, 2022. |
44. | Angelakis, A. N., J. Krasilnikoff, and V. A. Tzanakakis, Evolution of water technologies and corresponding philosophy and sciences focusing on the Hellenic world through the millennia, Water, 14, 3149, doi:10.3390/w14193149, 2022. |
45. | Li, C., J. Hao, G. Zhang, H. Fang, Y. Wang, and H. Lu, Runoff variations affected by climate change and human activities in Yarlung Zangbo River, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Catena, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2023.107184, 2023. |
46. | Jorquera, J., and A. Pizarro, Unlocking the potential of stochastic simulation through Bluecat: Enhancing runoff predictions in arid and high‐altitude regions, Hydrological Processes, 37(12), e15046, doi:10.1002/hyp.15046, 2023. |
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48. | Xue, Z., X. Xu, L. Hu, J. Liu, Z. Yan, and M. Han, A study on long-term forecasting of water quality data using self-attention with correlation, Journal of Hydrology, 132390, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132390, 2024. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, A. Efstratiadis, N. Mamassis, and A. Christofides, On the credibility of climate predictions, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 53 (4), 671–684, doi:10.1623/hysj.53.4.671, 2008.
Geographically distributed predictions of future climate, obtained through climate models, are widely used in hydrology and many other disciplines, typically without assessing their reliability. Here we compare the output of various models to temperature and precipitation observations from eight stations with long (over 100 years) records from around the globe. The results show that models perform poorly, even at a climatic (30-year) scale. Thus local model projections cannot be credible, whereas a common argument that models can perform better at larger spatial scales is unsupported.
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- Koutsoyiannis et al 2008: On the credibility of climate predictions (Climate Audit by Steve McIntyre) Reaction by first author * * * Additional reactions: 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * more
- On the credibility of climate predictions by Koutsoyiannis et al. 2008 (Climate Science by Roger Pielke Sr. 1)
- Comments on a New Report on Climate Change in Colorado… (Climate Science by Roger Pielke Sr. 2)
- New Paper On Dynamic Downscaling Of Climate Models By Rockel Et. Al. Published (Climate Science by Roger Pielke Sr. 3)
- Hypothesis testing and long range memory (Real Climate by Gavin A. Schmidt) Reaction by 1st author; * * * Additional reaction
- Koutsoyiannis vs RealClimate.ORG (The Reference Frame by Luboš Motl) Reaction by 1rst author
- Modellen en vroegere werkelijkheid: een test (Klimaat by Marcel Severijnen 1)
- Nog eens: Modellen en vroegere werkelijkheid (Klimaat by Marcel Severijnen 2)
- Far from model predictions. As for the CSIRO’s… (Andrew Bolt Blog 1)
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- November snows all over the CSIRO (Andrew Bolt Blog 4)
- New paper demonstrates lack of credibility for climate model predictions (Jennifer Marohasy Blog 1)
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- Ten Worst Man-Made Disasters (Jennifer Marohasy Blog 3)
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- On the credibility of climate predictions (Chronos)
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62. | #Hamilton, D. P., C. McBride, D. Özkundakci, M. Schallenberg, P. Verburg, M. de Winton, D. Kelly, C. Hendy, and W. Ye, Effects of climate change on New Zealand Lakes, Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters: Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems and Societies, C. R. Goldman, M. Kumagai, and R. D. Robarts (eds.), 337-366, 2012. |
63. | #Verdon-Kidd, D., A. Kiem, and E. Austin, Decision-making under uncertainty – Bridging the gap between end user needs and science capability, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, pp.116., ISBN: 978-1-921609-67-1, 2012. |
64. | Jiang, P., M. R. Gautam, J. Zhu, and Z. Yu, How well do the GCMs/RCMs capture the multi-scale temporal variability of precipitation in the Southwestern United States?, Journal of Hydrology, 479, 13-23, 2013. |
65. | Lien, W.-Y., C.-P. Tung, Y.-H. Ho, C.-H. Tai and L.-H. Chuang, Establish methods to evaluate the projection ability of general circulation models, Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering, 59 (1), 1-14, 2013. |
66. | Bayer, T. K., C. W. Burns, and M. Schallenberg, Application of a numerical model to predict impacts of climate change on water temperatures in two deep, oligotrophic lakes in New Zealand, Hydrobiologia, 713 (1), 53-71, 2013. |
67. | Hrachowitz, M., H.H.G. Savenije, G. Blöschl, J.J. McDonnell, M. Sivapalan, J.W. Pomeroy, B. Arheimer, T. Blume, M.P. Clark, U. Ehret, F. Fenicia, J.E. Freer, A. Gelfan, H.V. Gupta, D.A. Hughes, R.W. Hut, A. Montanari, S. Pande, D. Tetzlaff, P.A. Troch, S. Uhlenbrook, T. Wagener, H.C. Winsemius, R.A. Woods, E. Zehe, and C. Cudennec, A decade of Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) — a review, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58(6), 1198-1255, 2013. |
68. | Varotsos, C.A., M.N. Efstathiou, and A.P. Cracknell, On the scaling effect in global surface air temperature anomalies, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 5243-5253, doi:10.5194/acp-13-5243-2013, 2013. |
69. | #Mortazavi, M., G. Kuczera, A. S. Kiem, B. Henley, B. Berghout and E. Turner, Robust optimisation of urban drought security for an uncertain climate, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 74, 2013. |
70. | Kiem, A. S., and E. K. Austin, Drought and the future of rural communities: Opportunities and challenges for climate change adaptation in regional Victoria, Australia, Global Environmental Change, 23(5), 1307–1316, doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.06.003, 2013. |
71. | #Tomlinson, E., B. Kappel, G. Muhlestein, D. Hultstrand and T. Parzybok, Probable Maximum Precipitation Study for Arizona, Arizona Department of Water Resources, Arizona, USA, 2013. |
72. | #Kappel, B., G. Muhlestein, E. Tomlinson, D. Hultstrand and M. Johnson, Calculating Arizona basin-specific PMP using the PMP evaluation tool, Association of State Dam Safety Officials Annual Conference 2013, Dam Safety 2013, 2, 904-969, 2013. |
73. | EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH), Scientific Opinion on the risks to plant health posed by Bemisia tabaci species complex and viruses it transmits for the EU territory, EFSA Journal, 11(4), 3162, doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2013.3162, 2013. |
74. | Jayakody, P., P. B. Parajuli, T. P. Cathcart, Impacts of climate variability on water quality with best management practices in subtropical climate of USA, Hydrological Processes, 28(23), 5776–5790, 2014. |
75. | Kundzewicz, Z.W., S. Kanae, S. I. Seneviratne, J. Handmer, N. Nicholls, P. Peduzzi, R. Mechler, L. M. Bouweri, N. Arnell, K. Mach, R. Muir-Wood, G. R. Brakenridge, W. Kron, G. Benito, Y. Honda, K. Takahashi, and B. Sherstyukov, Flood risk and climate change: global and regional perspectives, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(1), 1–28, 2014. |
76. | Honti, M., A. Scheidegger, and C. Stamm, The importance of hydrological uncertainty assessment methods in climate change impact studies, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 3301-3317, 10.5194/hess-18-3301-2014, 2014. |
77. | Gilioli, G., S. Pasquali, S. Parisi and S. Winter, Modelling the potential distribution of Bemisia tabaci in Europe considering climate change scenario, Pest Management Science, 70(1), 1611–1623, 10.1002/ps.3734, 2014. |
78. | #Jiménez Cisneros, B.E., T. Oki, N.W. Arnell, G. Benito, J.G. Cogley, P. Döll, T. Jiang, and S.S. Mwakalila, Freshwater resources. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 229-269, 2014. |
79. | #Kiem, A. S., Climate variability and change, ch. 2 in Climate Change and Water Resources, 31-67, 2014. |
80. | Kiem, A. S., D. C. Verdon-Kidd, and E. K. Austin, Bridging the gap between end user needs and science capability: decision making under uncertainty, Climate Research, 61(1), 57-74, 2014. |
81. | Stonevičius, E., G. Valiuškevičius, E. Rimkus and J. Kažys, Climate induced changes of Lithuanian rivers runoff in 1960–2009, Water Resources, 41 (5), 592-603, 2014. |
82. | #McKitrick, R., Climate Policy Implications of the Hiatus in Global Warming, Fraser Institute, 2014. |
83. | Yao, Y., S. Zhao, Y. Zhang, K. Jia and M. Liu, Spatial and decadal variations in potential evapotranspiration of China based on reanalysis datasets during 1982–2010, Atmosphere, 5(4), 737-754, 2014. |
84. | #Verdon-Kidd, D. C., A. S. Kiem, and E. K. Austin, 7 Bridging the gap between researchers and decision-makers, ch. 7 in Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation (ed. by J. P. Palutikof, S. L. Boulter, J. Barnett, and D. Rissik) Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 51-59, 2014. |
85. | Nova, J., Government monopoly in science and the role of independent scientists, Energy and Environment, 25(6-7), 1219–1224, 2014. |
86. | Bravo, J. M., W. Collischonn, A. R. Paz, D. Allasia, and F. Domecq, Impact of projected climate change on hydrologic regime of the Upper Paraguay River basin, Climatic Change, 127(1), 27–41, 2014. |
87. | #Ranzi, R., and M. Tomirotti, Long term statistics of river flow regime: climatic or anthropogenic changes?, Proceedings of 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, 2014. |
88. | Kundzewicz, Z., and D. Gerten, Grand challenges related to assessment of climate change impacts on freshwater resources, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20 (1), 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001012, A4014011, 2015. |
89. | Stefanova, A., V. Krysanova, C. Hesse, and A. I. Lillebø, Climate change impact assessment on water inflow to a coastal lagoon: the Ria de Aveiro watershed, Portugal, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60(5), 929-948, 2015. |
90. | Vallebona, C., E. Pellegrino, P. Frumento, and E. Bonari, Temporal trends in extreme rainfall intensity and erosivity in the Mediterranean region: a case study in southern Tuscany, Italy, Climatic Change, 128(1-2), 139-151, 2015. |
91. | Gil-Alana, L.A., Linear and segmented trends in sea surface temperature data, Journal of Applied Statistics, 42(7), 1531-1546, doi:10.1080/02664763.2014.1001328, 2015. |
92. | Wi, S., Y.C.E. Yang, S. Steinschneider, A. Khalil, and C.M. Brown, Calibration approaches for distributed hydrologic models in poorly gaged basins: implication for streamflow projections under climate change, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 857-876, doi:10.5194/hess-19-857-2015, 2015. |
93. | Hesse, C., A. Stefanova, and V. Krysanova, Comparison of water flows in four European lagoon catchments under a set of future climate scenarios, Water, 7(2), 716-746, doi:10.3390/w7020716, 2015. |
94. | Yu, Z., P. Jiang, M. R. Gautam, Y. Zhang, and K. Acharya, Changes of seasonal storm properties in California and Nevada from an ensemble of climate projections, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120(7), 2676-2688, doi:10.1002/2014JD022414, 2015. |
95. | Mortazavi-Naeini, M., G. Kuczera, A. S. Kiem, L. Cui, B. Henley, B. Berghout, and E. Turner, Robust optimization to secure urban bulk water supply against extreme drought and uncertain climate change, Environmental Modelling and Software, 69, 437-451, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.02.021, 2015. |
96. | Verdon-Kidd, D. C. and A. S. Kiem, Non–stationarity in annual maxima rainfall across Australia – implications for Intensity–Frequency–Duration (IFD) relationships, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 4735-4746, doi:10.5194/hessd-12-3449-2015, 2015. |
97. | Legates, D. R., W. Soon, W. M. Briggs and C. Monckton of Brenchley, Climate consensus and ‘misinformation’: a rejoinder to agnotology, scientific consensus, and the teaching and learning of climate change, Science and Education, 24, 299-318, 10.1007/s11191-013-9647-9, 2015. |
98. | Deb, P., A. S. Kiem, M. S. Babel, S. T. Chu, and B. Chakma, Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation strategies for maize cultivation in the Himalayan foothills of India, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 6(3) 596-614, doi:10.2166/wcc.2015.070, 2015. |
99. | Frank, P., Negligence, non-science, and consensus climatology, Energy and Environment, 26(3), 391-415, doi:10.1260/0958-305X.26.3.391, 2015. |
100. | Oyekale, A. S., Factors explaining farm households’ access to and utilization of extreme climate forecasts in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Environmental Economics, 6(1), 91-103, 2015. |
101. | Munshi, J., A robust test for OLS trends in daily temperature data, Social Science Research Network, doi:10.2139/ssrn.2631298, 2015. |
102. | #McKitrick, R. Energy policy and environmental stewardship: risk management not risk avoidance, Greer-Heard Point-Counterpoint Forum, 2015. |
103. | Kiem, A. S., E. K. Austin, and D. C. Verdon-Kidd, Water resource management in a variable and changing climate: hypothetical case study to explore decision making under uncertainty, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 7(2), 263-279, doi:10.2166/wcc.2015.040, 2016. |
104. | Jiang, P., Z. Yu, M. R. Gautam, F. Yuan, and K. Acharya, Changes of storm properties in the United States: Observations and multimodel ensemble projections, Global and Planetary Change, 142, 41–52, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.05.001, 2016. |
105. | Becker, M., M. Karpytchev, M. Marcos, S. Jevrejeva, and S. Lennartz-Sassinek, Do climate models reproduce complexity of observed sea level changes?, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(10), 5176-5184, doi:10.1002/2016GL068971, 2016. |
106. | #Kianfar, B., S. Fatichi, A. Paschalis, M. Maurer, and P. Molnar, Climate change and uncertainty in high-resolution rainfall extremes, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, doi:10.5194/hess-2016-536, 2016. |
107. | #Fekete, B. M., G. Pisacane, and D. Wisser, Crystal balls into the future: are global circulation and water balance models ready?, Proc. IAHS, 374, 41-51, doi:10.5194/piahs-374-41-2016, 2016. |
108. | #Ranzi, R., P. Caronna, and M. Tomirotti, Impact of climatic and land use changes on river flows in the Southern Alps, Sustainable Water Resources Planning and Management Under Climate Change, 61-83, Springer Singapore, doi:10.1007/978-981-10-2051-3_3, 2017. |
109. | Manage, N. P., N. Lockart, G. Willgoose, G. Kuczera, A. S. Kiem, K. Chowdhury, L. Zhang, and C. Twomey, Statistical testing of dynamically downscaled rainfall data for the Upper Hunter region, New South Wales, Australia, Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 66, 203–227, doi:10.22499/3.6602.008, 2016. |
110. | Stakhiv, E. Z., W. Werick, and R. W. Brumbaugh, Evolution of drought management policies and practices in the United States, Water Policy, 18(S2), 122-152, doi:10.2166/wp.2016.017, 2016. |
111. | Camici, S., L. Brocca, and T. Moramarco, Accuracy versus variability of climate projections for flood assessment in central Italy, Climatic Change, 141(2), 273–286, doi:10.1007/s10584-016-1876-x, 2017. |
112. | Machiwal, D., D. Dayal, and S. Kumar, Long-term rainfall trends and change points in hot and cold arid regions of India, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62(7), 1050-1066, doi:10.1080/02626667.2017.1303705, 2017. |
113. | Munshi, J., Event attribution and the precipitation record for England and Wales, Social Science Research Network, doi:10.2139/ssrn.2929159, 2017. |
114. | Bukovsky, M. S., R. R. McCrary, A. Seth, and L. O. Mearns, A mechanistically credible, poleward shift in warm-season precipitation projected for the U.S. Southern Great Plains?, Journal of Climate, 30(20), 8275–8298, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0316.1, 2017. |
115. | Vogel, M., Stochastic watershed models for hydrologic risk management, Water Security, 1, 28-35, doi:10.1016/j.wasec.2017.06.001, 2017. |
116. | Serago, J. M., and R. M. Vogel, Parsimonious nonstationary flood frequency analysis, Advances in Water Resources, 112, 1-16, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.11.026, 2018. |
117. | Stefanidis, S., and D. Stathis, Effect of climate change on soil erosion in a mountainous Mediterranean catchment (Central Pindus, Greece), Water, 10(10), 1469, doi:10.3390/w10101469, 2018. |
118. | Kundzewicz, Z. W., Quo vadis, hydrology?, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63(8), 1118-1132, doi:10.1080/02626667.2018.1489597, 2018. |
119. | Zolghadr-Asli, B., O. Bozorg-Haddad, P. Sarzaeim, and X. Chu, Investigating the variability of GCMs' simulations using time series analysis, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 10(3), 449-463, doi:10.2166/wcc.2018.099, 2019. |
120. | #Garrard, G., A. Goodbody, G. B. Handley, and S. Posthumus, Climate Change Scepticism: A Transnational Ecocritical Analysis, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. |
121. | Momblanch, A., I. P. Holman, and S. K. Jain, Current practice and recommendations for modelling global change impacts on water resource in the Himalayas, Water, 11(6), 1303, doi:10.3390/w11061303, 2019. |
122. | Frank, P., Propagation of error and the reliability of global air temperature projections, Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 223, doi:10.3389/feart.2019.00223, 2019. |
123. | Wine, M. L., Toward strong science to support equitable water sharing in securitized transboundary watersheds, Biologia, 75, 907-915, doi:10.2478/s11756-019-00334-8, 2020. |
124. | Wine, M. L., Climatization of environmental degradation: A widespread challenge to the integrity of earth science, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65(6), 867-883, doi:10.1080/02626667.2020.1720024, 2020. |
125. | Vogel, R. M., and C. N. Kroll, A comparison of estimators of the conditional mean under non-stationary conditions, Advances in Water Resources, 143, 103672, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2020.103672, 2020. |
126. | Stefanidis, S., S. Dafis, and D. Stathis, Evaluation of regional climate models (RCMs) performance in simulating seasonal precipitation over mountainous Central Pindus (Greece), Water, 12(10), 2750, doi:10.3390/w12102750, 2020. |
127. | Danáčová, M., G. Földes, M.M. Labat, S. Kohnová, and K. Hlavčová, Estimating the effect of deforestation on runoff in small mountainous basins in Slovakia, Water, 12(11), 3113, doi:10.3390/w12113113, 2020. |
128. | Dong, Z., W. Jia, R. Sarukkalige, G. Fu, Q. Meng, and Q. Wang, Innovative trend analysis of air temperature and precipitation in the Jinsha river basin, China, Water, 12(11), 3293, doi:10.3390/w12113293, 2020. |
129. | Kiem, A. S., G. Kuczera, P. Kozarovski, L. Zhang, and G. Willgoose, Stochastic generation of future hydroclimate using temperature as a climate change covariate, Water Resources Research, 57(2), 2020WR027331, doi:10.1029/2020WR027331, 2021. |
130. | Beven, K., Issues in generating stochastic observables for hydrological models, Hydrological Processes, 35(6), e14203, doi:10.1002/hyp.14203, 2021. |
131. | Kundzewicz, Z. W., and P. Licznar, Climate change adjustments in engineering design standards: European perspective, Water Policy, 23(S1), 85-105, doi:10.2166/wp.2021.330, 2021. |
132. | Manous, J., and E. Z. Stakhiv, Climate risk-informed decision analysis (CRIDA): ‘top-down’ vs ‘bottom-up’ decision making for planning water resources infrastructure, Water Policy, 23(S1), 54-76, doi:10.2166/wp.2021.243, 2021. |
133. | Bekri, E. S., P. Economou, P. C. Yannopoulos, and A. C. Demetracopoulos, Reassessing existing reservoir supply capacity and management resilience under climate change and sediment deposition, Water, 13(13), 1819, doi:10.3390/w13131819, 2021. |
134. | Kawamleh, S., Confirming (climate) change: a dynamical account of model evaluation, Synthese, 200, 122, doi:10.1007/s11229-022-03659-1, 2022. |
135. | Földes, G., M. M. Labat, S. Kohnová, and K. Hlavčová, Impact of changes in short-term rainfall on design floods: Case study of the Hnilec river basin, Slovakia, Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering, 30(1), 68-74, doi:10.2478/sjce-2022-0008, 2022. |
136. | Gökçekuş, H., Y. Kassem, M. P. Quoigoah, and P. N. Aruni, Climate change, water resources, and wastewater reuse in Cyprus, Future Technology, 2(1), 1012, 2023. |
137. | Marcos-Garcia, P., M. Pulido-Velazquez, C. Sanchis-Ibor, M. García-Mollá, M. Ortega-Reig, A. Garcia-Prats, and C. Girard, From local knowledge to decision making in climate change adaptation at basin scale. Application to the Jucar River Basin, Spain, Climatic Change, 176, 38, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03501-8, 2023. |
138. | Frank, P., LiG metrology, correlated error, and the integrity of the global surface air-temperature record, Sensors, 23(13), 5976, doi:10.3390/s23135976, 2023. |
139. | Jonas, M., General circulation models cannot predict climate, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 22(01), 1313-1318, doi:0.30574/wjarr.2024.22.1.1235, 2024. |
A. Tsouni, C. Contoes, D. Koutsoyiannis, P. Elias, and N. Mamassis, Estimation of actual evapotranspiration by remote sensing: Application in Thessaly Plain, Greece, Sensors, 8 (6), 3586–3600, 2008.
Remote sensing can assist in improving the estimation of the geographical distribution of evapotranspiration, and consequently water demand in large cultivated areas for irrigation purposes and sustainable water resources management. In the direction of these objectives, the daily actual evapotranspiration was calculated in this study during the summer season of 2001 over the Thessaly plain in Greece, a wide irrigated area of great agricultural importance. Three different methods were adapted and applied: the remote-sensing methods by Granger (2000) and Carlson and Buffum (1989) that use satellite data in conjunction with ground meteorological measurements and an adapted FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) Penman-Monteith method (Allen at al. 1998), which was selected to be the reference method. The satellite data were used in conjunction with ground data collected on the three closest meteorological stations. All three methods, exploit visible channels 1 and 2 and infrared channels 4 and 5 of NOAA-AVHRR (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) sensor images to calculate albedo and NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index), as well as surface temperatures. The FAO Penman-Monteith and the Granger method have used exclusively NOAA-15 satellite images to obtain mean surface temperatures. For the Carlson-Buffum method a combination of NOAA-14 and ΝΟΑΑ-15 satellite images was used, since the average rate of surface temperature rise during the morning was required. The resulting estimations show that both the Carlson-Buffum and Granger methods follow in general the variations of the reference FAO Penman-Monteith method. Both methods have potential for estimating the spatial distribution of evapotranspiration, whereby the degree of the relative agreement with the reference FAO Penman-Monteith method depends on the crop growth stage. In particular, the Carlson-Buffum method performed better during the first half of the crop development stage, while the Granger method performed better during the remaining of the development stage and the entire maturing stage. The parameter that influences the estimations significantly is the wind speed whose high values result in high underestimates of evapotranspiration. Thus, it should be studied further in future.
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Works that cite this document: View on Google Scholar or ResearchGate
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Coronel, C., E. Rosales, F. Mora, A.A. López-Caloca, F.-O. Tapia-Silva, and G. Hernández, Monitoring evapotranspiration at landscape scale in Mexico: Applying the energy balance model using remotely-sensed data, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7104, art. no. 71040H, 2008. |
2. | #Agapiou, A., G. Papadavid and D.G.Hadjimitsis, Integration of wireless sensor network and remote sensing for monitoring and determining irrigation demand in Cyprus, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7472, art. no. 74720F, 2009. |
3. | #Spiliotopoulos, Μ., A. Loukas and L. Vasiliades, Actual evapotranspiration estimation from satellite-based surface energy balance model in Thessaly, Greece, Proceedings of the EYE-EEDYP Conference “Integrated Water Resource Management in Climate Change Conditions” (eds. A. Liakopoulos, V. Kanakoudis, E. Anastasiadou-Partheniou and V. Tsihrintzis), Volos, Greece, 789-796, 2009. |
4. | Gao, G., C.-Y. Xu, D. Chen and V. P. Singh, Spatial and temporal characteristics of actual evapotranspiration over Haihe River basin in China, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26 (5), 655-669, 2012. |
5. | #Lund, J. R., Water accounting issues in California, Water Accounting: International Approaches to Policy and Decision-Making, Edward Elgar Pub., Cheltenham, UK, 244-269, 2012. |
6. | Ali, R. R., and M. Abd El-hady, Use of remote sensing and soils database for sustainable management of irrigation water in desert landforms, International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 1 (2), 77-84, 2012. |
7. | Ali, R. R., and A. Shalaby, Sustainable agriculture in the arid desert west of the Nile Delta: A Crop suitability and water requirements perspective, International Journal of Soil Science, 7, 116-131 2012. |
8. | Nouri, H., S. Beecham, F. Kazemi and A. M. Hassanli, A review of ET measurement techniques for estimating the water requirements of urban landscape vegetation, Urban Water Journal, 10 (4), 247-259, 2013. |
9. | #Petropoulos, G. P., Remote sensing of surface turbulent energy fluxes, Remote Sensing of Energy Fluxes and Soil Moisture Content 49-84, 2013. |
10. | Paparrizos, S., F. Maris and A. Matzarakis, Estimation and comparison of potential evapotranspiration based on daily and monthly data from Sperchios Valley in Central Greece, Global NEST Journal, 16 (2), 204-217, 2014. |
11. | Finca, A., A.R. Palmer and V. Kakembo, Exploring ground-based methods for the validation of remotely sensed evapotranspiration, African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 32 (1), 41-50, 2015. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Mamassis, and A. Tegos, Logical and illogical exegeses of hydrometeorological phenomena in ancient Greece, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 7 (1), 13–22, 2007.
Technological applications aiming at the exploitation of the natural sources appear in all ancient civilizations. The unique phenomenon in the ancient Greek civilization is that technological needs triggered physical explanations of natural phenomena, thus enabling the foundation of philosophy and science. Among these, the study of hydrometeorological phenomena had a major role. This study begins with the Ionian philosophers in the seventh century BC, continues in classical Athens in the fifth and fourth centuries BC, and advances and expands through the entire Greek world up to the end of Hellenistic period. Many of the theories developed by ancient Greeks are erroneous according to modern views. However, many elements in Greek exegeses of hydrometeorological processes, such as evaporation and condensation of vapour, creation of clouds, hail, snow and rainfall, and evolution of hydrological cycle, are impressive even today.
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Works that cite this document: View on Google Scholar or ResearchGate
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Mays, L.W., A very brief history of hydraulic technology during antiquity, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 8 (5-6), 471-484, 2008. |
2. | Angelakis, A. N., and D. S. Spyridakis, A brief history of water supply and wastewater management in ancient Greece, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 10 (4), 618-628, 2010. |
3. | #Angelakis, A. N., E. G. Dialynas and V. Despotakis, Evolution of water supply technologies through the centuries in Crete, Greece, Ch. 9 in Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia (A. N. Angelakis, L. W. Mays, D. Koutsoyiannis and N. Mamassis, eds.), 227-258, IWA Publishing, London, 2012. |
K Mantoudi, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Water basin balance model using a geographical information system, Technica Chronica, 24 (1-3), 43–52, 2004.
Based on a Geographical Information System (GIS), a hydrological model was developed that calculates the water balance in a hydrological basin. The system uses hydrometeorological data as input and produces spatial data of runoff, evaportranspiration and water storage to various ground levels, for output. The model development is based on the object oriented programming language that is incorporated in the GIS environment. The model was applied to Acheloos River basin, upstream of the Kremasta Dam. The basin was divided into cells of 4 square kilometers each and the inputs and outputs of the model were grids with the same cell size. Measured river discharges were used for the calibration and verification of the model.
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See also:
D. Koutsoyiannis, G. Karavokiros, A. Efstratiadis, N. Mamassis, A. Koukouvinos, and A. Christofides, A decision support system for the management of the water resource system of Athens, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 28 (14-15), 599–609, doi:10.1016/S1474-7065(03)00106-2, 2003.
The main components of a decision support system (DSS) developed to support the management of the water resource system of Athens are presented. The DSS includes information systems that perform data acquisition, management and visualisation, and models that perform simulation and optimisation of the hydrosystem. The models, which are the focus of the present work, are organised into two main modules. The first one is a stochastic hydrological simulator, which, based on the analysis of historical hydrological data, generates simulations and forecasts of the hydrosystem inputs. The second one allows the detailed study of the hydrosystem under alternative management policies implementing the parameterisation-simulation-optimisation methodology. The mathematical framework of this new methodology performs the allocation of the water resources to the different system components, keeping the number of control variables small and thus reducing the computational effort, even for a complex hydrosystem like the one under study. Multiple, competitive targets and constraints with different priorities can be set, which are concerned among others, with the system reliability and risk, the overall average operational cost and the overall guaranteed yield of the system. The DSS is in the final stage of its development and its results, some of which are summarised in the paper, have been utilised to support the new masterplan of the hydrosystem management.
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Works that cite this document: View on Google Scholar or ResearchGate
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | de Kok, J.-L., and H. G. Wind, Design and application of decision-support systems for integrated water management: lessons to be learnt, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 28(14-15), 571-578, 2003. |
2. | #Xu, C., Huang, Q., Zhao, M., and Tian, F., Economical operation of hydropower plant based on self-adaptive mutation evolutionary programming, Fifth World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Vol. 6, 5646-5648, 2004. |
3. | Parcharidis, I., E. Lagios, V. Sakkas, D. Raucoules, D. Feurer, S. Le Mouelic, C. King, C. Carnec, F. Novali, A. Ferretti, R. Capes, and G. Cooksley, Subsidence monitoring within the Athens Basin (Greece) using space radar interferometric techniques, Earth Planets Space, 58(5), 505-513, 2006. |
4. | #Makropoulos, C., Decision support tools for water demand management, Water Demand Management, D. Butler and F.A. Memon (eds.), IWA Publishing, 331-353, 2006. |
5. | #Othman, F., and M. Naseri, Decision support systems in water resources management, Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 1772-1780, Nusa Dua, Bali, 2008. |
6. | Kizito, F., H. Mutikanga, G. Ngirane-Katashaya, and R. Thunvik, Development of decision support tools for decentralised urban water supply management in Uganda: An Action Research approach, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 33(2), 122-137, 2009. |
7. | #Comas, J., and M. Poch, Decision support systems for integrated water resources management under water scarcity, Water Scarcity in the Mediterranean: Perspectives Under Global Change, S. Sabater and D. Barcelo (eds.), The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. |
8. | Silva-Hidalgo, H., I. R. Martín-Domínguez, M. T. Alarcón-Herrera, and A. Granados-Olivas, Mathematical modelling for the integrated management of water resources in hydrological basins, Water Resources Management, 23 (4), 721-730, 2009. |
9. | #Wang, B., and H. Cheng, Regional environmental risk management decision support system based on optimization model for Minhang District in Shanghai, Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering, 1, 14-17, 2010 International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering, 2010. |
10. | #Zhang, R., J. Wei, J. Lu, and G. Zhang, A Decision Support System for Ore Blending Cost Optimization Problem of Blast Furnaces, In: G. Phillips-Wren et al. (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent Decision Technologies, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 1(4), III, 143-152, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. |
11. | #Καρύμπαλης, Ε., Το νερό της Αθήνας: οι επιπτώσεις στον Μόρνο και τον Εύηνο, Γεωγραφίες, 15, 75-93, 2010. |
12. | Sechi, G. M., and A. Sulis, Drought mitigation using operative indicators in complex water systems, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 35(3-5), 195-203, 2010. |
13. | Zhang, R., J. Lu, and G. Zhang, A knowledge-based multi-role decision support system for ore blending cost optimization of blast furnaces, European Journal of Operational Research, 215(1), 194-203, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2011.05.037, 2011. |
14. | Gallardo, M. M., P. Merino, L. Panizo, and A. Linares, A practical use of model checking for synthesis: generating a dam controller for flood management, Software: Practice and Experience, 41(11), 1329-1347, DOI: 10.1002/spe.1048, 2011. |
15. | Zeng, Y., Y. Cai, P. Jia, and H. Jee, Development of a web-based decision support system for supporting integrated water resources management in Daegu City, South Korea, Expert Systems with Applications, 39(11), 10091-10102, 2012. |
16. | Patil, A., and Z.-Q. Deng, Input data measurement-induced uncertainty in watershed modelling, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57(1), 118–133, 2012. |
17. | Zhang, X. Q., H. Gao, and X. Yu, A multiobjective decision framework for river basin management, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 238, 288-291, 2012. |
18. | Ge, Y., X. Li, C. Huang, and Z. Nan, A decision support system for irrigation water allocation along the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China, Environmental Modelling & Software, 47, 182-192, 2013. |
19. | Adewumi, J. R., A. A. Ilemobade, and J. E. van Zyl, Application of a multi-criteria decision support tool in assessing the feasibility of implementing treated wastewater reuse, International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, 5(1), 1-23, 2013. |
20. | Sahoo, S. N., and P. Sreeja, A review of decision support system applications in flood management, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 3, 206–220, 2013. |
21. | #Aher, P. D., J. Adinarayana, S. D. Gorantiwar, and S. A. Sawant, Information system for integrated watershed management using remote sensing and GIS, Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Research, 17-34, Society of Earth Scientists Series, 2014. |
22. | Nouiri, I., Multi-objective tool to optimize the water resources management using genetic algorithm and the Pareto optimality concept, Water Resources Management, 28(10), 2885-2901, 2014. |
23. | Heracleous, C., Z. Zinonos, and C. Panayiotou, Water supply optimization: An IPA approach, IFAC Proceedings Volumes: 12th IFAC/IEEE Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 47(2), 265-270, doi:10.3182/20140514-3-FR-4046.00088, 2014. |
24. | #Heidari A., and E. Bozorgzadeh, Decision Support System for water resources planning in Karun river basin, International Symposium on Dams in a Global Environmental Challenges, 35-45, Bali, Indonesia, 2014. |
25. | Stefanovic, N., I. Radojevic, A. Ostojic, L. Comic, and M. Topuzovic, Composite web information system for management of water resources, Water Resources Management, 29(7), 2285-2301, doi:10.1007/s11269-015-0941-y, 2015. |
26. | Nouiri, I., F. Chemak, D. Mansour, H. Bellali, J. Ghrab, J. Baaboub, and M. K. Chahed, Impacts of irrigation water management on consumption indicators and exposure to the vector of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ZCL) in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, 3(2), 93-103, doi:10.15739/IJAPR.031, 2015. |
27. | Nouiri , I., M. Yitayew, J. Maßmann, and J. Tarhouni, Multi-objective optimization tool for integrated groundwater management, Water Resources Management, 29(14), 5353-5375, doi:10.1007/s11269-015-1122-8, 2015. |
28. | Khairy, M. F. A., M. M. Tawfik, and M. Attaya, Tools for enhancing crop patterns in the summer season in middle delta of Egypt, 20th Annual Conference of Misr. Soc. of Ag. Eng., 367-386, Egypt, 2015. |
29. | Wang, G., S. Mang, H. Cai, S. Liu, Z. Zhang, L. Wang, and J. L. Innes, Integrated watershed management: evolution, development and emerging trends, Journal of Forestry Research, 27(5), 967–994, doi:10.1007/s11676-016-0293-3, 2016. |
30. | #Bouziotas, D., and M. Ertsen, Socio-hydrology from the bottom up: A template for agent-based modeling in irrigation systems, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, doi:10.5194/hess-2017-107, 2017. |
31. | #Payano, R., J.A. Pascual-Aguilar, and I. de Bustamante, Criterios para la incorporación de la información sobre usos del suelo en un Sistema de Apoyo a la Toma de Decisiones sobre Patrimonio Hidráulico, Nuevas perspectivas de la Geomática aplicadas al estudio de los paisajes y el patrimonio hidráulico (Geomatics: New perspectives for the study of water landscapes and cultural heritage), J.A. Pascual-Aguilar, J. Sanz, and I. de Bustamante (eds.), Centro para el Conocimiento del Paisaje-Civilscape, 2017. |
32. | Stamou, A. T., and P. Rutschmann, Pareto optimization of water resources using the nexus approach, Water Resources Management, 32(15), 5053-5065, doi:10.1007/s11269-018-2127-x, 2018. |
33. | Kazak, J. K., J. Chruściński, and S. Szewrański, The development of a novel decision support system for the location of green infrastructure for stormwater management, Sustainability, 10(12), 4388; doi:10.3390/su10124388, 2018. |
34. | Heidari, A., Application of multidisciplinary water resources planning tools for two of the largest rivers of Iran, Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 6(2), 150-161, doi:10.1080/23249676.2016.1215271, 2018. |
35. | Ghobadi M., and H. S. Kaboli, Developing a Web-based decision support system for reservoir flood management, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 22(3), 641-662, doi:10.2166/hydro.2020.185, 2020. |
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37. | Stamou, A.-T., and P. Rutschmann, Optimization of water use based on the water-energy-food nexus concept: Application to the long-term development scenario of the Upper Blue Nile River, Water Utility Journal, 25, 1-13, 2020. |
38. | Alamanos, A., A. Rolston, and G. Papaioannou, Development of a decision support system for sustainable environmental management and stakeholder engagement, Hydrology, 8(1), 40, doi:10.3390/hydrology8010040, 2021. |
39. | Izady, A., A. Joodavi, M. Ansarian, M. Shafiei, M. Majidi, K. Davary, A. N. Ziaei, H. Ansari, M. R. Nikoo, A. Al-Maktoumi, M. Chen, and O. Abdalla, A scenario-based coupled SWAT-MODFLOW decision support system for advanced water resource management, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 24(1), 56-77, doi:10.2166/hydro.2021.081, 2022. |
40. | Xu, H. A. Berres, Y. Liu, M. R. Allen-Dumas, and J. Sanyal, An overview of visualization and visual analytics applications in water resources management, Environmental Modelling & Software, 153, 105396, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105396, 2022. |
41. | Ma, Q., and P. Gourbesville, Integrated water resources management: A new strategy for DSS development and implementation, River, 1(2), 189-206, doi:10.1002/rvr2.17, 2022. |
42. | Dehghanisanij, H., S. Emami, A. Nourjou, and V. Rezaverdinejad, Investigating the compatibility of an irrigation decision support system with water rights and allocation in a selected irrigation network, Irrigation and Drainage, 73(3), 1119-1137, doi:10.1002/ird.2934, 2024. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, On the representation of hyetograph characteristics by stochastic rainfall models, Journal of Hydrology, 251, 65–87, 2001.
Two stochastic models of the rainfall process, belonging to different categories, are compared in terms of how well they reproduce certain hyetograph characteristics. The first is the scaling model of storm hyetograph, which belongs to the category of storm-based models. The second is the Bartlett-Lewis rectangular pulse model, the most widespread among the category of point process models. The scaling model is further developed introducing one more parameter to better fit historical data. The Bartlett-Lewis model is theoretically studied to extract mathematical relationships for the intra-storm structure. The intercomparison is based on the storm hyetographs of a data set from Greece and another one from USA. The different storms are identified in each data set and classified according to their duration. Both models are fitted using the characteristics of storms. The comparison shows that the scaling model of storm hyetograph agrees well with the structure of historical hyetographs whereas the Bartlett-Lewis rectangular pulse model exhibits some discrepancies in either its original version or its random parameter version. However, it is shown that the performance of the Bartlett-Lewis model is significantly improved, and becomes comparable to that of the scaling model, by introducing a power-law dependence of its cell related parameters (duration and rate of arrivals) on the storm duration.
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1. | Abi-Zeid, I., E. Parent, B. Bobee, The stochastic modeling of low flows by the alternating point processes approach: methodology and application, Journal of Hydrology, 285(1-4), 41-61, 2004. |
2. | #Frost, A. J., R. Srikanthan and P. S. P. Cowpertwait, Stochastic Generation of Point Rainfall Data at Subdaily Timescales: A Comparison of DRIP and NSRP, ISBN 1 920813 14 4, CRC for Catchment Hydrology, 2004. |
3. | #Blöschl, G., Statistical upscaling and downscaling in hydrology, Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, Ch. 9, Part 1. Theory, Organization and Scale, M. G. Anderson (ed.) 2061–2080, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 2005. |
4. | #Konecny, F., and P. Strauss, Hyetograph simulation of high-intense rainfall events, AGU Hydrology Days 2008, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 43-51, 2008. |
5. | Ellouze, M., H. Abida, and R. Safi, A triangular model for the generation of synthetic hyetographs, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 54(2), 287-299, 2009. |
6. | Unami, K., F. K. Abagale, M. Yangyuoru, A. M. B. Alam and G. Kranjac-Berisavljevic, A stochastic differential equation model for assessing drought and flood risks, Stochastic Environmental Research And Risk Assessment, 24 (5), 725-733, 2010. |
7. | Pui, A., A. Sharma, R. Mehrotra, B. Sivakumar and E. Jeremiah, A comparison of alternatives for daily to sub-daily rainfall disaggregation, Journal of Hydrology, 470–471, 138–157, 2012. |
8. | Anis, M. R., and M. Rode, A new magnitude-category disaggregation approach for temporal high-resolution rainfall intensities, Hydrological Processes, 10.1002/hyp.10227, 2014. |
9. | Onof, C., and L.-P. Wang, Modelling rainfall with a Bartlett–Lewis process: New developments, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, doi:10.5194/hess-2019-406, 2019. |
10. | Sun, Y., D. Wendi, D. E., Kim, and S.-Y. Liong, Deriving intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves using downscaled in situ rainfall assimilated with remote sensing data, Geoscience Letters, 6(17), doi:10.1186/s40562-019-0147-x, 2019. |
N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Influence of atmospheric circulation types in space-time distribution of intense rainfall, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 101 (D21), 26267–26276, 1996.
The influence of the prevailing weather situation on the temporal evolution and geographical distribution of intense rainfall is studied, as a potential tool to improve rainfall prediction. A classification scheme of the atmospheric circulation over the east Mediterranean territory is used for the analysis. The study area is the Sterea Hellas region (central Greece) with an area of about 25,000 km2. Daily data from 71 rain gages and hourly data from three rain recorders over a 20 year period are used. From these data sets, the intense rainfall events were extracted and analyzed. Several empirical and statistical methods (also including the available tools of a Geographical Information System) are used for the analysis and comparison of rainfall distribution both in time and in space. The analysis shows that the contribution of the concept of weather types to the quantitative point rainfall prediction in short timescale is small, and only the estimation of the probability of occurrence of an intense event is feasible. On the contrary, the relation between the spatial distribution of rainfall and the atmospheric circulation patterns is significant and may be used for improving the forecasting of the geographical distribution of rainfall.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Nalbantis, I., Real-time flood forecasting with the use of inadequate data, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 45(2), 269-284, 2000. |
2. | Stehlik, J., and A. Bardossy, Multivariate stochastic downscaling model for generating daily precipitation series based on atmospheric circulation, Journal of Hydrology, 256(1-2), 120-141, 2002. |
3. | Anderson, B.T., Regional simulation of intraseasonal variations in the summertime hydrologic cycle over the southwestern United States, J. Climate, 15 (17), 2282-2300, 2002. |
4. | Anderson, B.T., and J.O. Roads, Regional simulation of summertime precipitation over the southwestern United States, J. Climate, 15 (23), 3321-3342, 2002 |
5. | Rudari, R., D. Entekhabi and G. Roth, Terrain and multiple-scale interactions as factors in generating extreme precipitation events, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5 (3), 390-404, 2004. |
6. | Rudari, R., D. Entekhabi and G. Roth, Large-scale atmospheric patterns associated with mesoscale features leading to extreme precipitation events in Northwestern Italy, Advances in Water Resources, 28(6), 601-614, 2005. |
7. | Boni, G., A. Parodi and R. Rudari, Extreme rainfall events: Learning from raingauge time series, Journal of Hydrology, 327(3-4), 304-314, 2006. |
8. | Vrac, M. and P. Naveau, Stochastic downscaling of precipitation: From dry events to heavy rainfalls, Water Resources Research, 43(7), W07402, 2007. |
9. | Troin, M., M. Vrac, M. Khodri, C. Vallet-Coulomb, E. Piovano and F. Sylvestre, Coupling statistically downscaled GCM outputs with a basin-lake hydrological model in subtropical South America: evaluation of the influence of large-scale precipitation changes on regional hydroclimate variability, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 7, 9523-9565, doi: 10.5194/hessd-7-9523-2010, 2010. |
10. | Karagiorgos, K., S. Fuchs, T. Thaler, M. Chiari, F. Maris and J. Hübl, A flood hazard database for Greece, Wildbach- und Lawinenverbau, 77 (170), 264-277, 2013. |
11. | Panagoulia, D., P. Economou and C. Caroni, Stationary and nonstationary generalized extreme value modelling of extreme precipitation over a mountainous area under climate change, Environmetrics, 25 (1), 29-43, 2014. |
A. Tsouni, S. Sigourou, V. Pagana, M.-X. Tsoutsos, P. Dimitriadis, G.-F. Sargentis, T. Iliopoulou, R. Ioannidis, D. Dimitrakopoulou, E. Chardavellas, M.J. Alexopoulos, A. Koukouvinos, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and C. Kontoes, Multi-parameter flood risk assessment and management planning at high spatial resolution in the region of Attica, Greece, IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Athens, Greece, doi:10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10642600, IEEE, 2024.
Floods are disastrous events as they induce fatalities, damages to the environment, properties and infrastructure, at a global level. The Region of Attica, that hosts Athens (capital of Greece), has suffered various floods, including the severe flood in Mandra (2017) with 24 fatalities. In 2021, a Programming Agreement was signed between the Prefecture of Attica and the National Observatory of Athens to conduct the research study «Earthquake, fire and flood risk assessment in the Region of Attica» (Part A) in selected and most vulnerable areas. In the framework of this research and technical work, state-of-the-art methodologies were developed and implemented that support multi-parameter flood risk assessment and management planning at high spatial resolution (building block level). This work integrates different data sources, including remote sensing, in-situ measurements, field visits, and simulations, and is characterized by considerable added value, as it supports public actors and stakeholders in decision-making and management of disastrous events.
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D. Koutsoyiannis, T. Iliopoulou, A. Koukouvinos, N. Malamos, N. Mamassis, P. Dimitriadis, N. Tepetidis, and D. Markantonis, Extreme rainfall modelling for the design of hydraulic works and dams: the new methodology and its application in Greece [Invited talk], Proceedings of 4th Hellenic Conference on Dams and Reservoirs, War Museum Athens, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.24009.35689, Hellenic Commission on Large Dams, Athens, 2024.
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R. Ioannidis, G.-F. Sargentis, A. Efstratiadis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, The challenge of integrating civil infrastructure acrosss landscapes and the importance of the architectural design of dams, Proceedings of 4th Hellenic Conference on Dams and Reservoirs, War Museum Athens, Hellenic Commission on Large Dams, Athens, 2024.
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P. Dimas, N. Mamassis, A. Lykou, E. Zacharopoulou, G.-K. Sakki, T. Karantoumanis, A. Efstratiadis, and I. Mavros, Evaluation of management policies for hydropower plants in the light of flood risk at the downstream areas: the case of Aliakmon River, Proceedings of 4th Hellenic Conference on Dams and Reservoirs, War Museum Athens, Hellenic Commission on Large Dams, Athens, 2024.
Aliakmonas is the longest river in Greece with significant hydroelectric production. Its river basin has undergone intense modifications that have drastically changed the flood regime in the downstream areas. Hydroelectric production and the operation of spillways of such complex hydroelectric plants are crucial factors for flood risk evolution and management. In this study, a multi-criteria GIS analysis is applied to identify flood prone areas and assess floor risk, and a 1D hydrodynamic simulation model under steady flow conditions is developed to investigate scenarios of combined flow releases from upstream structures. The above constitutes the initial step for holistic risk assessment and can be operationally utilised in decision making processes.
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P. Dimas, G.-K. Sakki, P. Kossieris, I. Tsoukalas, A. Efstratiadis, C. Makropoulos, N. Mamassis, and K. Pipili, Outlining a master plan framework for the design and assessment of flood mitigation infrastructures across large-scale watersheds, 12th World Congress on Water Resources and Environment (EWRA 2023) “Managing Water-Energy-Land-Food under Climatic, Environmental and Social Instability”, 75–76, European Water Resources Association, Thessaloniki, 2023.
On September 16, 2020, the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure assigned to the concessionaire of the Central Greece Motorway E65 the design and construction of supplemental works for the urgent flood protection of areas along the motorway alignment, including the Western Thessaly region (Greece). Considering the damages and losses induced by the Medicane Ianos over the greater Thessaly region the concessionaire, on its own initiative, proclaimed the need for developing a Master Plan for the West Thessaly flood protection. The final area of interest, herein referred to as Western Peneios watershed, occupies approximately 6400 km2, thus constituting a mega-scale hydrological, hydraulic and water management study that poses multiple conceptual and computational challenges. The overall question of the Master Plan is to provide a synthesis of already proposed as well as new projects (dams, embankments, ditches), and prioritize them under a multipurpose prism. The methodological framework is comprised of three axes: (i) a preliminary assessment of specific areas where high risk is expected due to flood phenomena, by utilizing a GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis approach, (ii) a semi-distributed representation of the rainfall-runoff transformations and the flood routing processes across the entire watershed, and (iii) a coupled 1D/2D hydrodynamic simulation of the flood prone riverine system, also including a highly complex system of artificial channels. The final planning prioritizes the strengthening of flood protection in the study area through the combined influence of a set of large-scale projects, i.e., dikes, multi-purpose dams (permanent reservoirs) and retention basins of controlled inundation (temporary reservoirs). The objective is to sketch a framework for facing similar studies in a holistic manner, while maintaining a high level of computational efficiency and explainability.
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A. Tsouni, S. Antoniadi, E. Ieronimidi, K. Karagiannopoulou, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and C. Kontoes, Multiparameter analysis of the flood of November 15, 2017 in west Attica using satellite remote sensing, Geoinformatics for Geosciences, doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-98983-1.00019-3, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2023.
On November 15, 2017, a flash flood occurred after heavy rainfall in west Attica, affecting mainly the areas of Mandra and Nea Peramos. The tragic outcome is that 24 people lost their lives, and many infrastructures and assets were completely or partially destroyed. The FloodHub team of the Operational Unit “BEYOND Center for Earth Observation Research and Satellite Remote Sensing” of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) was activated and studied the area, both by using satellite remote sensing and photo-interpretation and by visiting the area for data collection and more detailed analysis, including the identification of uncovered and covered parts of the streams and their former natural riverbank, as well as the identification of critical points, the examination of the adequacy of the cross-section of the streams and the engineering works, the taking of photographs, and the formulation of appropriate mitigation measures and the prevention of future failures and disasters. Among other things, the FloodHub team created an interactive web application and produced detailed maps depicting the updated hydrographic network, as it exists today following human interventions, the maximum extent of the flood (both mapped and simulated), as well as some of the critical factors that contributed to the massive disaster: arbitrary human interventions within the riverbank, the absence or inadequacy of technical works (flood protection and road drainage), and partly landscape changes on the one hand due to some small burnt areas upstream, and mainly due to urban expansion where building obstructs the flow of the streams. This multidisciplinary approach, with the combined use of satellite remote sensing and specialized data analysis and event simulation models, is a very useful service, which is available to the civil protection authorities and decision makers in support of their actions toward disaster resilience for the benefit of society as a whole.
R. Ioannidis, N. Mamassis, K. Moraitis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Proposals of spatial planning and architectural design for the sustainable integration of renewable energy works in the Greek landscape, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of MIRC - NTUA “Research and actions for the regeneration of mountainous and isolated areas”, Metsovo, 332–343, National Technical University of Athens, Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center, 2022.
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N. Mamassis, A. Efstratiadis, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, R. Ioannidis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Water and Energy, Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples, edited by J.J. Bogardi, T. Tingsanchali, K.D.W. Nandalal, J. Gupta, L. Salamé, R.R.P. van Nooijen, A.G. Kolechkina, N. Kumar, and A. Bhaduri, Chapter 20, 617–655, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-60147-8_20, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2021.
The fundamental concepts in the field of water-energy systems and their historical evolution with emphasis on recent developments are reviewed. Initially, a brief history of the relation of water and energy is presented, and the concept of the water-energy nexus in the 21th century is introduced. The investigation of the relationship between water and energy shows that this relationship comprises both conflicting and synergistic elements. Hydropower is identified as the major industry of the sector and its role in addressing modern energy challenges by means of integrated water-energy management is highlighted. Thus, the modelling steps of designing and operating a hydropower system are reviewed, followed by an analysis of theory and physics behind energy hydraulics. The key concept of uncertainty, which characterises all types of renewable energy, is also presented in the context of the design and management of water-energy systems. Subsequently, environmental considerations and impacts of using water for energy generation are discussed, followed by a summary of the developments in the emerging field of maritime energy. Finally, present challenges and possible future directions are presented.
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1. | Bertsiou, M. M., and E. Baltas, Management of energy and water resources by minimizing the rejected renewable energy, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52(A), 102002, doi:10.1016/j.seta.2022.102002, 2022. |
2. | Spanoudaki, K., P. Dimitriadis, E. A. Varouchakis, and G. A. C. Perez, Estimation of hydropower potential using Bayesian and stochastic approaches for streamflow simulation and accounting for the intermediate storage retention, Energies, 15(4), 1413, doi:10.3390/en15041413, 2022. |
3. | Freires, f. J., V. do Nascimento Damasceno, A. L. S. Machado, G. B. Martins, L. M. da Silva, M. C. da Silveira Pio, L. H. Claro Júnior, D. C. Sales, A. G. Reis, and D. Nascimento-e-Silva, Advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy: a review of the scientific literature, Revista de Gestão e Secretariado, 14(11), 20221-20240, doi:10.7769/gesec.v14i11.3174, 2023. |
4. | Bertsiou, M. M., and E. Baltas, Integration of different storage technologies towards sustainable development—A case study in a Greek island, Wind, 4(1), 68-89, doi:10.3390/wind4010004, 2024. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, The water supply of Athens through the centuries, Schriften der Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft, edited by K. Wellbrock, 27 (1), Siegburg, 2018.
The sites where major ancient civilizations were developed had similar climatological and hydrological conditions. All sites have in common warm and dry climate but also abundance of water from a large river crossing the area. However, the sites of ancient Greek civilizations, while they also have warm and dry climate, are located in water deficient areas without large rives. The city of Athens played an important role to the Greek civilization and in general to the ancient world. It has been the cradle of democracy, the system of government in which all citizens are equally involved in taking decisions and actions. The natural environment of the Athens territory has been warm and dry, and the nearby Kephisos river has had ephemeral flow. The water scarcity of the area has been mentioned in many legends and ancient texts. Several aqueducts were constructed in several periods of the antiquity forming a network of pipelines.
The modern water supply system of Athens is an admirable hydraulic work. It includes four reservoirs in areas with different climates and geomorphological conditions, a complex aqueduct system and several water uses. The longest path of the water is about 217 km from Evinos Dam to Athens. The ancient Greek values and perspectives have been useful in the modern system design and management and have equal potential for modern problem solving. Several ancient Greek legacies are relevant in modern problem solving, including: (a) the creation of philosophy and episteme, (b) the conception of the principle of Orthos Logos (Right Reason), and (c) the creation of democracy.
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C. Nasika, S. Mihas, and N. Mamassis, Application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technologies in dam engineering, Proceedings of 3rd Hellenic Conference on Dams and Reservoirs, Zappeion, Hellenic Commission on Large Dams, Athens, 2017.
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P. Dimitriadis, A. Tegos, A. Petsiou, V. Pagana, I. Apostolopoulos, E. Vassilopoulos, M. Gini, A. D. Koussis, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and P. Papanicolaou, Flood Directive implementation in Greece: Experiences and future improvements, 10th World Congress on Water Resources and Environment "Panta Rhei", Athens, European Water Resources Association, 2017.
The implementation of the European Directive 2007/60 is a crucial step towards the development of a sophisticated flood management plan for the main River Basin Districts by including any necessary structural measures. For this reason, extensive hydrological and hydraulic analysis is needed under the ubiquitous uncertainty which cannot be eliminated by numerical models. In this study, we present our experience from the directive implementation and we discuss structural components of uncertainty in the flood modelling practice mostly related to the river network. We propose and review some of the most efficient engineering practices by examining issues like: (a) the consistency and accuracy of the required input data of the topography such as the Digital Elevation Model, cross-sectional measurements of the river and maps of land use; (b) the uncertainty components related to the hydrological SCS-CN framework and other hydrological methods for the determination of the input hydrograph; (c) the theoretical framework of each hydraulic model such as the scheme dimension (1d, 2d or coupled 1d/2d), the type of solution of the numerical scheme (explicit or implicit), the boundary conditions and the type of discretization (grid or sectionbased); (d) the uncertainty components related to the flood inundation modelling, such as the roughness coefficient at the river and floodplain; (e) the necessity of validation data such as the flow discharge, the flood inundation area, and the velocity measurements.
D. Serbis, C. Papathanasiou, and N. Mamassis, Irrigation challenges in NW Greece-Perspectives and solutions for flood prone areas, 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), Global Network on Environmental Science and Technology, University of the Aegean, 2015.
Multiple water needs in rural areas together with poor water resources management are often posing serious threats to the environment and can cause rapid depletion of water resources. Irrigation, an activity that accounts for 44% of total water use in Europe, a share that can reach up to 80% in parts of southern Europe, is significantly affected by water scarcity with far reaching social, economic, environmental and demographic impacts. In many rural areas excessive groundwater use for irrigation in conjunction with obsolete water practices are among the key factors responsible for the depletion of water resources. Significant water losses also occur through outdated irrigation networks and structural deficiencies on water conveyors. Moreover, environmental hazards are intensified in agricultural areas lacking appropriate flood mitigation structures. In these cases, during flood events, fertilizers and other contaminants are easily spread over large areas posing permanent treats to ecosystems and natural resources. This paper presents a holistic water resources management approach towards adequate flood protection of rural areas, while at the same time reversing the depletion of overexploited local underground resources. More specifically, a series of technical works including two interconnected reservoirs and a number of small detention ponds are proposed to protect an irrigated area of 1.900 ha which is frequently devastated by floods. Water from the detention reservoirs will also be used to cover irrigation needs of the cultivated areas, which currently overuse underground resources. At the same time, reservoir water will be used to irrigate an adjacent area of extra 1.900 ha, with no other available water recourses, thus extending arable land to 3.600 ha in total. It is also proposed to exploit the considerable height difference (275 m) between the two reservoirs for electricity production. Stopping water pumping for irrigation will return groundwater table to its natural level, a process which is expected to take several years to complete. A list of other structural and non-structural measures is also proposed to further improve water management in the area.
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S. Mihas, A. Efstratiadis, K. Nikolaou, and N. Mamassis, Drought and water scarcity management plan for the Peloponnese river basin districts, 12th International Conference “Protection & Restoration of the Environment”, Skiathos, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Dept. of Planning & Regional Development, Univ. Thessaly, Stevens Instute of Technology, 2014.
The drought and water scarcity management plan was drafted for the Peloponnese River Basin Districts as outlined by the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC in Greece by the Special Secretariat of Water (Ministry of Environment Energy & Climate Change). The evaluation of hydrological droughts was mainly based on precipitation data, which was used to evaluate the SPI index at several time scales (from 3-month to 5-year). Moreover, the drought hazard was evaluated, taking into consideration the demands and the water resources availability, at various spatial scales. For this aim, we developed an innovative methodology, based on the estimation of a temporally varying water exploitation index, as generalization of the typical WEI. The possibilities of predicting drought events, by using simple statistical models and evaluating the probabilities of transition from the current carrying water condition to the next are also examined. Additionally, an operational plan for drought prediction is elaborated, on the basis of representative hydrologic data that is retrieved twice a year i.e. at the end of the first trimester and semester of the hydrological year. Finally, we provide guidance for the operational implementation of the above methodology by the competent authorities and its link to specific management measures depending on the classification of each drought event, at the alert scale.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Apostolaki, S., E. Akinsete, S. Tsani, P. Koundouri, N. Pittis, and E. Levantis, Assessing the effectiveness of the WFD as a tool to address different levels of water scarcity based on two case studies of the Mediterranean region, Water, 11, 840, doi:10.3390/w11040840, 2019. |
N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Views on ancient Hellenic science and technology, IWA Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater & Environment: Traditions & Culture, Patras, Greece, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2702.6163, International Water Association, 2014.
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N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Information technologies in hydrometeorological data management in Greece, Honorary Edition for for Professor Emeritus D. Tolikas, edited by K. L. Katsifarakis and M. Vafiadis, 27–37, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1165.5928, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 2013.
The record keeping of hydrometeorological measurements is particularly important infrastructure for research and technology, but it is also extremely useful for the industry and administration. In Greece, efforts for bringing together the data belonging to various institutions and their organization into a common base started in the 1990s with the Hydroscope project. Today this database is available on the Internet ( within a larger system that includes geographical information, software applications for data processing and a digital library of documents related to water resources. Ensuring updating the database with new measurements is particularly useful as the country's infrastructure and as a means for implementation in the country of the EU Directives related to water.
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A. Efstratiadis, A. D. Koussis, S. Lykoudis, A. Koukouvinos, A. Christofides, G. Karavokiros, N. Kappos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Hydrometeorological network for flood monitoring and modeling, Proceedings of First International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, Paphos, Cyprus, 8795, 10-1–10-10, doi:10.1117/12.2028621, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2013.
Due to its highly fragmented geomorphology, Greece comprises hundreds of small- to medium-size hydrological basins, in which often the terrain is fairly steep and the streamflow regime ephemeral. These are typically affected by flash floods, occasionally causing severe damages. Yet, the vast majority of them lack flow-gauging infrastructure providing systematic hydrometric data at fine time scales. This has obvious impacts on the quality and reliability of flood studies, which typically use simplistic approaches for ungauged basins that do not consider local peculiarities in sufficient detail. In order to provide a consistent framework for flood design and to ensure realistic predictions of the flood risk –a key issue of the 2007/60/EC Directive– it is essential to improve the monitoring infrastructures by taking advantage of modern technologies for remote control and data management. In this context and in the research project DEUCALION, we have recently installed and are operating, in four pilot river basins, a telemetry-based hydro-meteorological network that comprises automatic stations and is linked to and supported by relevant software. The hydrometric stations measure stage, using 50-kHz ultrasonic pulses or piezometric sensors, or both stage (piezometric) and velocity via acoustic Doppler radar; all measurements are being temperature-corrected. The meteorological stations record air temperature, pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation. Data transfer is made via GPRS or mobile telephony modems. The monitoring network is supported by a web-based application for storage, visualization and management of geographical and hydro-meteorological data (ENHYDRIS), a software tool for data analysis and processing (HYDROGNOMON), as well as an advanced model for flood simulation (HYDROGEIOS). The recorded hydro-meteorological observations are accessible over the Internet through the www-application. The system is operational and its functionality has been implemented as open-source software for use in a wide range of applications in the field of water resources monitoring and management, such as the demonstration case study outlined in this work.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Damte, F., B. G. Mariam, M. Teshome, T. K. Lohani, G. Dhiman, and M. Shabaz, Computing the sediment and ensuing its erosive activities using HEC-RAS to surmise the flooding in Kulfo River in Southern Ethiopia, World Journal of Engineering, 18(6), 948-955, doi:10.1108/WJE-01-2021-0002, 2021. |
2. | Mahamat Nour, A., C. Vallet-Coulomb, J. Gonçalves, F. Sylvestre, and P. Deschamps, Rainfall-discharge relationship and water balance over the past 60 years within the Chari-Logone sub-basins, Lake Chad basin, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 35, 1008242021, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100824, 2021. |
S. Kozanis, A. Christofides, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, a web service for the dissemination of free meteorological data, Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, edited by C.G. Helmis and P. Nastos, Athens, 203–208, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29172-2_29, Springer, Athens, 2012.
Individuals or organisations managing meteorological or hydrological stations typically need to either collect the data on personal computers or bear the costs required to setup a server. As an alternative, the database provides users and organisations the option to upload their time series, on condition that their data will be available to the public under a free license (the Open Database License and the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, depending on the type of data). Each user has write access to his own data, whereas the public has read access to all the data. Enhydris, the software that powers, is also free, available under the GNU General Public License v.3, and provides several useful features like time series graphs and plots, display of online data, maps etc. The purpose of is not only to enable people to manage their data more easily, but also to bring people into a community and encourage a spirit of openness and sharing.
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D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Zarkadoulas, N. Mamassis, A. N. Angelakis, and L.W. Mays, The evolution of water supply throughout the millennia: A short overview, Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia, edited by A. N. Angelakis, L.W. Mays, D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, 21, 553–560, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2541.8485, IWA Publishing, London, 2012.
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N. Zarkadoulas, D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Mamassis, and A. N. Angelakis, A brief history of urban water management in ancient Greece, Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia, edited by A. N. Angelakis, L.W. Mays, D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, 10, 259–270, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4114.7127, IWA Publishing, London, 2012.
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Works that cite this document: View on Google Scholar or ResearchGate
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Mithen, S., Thirst for Water and Power in the Ancient World, 384 pp., Harvard University Press, 2012. |
2. | Voudouris, K. S., Y. Christodoulakos, F. Steiakakis and A. N. Angelakis, Hydrogeological characteristics of Hellenic aqueducts-like Qanats, Water, 5, 1326-1345, 2013. |
3. | De Feo, G., A. N. Angelakis, G. P. Antoniou, F. El-Gohary, B. Haut, C. W. Passchier and X. Y. Zheng, Historical and technical notes on aqueducts from prehistoric to medieval times, Water, 5, 1996-2025, 2013. |
4. | Smith, M. L., The archaeology of urban landscapes, Annual Review of Anthropology, 43, 307-323, 2014. |
5. | Angelakis, A. N., G. Antoniou, K. Voudouris, N. Kazakis, N. Delazios, and N. Dercas, History of floods in Greece: causes and measures for protection, Natural Hazards, doi:10.1007/s11069-020-03898-w, 2020. |
A. N. Angelakis, L.W. Mays, D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, Prolegomena: The evolution of water supply through the millennia, Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia, edited by A. N. Angelakis, L.W. Mays, D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, xxi–xxii, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1542.4245, IWA Publishing, 2012.
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E. Kountouri, N. Petrochilos, D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Mamassis, N. Zarkadoulas, A. Vött, H. Hadler, P. Henning, and T. Willershäuser, A new project of surface survey, geophysical and excavation research of the mycenaean drainage works of the North Kopais: the first study season, 3rd IWA Specialized Conference on Water & Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations, Istanbul, Turkey, 467–476, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2328.8563, International Water Association, 2012.
The attempt to drain the Kopais Lake is one of the most impressive and ambitious technical works of prehistoric times in Greece. The size and the importance of this achievement inspired myths and traditions referring to its construction and operation, as well as to its final destruction, which is attributed to Heracles. The impressive remnants of the Mycenaean hydraulic works that were discovered represent the most important land reclamation effort, of prehistoric Greek antiquity, attracting thus the attention of the international scientific community. Nevertheless, in spite of the minor or extended surveys that followed, the picture of the prehistoric drainage works in Kopais remained ambiguous, since the proposed theories as far as it concerns their function and their precise date within the Bronze Age, were based solely on indications from the surface survey and not on documentation depending upon archaeological or geophysical methods. The new project with an interdisciplinary approach and interpretation of the Mycenaean drainage works of Kopais, is conducted by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Tourism in collaboration with the Department of Water Resources and the Environmental Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and the Institute of Geography of the University of Mainz. The results of the first study season will be presented here.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Petropoulos, M., The cult and the use of water in Ancient Greece with emphasis the ancient city Patras, IWA Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater & Environment: Traditions & Culture (ed. by I. K. Kalavrouziotis and A. N. Angelakis), Patras, Greece, 14-26, International Water Association & Hellenic Open University, 2014. |
2. | Giannakos, K., The technology of land reclamation, drainage and irrigation projects in MBA–LBA Greece and possible implications, Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 4, 68-78, 2015. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Mamassis, A. Efstratiadis, N. Zarkadoulas, and Y. Markonis, Floods in Greece, Changes of Flood Risk in Europe, edited by Z. W. Kundzewicz, Chapter 12, 238–256, IAHS Press, Wallingford – International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 2012.
The flood regime in Greece is investigated, from the early past to modern years. Large-scale floods, mainly due to deglaciation processes (also known as palaeofloods), together with earthquakes and volcanoes, are the major mechanisms that formed the current diverse Greek terrain. The influence of these impressive phenomena is reflected in some ancient myths, also reflecting earlier efforts of flood control and management. The struggle of humans against the destructive power of floods is further testified by several structures revealed by archaeological research. In modern times, the dramatic change of the demographic and socio-economic conditions made imperative the construction of large-scale water projects, which in turn resulted in large-scale environmental changes. The consequences of these practices, both positive and negative, are discussed, with regard to the problem of floods in Greece.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Kundzewicz, Z. W., Introduction, Changes of Flood Risk in Europe, IAHS-AISH Publication, (SPEC. ISS. 10), (ed. Z. W. Kundzewicz), 1-7, 2012. |
2. | Mentzafou, A. and Dimitriou, E.: Flood risk assessment for a heavily modified urban stream, Proc. IAHS, 366, 147-148, 10.5194/piahs-366-147-2015, 2015. |
3. | Karagiorgos, K., M. Heiser, T. Thaler, J. Hübl, and S. Fuchs, Micro-sized enterprises: vulnerability to flash floods, Natural Hazards, 84(2), 1091–1107, doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2476-9, 2016. |
4. | #Sevastas, S., I. Siarkos, N. Theodossiou, I. Ifadis, and K. Kaffas, Comparing hydrological models built upon open access and/or measured data in a GIS environment, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning & Economics, 377-386, Thessaloniki, 2017. |
5. | Veal, R. J., The politics and economics of ancient forests: Timber and fuel as levers of Greco-Roman control, Economie et inégalité: Ressources, échanges et pouvoir dans l'Antiquité classique, 63(8), 317-367, doi :10.17863/CAM.13218, 2017. |
6. | Diakakis, M., G. Deligiannakis, K. Katsetsiadou, Z. Antoniadis, and M. Melaki, Mapping and classification of direct flood impacts in the complex conditions of an urban environment: The case study of the 2014 flood in Athens, Greece, Urban Water Journal, 14(10), 1065-1074, doi:10.1080/1573062X.2017.1363247, 2017. |
7. | #Karatzas, S., D. Chondrogiani, and P. Saranti, Intelligent sustainable urban drainage systems (I-SUDS): A framework for flood mitigation and rainwater reuse, Fifth International Conference on Small and Descentralised Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants, Thessaloniki, 2018. |
8. | #Angelakis, A. N., G. Antoniou, K. Voudouris, N. Kazakis, and N. Dalezios, History of floods in Greece: Causes and measures for protection, 5th IWA International Symposium on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations: Evolution of Technologies from Prehistory to Modern Times, Dead Sea, Jordan, 2019. |
9. | Angelakis, A. N., G. Antoniou, K. Voudouris, N. Kazakis, N. Delazios, and N. Dercas, History of floods in Greece: causes and measures for protection, Natural Hazards, 101, 833–852, doi:10.1007/s11069-020-03898-w, 2020. |
10. | Koukouvelas, I. K., D. J. W. Piper, D. Katsonopoulou, N. Kontopoulos, S. Verroios, K. Nikolakopoulos, and V. Zygouri, Earthquake-triggered landslides and mudflows: Was this the wave that engulfed Ancient Helike? The Holocene, 30(12), 1653-1668, doi:10.1177/0959683620950389, 2020. |
11. | Mazza, A., Waterscape and floods management of Greek Selinus: The Cottone River Valley, Open Archaeology, 7(1), 1066-1090, doi:10.1515/opar-2020-0172, 2021. |
12. | Skoulikaris C., Run-of-river small hydropower pants as hydro-resilience assets against climate change, Sustainability, 13(24), 14001, doi:10.3390/su132414001, 2021. |
13. | Graninger, C. D., Environmental change in a sacred landscape: The Thessalian Peloria, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 9(1), 87-92, doi:10.14795/j.v9i1.698, 2022. |
14. | Tegos, A., A. Ziogas, V. Bellos, and A. Tzimas, Forensic hydrology: a complete reconstruction of an extreme flood event in data-scarce area, Hydrology, 9(5), 93, doi:10.3390/hydrology9050093, 2022. |
15. | #Tsiafaki, D. and V. Evangelidis, Exploring rivers and ancient settlements in Aegean Thrace through spatial technology, The Riverlands of Aegean Thrace: Production, Consumption and Exploitation of the Natural and Cultural Landscapes, Kefalidou, E. (ed.), Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Vol. 6, 45-61, 2022. |
16. | Angra, D., and K. Sapountzaki, Climate change affecting forest fire and flood risk – Facts, predictions, and perceptions in Central and South Greece, Sustainability, 14(20), 13395, doi:10.3390/su142013395, 2022. |
17. | #Skamnia, E., E. S. Bekri, and P. Economou, Analysis of regional precipitation measurements: The Peloponnese and the Ionian islands case, Protection and Restoration of the Environment XVI - Conference proceedings, 190-198, 2022. |
18. | Tolika, K., and C. Skoulikaris, Atmospheric circulation types and floods' occurrence – A thorough analysis over Greece, Science of The Total Environment, 865, 161217, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161217, 2023. |
19. | Evelpidou, N., C. Cartalis, A. Karkani G. Saitis, K. Philippopoulos, and E. Spyrou, A GIS-based assessment of flood hazard through track records over the 1886–2022 period in Greece, Climate, 11(11), 226, doi:10.3390/cli11110226, 2023. |
20. | Pisinaras, V., F. Herrmann, A. Panagopoulos, E. Tziritis, I. McNamara, and F. Wendland, Fully distributed water balance modelling in large agricultural areas—The Pinios river basin (Greece) case study, Sustainability, 15(5), 4343, doi:10.3390/su15054343, 2023. |
21. | Dani, R. S., and C. B. Baniya, Seedling potential of trees species along the elevational gradient in temperate hill forest of central Nepal, Journal of Mountain Science, 21, 1329–1344, doi:10.1007/s11629-023-8323-z, 2024. |
22. | Sapountzaki, K., and K. Dermosinoglou, Hot spots for risk-based planning in Greece – the cases of floods and forest fires, Planning Practice & Research, 1–25, doi:10.1080/02697459.2024.2404750, 2024. |
N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, A web based information system for the inspection of the hydraulic works in Ancient Greece, Ancient Water Technologies, edited by L.W. Mays, 103–114, doi:10.1007/978-90-481-8632-7_6, Springer, Dordrecht, 2010.
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See also:
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #De Feo, G., P. Laureano, L. W. Mays and A. N. Angelakis, Water supply management technologies in the Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, Ch. 14 in Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia (A. N. Angelakis, L. W. Mays, D. Koutsoyiannis and N. Mamassis, eds.), 351-382, IWA Publishing, London, 2012. |
N. Evelpidou, N. Mamassis, A. Vassilopoulos, C. Makropoulos, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Flooding in Athens: The Kephisos River flood event of 21-22/10/1994, International Conference on Urban Flood Management, Paris, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4065.5601, UNESCO, 2009.
During the night of the 20th of October 1994, a cold front passed over Greece, provoking heavy precipitation and consequently catastrophic floods in many areas of Greece. In some of the affected areas, the precipitation height was equivalent to 140 mm, while in the center of Athens the respective quantity was more than 140 mm. The Greater Athens area experienced one of the most devastating flood events in years, during which nine deaths were reported along with severe damages in the transportation, telecommunication and energy infrastructures. Dozens of homes and stores flooded, cars totally damaged, three buildings collapsed and hundreds of people trapped in cars and buildings give the outline of the disastrous impacts.
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Works that cite this document: View on Google Scholar or ResearchGate
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Kandilioti, G. and C. Makropoulos, Preliminary flood risk assessment: the case of Athens, Nat. Hazards, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-011-9930-5, 2011. |
2. | #Hildén, M., R. Dankers, T. Kjeldsen, J. Hannaford, C. Kuhlicke, E. Kuusisto, C. Makropoulos, A. te Linde, F. Ludwig, J. Luther and H. Wolters, Floods – vulnerability, risks and management, A joint report of ETC CCA and ICM, European Environment Agency, 2012. |
3. | #Vanneuville, W., B. Werner, R. Uhel, et al., Water Resources in Europe in the Context of Vulnerability, EEA 2012 State of Water Assessment, European Environment Agency, 2012. |
4. | Evrenoglou, L. S. A. Partsinevelou, P. Stamatis, A. Lazaris, E. Patsouris, C. Kotampasi and P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati, Children exposure to trace levels of heavy metals at the north zone of Kifissos River, Science of The Total Environment, 443, 650-661, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.11.041, 2013. |
5. | Diakakis, M., An inventory of flood events in Athens, Greece, during the last 130 years: Seasonality and spatial distribution, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 10.1111/jfr3.12053, 2013. |
6. | Diakakis, M., A. Pallikarakis and K. Katsetsiadou, Using a spatio-temporal GIS database to monitor the spatial evolution of urban flooding phenomena: the case of Athens Metropolitan Area in Greece, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 3 (1), 96-109, 2014. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, New approaches to estimation of extreme rainfall, 1st Hellenic Conference on Large Dams, Larisa, 2, 433–440, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1116.4400, Hellenic Commission on Large Dams, Technical Chamber of Greece, 2008.
The extreme rainfall modeling is essential for the evaluation of the flood risk and the design of spillways. Despite the intense research and the accumulating availability of rainfall data, the uncertainty in the evaluation of the extreme rainfalls, continues to be high. Obviously, this uncertainty has a greater influence to the design of large-scale structures (dam spillways) than to the design of smaller flood control hydraulic works. This paper provides a review of the most recent methods for extreme rainfall estimation and presents their theoretical setting and their results in comparison with more classical methods, based on some applications in the design of hydraulic works in Greece. Finally, a software package (Hydrognomon) that supports the use of the methods is presented.
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N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Physical, social and technological aspects of drought - The Athens example, Natural and Technological Disasters in Europe and Greece, edited by K. Sapountzaki, 61–88, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1640.7289, Gutenberg, Athens, 2007.
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N. Mamassis, V. Kanellopoulos, and D. Koutsoyiannis, A web based information system for the inspection of the hydraulic works in Ancient Greece, 5th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, Arizona, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3475.7362, International Association of Hydraulic Research, 2007.
The ancient civilizations that had prospered on the Greek territory since 3000 BC had a great contribution to philosophy, politics, physical sciences and arts. Several technical works were constructed during that period to support the infrastructure needs of those spiritually developed societies. Particularly, the hydraulic works were very important, because of the: (a) advanced technologies that had been used, (b) high standards of life that served and (c) sustainable water management practices that the designers adopted. These works supported the water supply, the drainage of the lands and the cities, the flood protection, the sanitary facilities and sometimes the use of water for recreational purposes. Several simple (cisterns, wells, aqueducts) or more advanced (dams, tunnels, siphons) hydraulic structures have been found, spread all over the wider Ancient Greek territory. Their presence reveals that ancient Greeks wisely resolved several problems concerning water that modern societies still have to face up. In this study, a web based application is presented, for the inspection of available information about the hydraulics works in Ancient Greece. The application includes the necessary informatics tools to manipulate and analyze the various information types and make the information available on the internet. Information includes technical characteristics of the structures, drawings, maps, texts, papers, studies, photos, videos etc. The main purposes of the application are the easy access to available information and the facilitation of its analysis. The latter can be achieved by using a Database and a Geographical Information System, to perform queries or to make maps.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Stergiouli, M. L., and K. Hadjibiros, The growing water imprint of Athens (Greece) throughout history, Regional Environmental Change, 12 (2), 337-345, 2012. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Mamassis, and A. Tegos, Logical and illogical exegeses of hydrometeorological phenomena in ancient Greece, Proceedings of the 1st IWA International Symposium on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations, edited by A. N. Angelakis and D. Koutsoyiannis, Iraklio, 135–143, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4188.4408, International Water Association, 2006.
Technological applications aiming at the exploitation of the natural sources appear in all ancient civilizations. The unique phenomenon in the ancient Greek civilization is that technological needs triggered physical explanations of the natural phenomena and behaviours, thus enabling the foundation of philosophy and science. Among these, the study of hydrometeorological phenomena had a major role. This study begins with the Ionian philosophers in the seventh century BC, continues in classical Athens in the fifth and fourth centuries BC, and advances and expands through the entire Greek world up to the end of Hellenistic period, when Romans conquered Greece. Many of the theories developed in the course of ancient Greek civilization are erroneous according to modern views. However, many elements in Greek exegeses and interpretations of various hydrometeorological processes, such as the evaporation and condensation of vapour, the creation of clouds, hail, snow and rainfall and the evolution of hydrological cycle, are impressive even today.
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A. Grammatikoyiannis, N. Mamassis, E. Baltas, and M. Mimikou, A meteorological telemetric network for monitoring of the Athens wider area (Meteonet). A real time approach from point to areal measurements, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (9CEST), Rhodes, Department of Environmental Studies, University of the Aegean, 2005.
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N. Mamassis, A. Christofides, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Hydrometeorological data acquisition, management and analysis for the Athens water supply system, BALWOIS Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support, Ochrid, FYROM, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1845.5284, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning FYROM, Skopie, 2004.
A hydrolometeorological telemetric network has been installed, in the framework of a decision support system (DSS) for the management of the Athens water resource system, that extends over an area of 5000 km2. In this paper the telemetric network and data management and analysis are described. The information collected includes meteorological data, reservoir water levels and stream flow data. The data acquisition procedure is executed periodically, by a computer at the data centre and all data is stored in the database for immediate use by other subsystems of the DSS. Some data by conventional instruments are also stored for comparison and tests. A software application (Hydrognomon) is used for management and analysis of the various types of raw data and for producing a large number of derivative time series. The whole procedure has been standardised for easy implementation in other similar networks.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Grammatokogiannis, A., N. Mamassis, E. Baltas and M. Mimikou, A meteorological telemetric network for monitoring of the Athens wider Area, Proc. 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, 2005. |
2. | Meyer, M.L., and G.M. Huey, Telemetric system for hydrology and water quality monitoring in watersheds of northern New Mexico, USA, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 116(1-3), 9-19, 2006. |
A. Tsouni, D. Koutsoyiannis, C. Contoes, N. Mamassis, and P. Elias, Estimation of actual evapotranspiration by remote sensing: Application in Thessalia plain, Greece, Proceedings of the International Conference "Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing: Environmental Applications", Volos, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3025.1763, 2003.
As evapotranspiration is one of the main components of hydrologic cycle, its estimation is very important. Remote sensing technologies can assist to improve the estimation accuracy also providing means for computing evapotranspiration geographical distribution. In the present study, the daily actual evapotranspiration was calculated for 21 days uniformly distributed during the 2001 summer season over Thessaly plain. Three different methods were accordingly adapted and applied: the remote-sensing methods by Granger (Granger, 2000) and Carlson-Buffum (Carlson & Buffum, 1989) using satellite data together with ground meteorological measurements and an adapted FAO Penman-Monteith method, used as reference method. Satellite data, following the necessary processing, were used in conjunction with surface data from the three closest meteorological stations. All three methods, following their appropriate adaptation, exploit visible channels 1 and 2 of NOAA-AVHRR satellite images to calculate albedo and NDVI and infrared channels 4 and 5 to calculate surface temperature. FAO Penman-Monteith and Granger methods require mean surface temperatures, so NOAA-15 satellite images were used. For Carlson-Buffum method a combination of NOAA-14 and NOAA-15 satellite images was used, since the average rate of surface temperature rise during the morning is required. The results of the application are encouraging. Both Carlson-Buffum and Granger methods follow in general the variations of the FAO Penman-Monteith method. However, they underestimate evapotranspiration during the days with relatively high wind speed.
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N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, A hydrometeorological telemetric network for the water resources monitoring of the Athens water resource system, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of European Water Resources Association: "Water Resources Management in the Era of Transition", edited by G. Tsakiris, Athens, 157–163, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3954.9683, European Water Resources Association, 2002.
In the development of a decision support system (DSS) for the management of the Athens water resource system, special emphasis has been given to the real time feeding of the DSS with reliable hydrological data, using a telemetric system. This paper is concentrated on the description of this telemetric system that measures hydrometeorological variables of the river basins, and on the management of the telemetric data. The stations of the telemetric system can provide data of high reliability, without delay, and less costly than conventionally measured data. The information collected includes stage and discharge data from the main stream of each river basin, water level data of the reservoirs, rainfall and meteorological data. The data collection procedure is done periodically by the central telemetric system and all data is stored in the database for immediate use by other systems. Apart from feeding the DSS, the telemetric system will serve other purposes such as the monitoring and establishment of reliable time series of the atmospheric and water resources conditions of the area, and the supply of hydrometerological information in real time on the Internet.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Grammatokogiannis, A., N. Mamassis, E. Baltas and M. Mimikou, A meteorological telemetric network for monitoring of the Athens wider Area, Proc. 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, 2005. |
2. | #Mimikou, M., and A. Grammatikogiannis,Real-time monitoring and management of point and areal hydrometeorological data in the Athens metropolitan area, IAHS-AISH Publication 308, 31-36, 2006. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Mamassis, and A. Christofides, Experience from the operation of the automatic telemetric meteorological station in the National Technical University, Proceedings of the 8th National Congress of the Greek Hydrotechnical Association, edited by G. Christodoulou, A. Stamou, and A. Nanou, Athens, 301–308, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4577.5603, Greek Hydrotechnical Association, 2000.
An automatic telemetric meteorological station has been set up in the National Technical University of Athens campus at Zographou, whose operation has completed six years. Several types of sensors and devices for energy supply, as well as techniques for data acquisition, logging and transmission were tested. Emphasis was given to the direct availability and easy access to the data, both real time and historical, for any interested user. To this aim, the Internet was utilised and several software applications were developed to allow data access through the World Wide Web.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Grammatokogiannis, A., N. Mamassis, E. Baltas and M. Mimikou, A meteorological telemetric network for monitoring of the Athens wider Area, Proc. 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, 2005. |
N. Mamassis, et D. Koutsoyiannis, Structure stochastique de pluies intenses par type de temps, Publications de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie, 6eme Colloque International de Climatologie, edité par P. Maheras, Thessaloniki, 6, 301–313, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3643.6726, Association Internationale de Climatologie, Aix-en-Provence Cedex, France, 1993.
We studied the influence of weather types on the stochastic structure of the intense rainfall events. We used hourly rainfall depths from three rain recorders in Evinos River basin while the corresponding weather types were determined based on classification by Maheras (1982). Initially, we calculated the frequency of occurrence of intense rainfall events for each weather type. Also, we calculated the statistics of the rainfall event characteristics (duration, the hourly and the total rainfall depth), including the autocorrelation and cross correlation functions of hourly depths. To detect statistically significant differences between event characteristics for different weather types, we applied various statistical tests and analysis of variance.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Stehlik, J., and A. Bardossy, Multivariate stochastic downscaling model for generating daily precipitation series based on atmospheric circulation, Journal of Hydrology, 256(1-2), 120-141, 2002. |
I. Nalbantis, N. Mamassis, et D. Koutsoyiannis, Le phénomène recent de sécheresse persistante et l' alimentation en eau de la cité d' Athènes, Publications de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie, 6eme Colloque International de Climatologie, edité par P. Maheras, Thessaloniki, 6, 123–132, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4430.1041, Association Internationale de Climatologie, Aix-en-Provence Cedex, France, 1993.
We analyse statistically the historic hydrologic samples of the water basins of Mornos and B. Kifissos-Yliki. A decreasing trend on the precipitation and runoff for the B. Kifissos basin was found. Moreover, a significant reduction of the annual inflows was found for the period of the recent six-year drought for both basins. The analysis of precipitation did not reveal any significant reduction on their annual values, but it is rather their within-year distribution that has been substantially modified. More specifically, the precipitation of January during the last six years is significantly less than that of the previous period, a fact that explains the significant reduction of the inflows to the reservoirs of Mornos and Yliki.
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Works that cite this document: View on Google Scholar or ResearchGate
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Giakoumakis, S.G., and G. Baloutsos, Investigation of trend in hydrological time series of the Evinos river basin, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 42(1), 81-88, 1997. |
2. | Leroux, M., Global Warming: Myth or reality? The actual evolution of the weather, Annales de Geographie, (624), 115-137, 2002. |
3. | Leroux, M., Global Warming: Myth or reality? The actual evolution of the weather, Energy and Environment, 14(2-3), 297-322, 2003. |
4. | #Leroux, M., Global Warming: Myth Or Reality?: The Erring Ways of Climatology, Springer, 510 pp., 2005. |
5. | Sardou, S. F., and A. Bahremand, Hydrological drought analysis using SDI Index in Halilrud basin of Iran, The International Journal of Environmental Resources Research, 1(3), 279-288, 2013. |
D. Koutsoyiannis, C. Tsolakidis, and N. Mamassis, HYDRA-PC, A data base system for regional hydrological data management, Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Advances in Water Resources Technology, Athens, 551–557, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4954.3921, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1991.
Recent improvements of personal computer capabilities have facilitated the development of computer programs for hydrological data management and processing in order to take maximum advantage of the available hydrological information. In this paper a software package (HYDRA-PC, Hydrological Data Retrieval and Analysis for personal Computers) developed for the processing and analysis of daily and hourly hydrometeorological data is presented. The package is made of a number of executable programs and database files. For every hydrometeorological station, the database includes daily and hourly measurements as well as information on the station's peculiarities, quality and accuracy of measurements for an unlimited time period. HYDRA-PC's main characteristics are the rapid entry, updating, retrieval and primary processing of data as well as efficient computer memory and disk usage with the application of special computer programming techniques. The program operates in Greek language and is designed to accommodate the peculiarities of the data collection network (gross inaccuracies in data collection, river stage - discharge instabilities) often encountered in Greece.
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G.-F. Sargentis, M. Kougia, R. Ioannidis, I. Benekos, T. Iliopoulou, P. Dimitriadis, A. Koukouvinos, D. Dimitrakopoulou, N. Mamassis, A. Tsouni, S. Sigourou, V. Pagana, E. Frangedaki, N. D. Lagaros, C. Kontoes, and D. Koutsoyiannis, The Technological Evolution in Flood Risk Estimation, ADDOPTML2024, OPTARCH2024, and OPT-ii2024, Irbid - Jordan, 19 pages, Jordan, October 2024.
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G.-F. Sargentis, R. Ioannidis, M. Kougia, I. Benekos, T. Iliopoulou, P. Dimitriadis, A. Koukouvinos, D. Dimitrakopoulou, N. Mamassis, A. Tsouni, S. Sigourou, V. Pagana, E. Frangedaki, N. D. Lagaros, C. Kontoes, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Do Floods Attack Cities or Cities Invade Flood plains?, ADDOPTML2024, OPTARCH2024, and OPT-ii2024, Irbid - Jordan, 18 pages, Jordan, October 2024.
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N. Mamassis, Hydropower wealth of mountainous areas. The nodal position of Metsovo, 9th Conference by NTUA and MIRC: Vision, design and policy for the holistic development of mountainous and remote areas, Metsovo, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center, October 2019.
Τhe meteorological and geomorphological characteristics of mountainous areas are advantageous for the exploitation of the hydropower potential. Hydroelectric power plants make the best use of high slopes and abundant rainfall to produce electricity. Five major Greek rivers (Aliakmonas, Arachthos, Acheloos, Aoos and Pinios) are originated from Metsovo area. 13 large hydroelectric power plants (approximately 80% of the country's installed hydro power) have been constructed on these rivers. In a close distance from Metsovo, Aoos hydroelectric power plant. is located. This project is of significant educational interest because of its unique technical features. An artificial lake formed by seven dams, water pumping to drain an nearby plateau, diversion of water to other country, and the largest waterfall in Greece. The nodal position of Metsovo among the major hydroelectric power plants in the country is an important advantage for the experiential educational process offered by MEKDE.
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P. Avgerinou , Ε. Chiotis , S. Chrisoulaki, P. Defteraios, T. Evangelou , M. Gigourtakis, G. Kakes, Y. Kourtzellis , P. Koutis, N. Mamassis, M. Pappa, G. Peppas, and A. Strataridaki, Updated Appraisal of Ancient Underground Aqueducts in Greece, Underground Aqueducts Handbook, edited by A. N. Angelakis, Ε. Chiotis , S. Eslamian , and H. Weingartner, doi:10.1201/9781315368566-5, 2016.
D. Serbis, C. Papathanasiou, and N. Mamassis, Mitigating flooding in a typical urban area in North Western Attica in Greece, Conference on Changing Cities: Spatial Design, Landscape and Socio-economic Dimensions, Porto Heli, Peloponnese, Greece, June 2015.
Frequent floods in urban areas can pose threats to human lives and cause extensive devastation with long lasting consequences on properties and the environment. The frequency and impact of urban flooding are intensified by extended urbanization and the consequent land use change. More specifically, the expansion of impermeable areas in urban zones can cause rainfall events of low return period to produce the same or even more intense socioeconomic and environmental impact compared to rainfall events of high return period. For this reason, interventions in urban zones that are expected to deteriorate rainwater drainage conditions need to be accompanied by appropriate measures both structural and non-structural that ensure flood mitigation on the entire hydrological basin. In the absence of such measures which is usually the case, additional approaches to minimize flood impact need to be adopted. Flood effects are also intensified by poor urban design and inequitable development practices leading to greater water volumes that have to be managed in shorter times. A typical urban area that suffers from frequent flooding is the Community of Magoula, a community of 5000 habitats, located 21 km North West of Athens (Greece). The construction of a modern highway (Attiki Odos) that crosses the Community provided adequate flood protection locally, but was not accompanied by appropriate structural and non-structural measures to protect the entire basin. This paper presents an approach to expand insufficient infrastructure in order to provide adequate flood protection to the entire urban area of the Community of Magoula. In particular, the existing drainage pipe network of the area is expanded over a critical net of urbanised zones with low permeability, in order to mitigate flood events. The design of the proposed works was evaluated against both their capacity to successfully drain the flooded areas and the adequacy of the existing infrastructure to accommodate the incoming flow. The paper concludes with a set of complementary BMPs and non-structural measures that aim to ameliorate and mitigate flash flooding effects.
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S. Mihas, K. Nikolaou, A. Koukouvinos, and N. Mamassis, Estimation of sediment yield with MUSLE and monitoring. A case study for Tsiknias dam at Lesvos Island in Greece, IWA Balkan Young Water Professionals, Thessaloniki, 8 pages, 12 May 2015.
The purpose of the present study is the estimation of sediment yield of Tsiknias river basin at the location of a dam under study. The Tsiknias reservoir will supply drinking water at Mytilene town and at a large area of Lesvos island in Northern Greece. Moreover, a small amount of the reservoir water is intended to satisfy the demands of the downstream irrigation system at Kalloni plain. The methods used for estimating the volume of sediment yield in this study are empirical by means of modern technologies like GIS models. The main methodology that estimates the sediment yield used at the present study is the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). In comparison with MUSLE, other methods have also been tested like Gavrilovic [1] and Koutsoyiannis & Tarla equations [3]. The calculation of the sediment yield volume will be finalized by means of the field measurements that are in progress (10/2014 – next hydrological year). This program of measurements includes records of the flow, hydrometeorological data as well as sediment volumes (suspended and bedded sediment). Estimating the sediment transport at the location of the dam will affect not only the inactive storage of the dam, but it will also determine the design of the water abstraction works at the Tsiknias reservoir, as well as the design of structures required for a sustainable sedimentation management.
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D. Dimitrakopoulou, P. Dimitriadis, R. Ioannidis, G.-F. Sargentis, E. Chardavellas, M.J. Alexopoulos, S. Sigourou, V. Pagana, A. Tsouni, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and C. Kontoes, The importance of citizens’ engagement in the implementation of civil works for the mitigation of natural disasters with focus on flood risk in Attica Prefecture (Greece), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, 14 pages, EGU24-12686, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12686, Vienna, 2024.
Ιn the framework of the Programming Agreement between the Prefecture of Attica and the Operational Unit BEYOND Centre of EO Research and Satellite Remote Sensing of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), in cooperation with the Research Group ITIA of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), a rather innovative approach is applied for the purpose of flood risk assessment, regarding the contribution of citizens to the identification of the areas which are vulnerable to flood. It is highlighted how the experience of residents can lead to the identification of areas prone to flood, which could not be easily located otherwise, especially through large-scale flood risk maps. Moreover, it is demonstrated how the knowledge of residents can be used as a validation tool for the flood risk assessment results. Consequently, it is argued that the residents must play an active role in the conception, design and implementation of flood protection works in any infrastructure project within their area of interest. Such implementations of any mitigation measures should have as a prerequisite their acceptance by the residents. Their understanding is also important, on the one hand, to deal with possible reactions, appeals, and conflicts throughout the execution of the project, and, on the other hand, to ensure that residents are properly informed about the utility of such works and projects
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M. Kougia, S. Sigourou, P. Dimitriadis, R. Ioannidis, A. Tsouni, G.-F. Sargentis, D. Dimitrakopoulou, E. Chardavellas, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and C. Kontoes, Modern vs traditional mapping methods for flood risk estimation: A case study for the river Pikrodafni, Athens, Greece, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, 16 pages, EGU24-6459, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6459, Vienna, 2024.
The assessment of human progress often relies on factors such as the availability of energy and resources, the improvement of life expectancy, education, equality, democracy, justice, civilization, and other crucial elements. A significant concern within this evaluation revolves around the inclusivity and accessibility of technological advancements. However, human progress is more than that, since it can also manifest itself in the scientific and technical advances in treating natural hazards presenting a diachronic issue to societies’ resilience. In this study, the progress of engineering in analyzing and managing flood risk between the 1970s and present times is evaluated. To this aim, we utilize the experience of engineers who completed surveying, hydrological, and hydraulic studies for flood risk assessment in the 1970s, to carry out comparisons with recent methodologies applied in the framework of the Programming Agreement between the Prefecture of Attica and the Operational Unit BEYOND Centre of EO Research and Satellite Remote Sensing of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), in cooperation with the Research GroupITIA of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) to the Pikrodafni stream, in Attica, Greece. Specifically, we quantify the progress made and differences between the two periods, in terms of human resources, computational cost, and accuracy of practices and methodologies
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T. Iliopoulou, D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Malamos, A. Koukouvinos, P. Dimitriadis, N. Mamassis, N. Tepetidis, and D. Markantonis, A stochastic framework for rainfall intensity-timescale-return period relationships regionalized over Greece, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-9043, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9043, 2024.
We develop a regionalization framework for rainfall intensity-timescale-return period relationships that is implemented across the Greek territory. The methodology for single-site estimation is based on a stochastic framework for multi-scale rainfall intensity modeling. Five parameters are first independently fitted for each site, and the resulting parameter variability is explored in terms of uncertainty and spatial variability patterns. Two parameters, the tail-index and a timescale parameter, are identified as constant in space and estimated using data pooling techniques. The remaining three parameters are regionalized across Greece using a combination of spatial interpolation and smoothing techniques, which are evaluated using cross-validation in a multi-model framework.
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D. Chatzopoulos, A. Zisos, N. Mamassis, and A. Efstratiadis, The benefits of distributed grid production: An insight on the role of spatial scale on solar PV energy, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU24-3822, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3822, 2024.
The hydrometeorological processes associated with renewables are characterized by substantial spatiotemporal variability, and thus uncertainty, which is addressed through decentralized planning, thus taking advantage of scaling effects. The objective of this work is to provide a comprehensive investigation of the role of scale regarding solar photovoltaic production in Greece, which is one of the predominant renewables. By implementing macroscopic criteria in terms of solar potential (e.g., topography-adjusted radiation indices), we select a sufficient sample of well-distributed locations in Greece. For these points, hourly radiation and temperature data, derived from satellite products, are retrieved and validated against ground observations. Following this, we formulate a detailed simulation procedure that accounts for the two physical drivers and the panel characteristics (i.e., efficiency and temperature impacts due to heating), and we configure the baseline scenario by computing the individual production of each site. Next, to highlight the added value of distributed production and quantify the scaling effects in PV power production, we follow a Monte Carlo approach by randomly distributing PVs across the selected locations, to eventually provide a statistical analysis on the spatial and temporal domain and over different PV technologies.
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R. Ioannidis, and N. Mamassis, The prospects of reverse GIS visibility analyses for the anticipation and mitigation of landscape impacts of renewable energy projects in large scales, 2023 Visual Resource Stewardship Conference: Exploring Multisensory Landscapes, Lemont, Argonne National Laboratory, 2023.
Conventional visibility analyses face limitations as a spatial planning tool since they can only be applied in late planning phases, when project's locations have been partly or completely determined. This is due to the fact that they require a particular location as input, in order to be implemented. Therefore, visibility analyses cannot be easily carried out in the early planning phases of projects, e.g. during multicriteria studies, in order to aid in the siting of projects; because at this stage the project location is still under investigation within an extensive area. In this work, we propose the reversal of visibility analyses as a methodological shift that can enable their use in earlier planning phases and aid in overcoming various issues associated with delayed implementation. Reverse visibility analyses use the locations of protected landscape elements as their input rather than the locations of the proposed energy works. This methodological shift allows for the a priori generation of fixed landscape-protection maps surrounding important landscape elements which enjoy the advantages of: (i) proactiveness, as they can be used to anticipate landscape impacts from earlier planning stages, while proposed projects’ locations are still under investigation, (ii) time-saving, as they only need to be calculated once within a region or country, discarding the requirement for individual visibility analysis for each new project (iii) compatibility with multicriteria studies, which are only carried out in very early planning stages, and finally (iv) potential for wider combination with participatory planning processes. The implementation of reverse visibility analysis was also investigated in practice, by developing and applying a novel method called Reverse – Zone of Theoretical Visibility (R-ZTV) analysis. The method was implemented in the regional scale in the region of Thessaly, Greece, where R-ZTV maps were formed and then used to project visual impacts from planned wind energy projects to the protected landscape elements of the region. Both from the theoretical investigation and the practical application, it was demonstrated that reverse visibility analyses, such as the proposed R-ZTV or in other formats, can strengthen the role of visibility analysis in the planning of renewable energy projects and facilitate its wider implementation. Ongoing applications in large spatial scales are also briefly presented to further showcase this potential.
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A. Tsouni, S. Sigourou, P. Dimitriadis, V. Pagana, T. Iliopoulou, G.-F. Sargentis, R. Ioannidis, E. Chardavellas, D. Dimitrakopoulou, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and C. Contoes, Multi-parameter flood risk assessment towards efficient flood management in highly dense urban river basins in the Region of Attica, Greece, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU23-12624, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12624, 2023.
Flood risk assessment in vulnerable areas is crucial for efficient flood risk management, including the analysis and design of civil protection measures and the implementation of studies with proper interventions towards mitigating flood risk. This is even more crucial in highly dense urban river basins such as the ones in the region of Attica, which is hosting Athens, the capital of Greece, as well as critical infrastructures and important social economic activities. In the framework of the Programming Agreement with the Prefecture of Attica, the Operational Unit BEYOND Centre of EO Research and Satellite Remote Sensing of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), in cooperation with the Research Group ITIA of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), study five flood-stricken river basins in the region of Attica, which affect 23 Municipalities. The research teams collect all available data, conduct detailed field visits, run hydrological and hydraulic models, and assess flood hazard, flood vulnerability and eventually flood risk in every area of interest. Furthermore, high-risk critical points are identified, and mitigation measures are proposed, both structural and non-structural, in order to achieve effective crisis management for the protection of the population, the properties and the infrastructures. In addition, the BEYOND Centre has developed a web GIS platform where all the collected and produced data, the flood hazard, vulnerability and risk maps, as well as the identified critical points, the refuge areas and escape routes are stored and made available. All the relevant stakeholders and the competent authorities, who are directly or indirectly involved in civil protection, participate in dedicated workshops designed for their needs, and moreover, the studies’ general outcomes are disseminated to the wider public for raising awareness purposes. The response of the end users is very positive, and their feedback very constructive. The methodology and the outputs of the project are in line with the requirements for the implementation of the EU Floods Directive 2007/60/EC, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the UN SDGs, as well as the GEO’s Societal Benefit Areas.
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G. Kirkmalis, G.-F. Sargentis, R. Ioannidis, D. Markantonis, T. Iliopoulou, P. Dimitriadis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Fertilizers as batteries and regulators in the global Water-Energy-Food equilibrium, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU23-11915, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11915, 2023.
Fertilizers and especially Nutrient Nitrogen, are high consumers of energy. At present, the energy crisis has a serious effect in the production of fertilizers. As the world is seeking to smooth the curves of energy production, especially by renewable energy installations, the use of potential energy surplus in fertilizers’ production could be an alternative practice. Fertilizers can be utilized for the cultivation of energy crops or food (which also has an energy equivalent). In this work, we attempt to evaluate the potential of the integration of fertilizers in the energy production both for energy recovery and for the avoidance of possible failures by the deficit of fertilizers in the global Water-Energy-Food equilibrium.
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S. Sigourou, A. Tsouni, V. Pagana, G.-F. Sargentis, P. Dimitriadis, R. Ioannidis, E. Chardavellas, D. Dimitrakopoulou, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and C. Contoes, An advanced methodology for field visits towards efficient flood management on building block level, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU23-16168, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16168, 2023.
Flood risk assessment for vulnerable areas serves the needs of the stakeholders for flood management. Therefore, it’s essential for the applied methodology to be detailed and use advanced techniques depending on the characteristics of each study area. In the Programming Agreement with the Prefecture of Attica, the Operational Unit “BEYOND Centre of EO Research & Satellite Remote Sensing” of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), in cooperation with the Research Group ITIA of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) study five flood-stricken river basins in the region of Attica, which affect 23 Municipalities. It’s the first time that such a holistic approach for flood risk assessment is implemented on building block level in Greece. Hence, taking into consideration the regional scale and the high spatial resolution in hydrologic and hydraulic models and flood hazards maps, detailed field visits are conducted following a specific methodology. Specifically, cross section measurements of pipes, culvers, bridges are gathered from the field and used for the terrain modification of Digital Elevation Model. Additionally, many high-risk points are identified in residential areas, road network and other critical infrastructures, which are classified based on their risk level and accompanied by a detailed technical report. The importance of field visits lies on the need of updated and high resolution input data, the understanding and the functionality of a constantly changing river basin including the anthropogenic and environmental stressors. As a result, enhanced models are created using both earth observation and field data and the reduction of the uncertainty is achieved comparing with past studies.
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D. Dimitrakopoulou, R. Ioannidis, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, G.-F. Sargentis, E. Chardavellas, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Public involvement in the design and implementation of infrastructure projects, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU23-16478, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16478, 2023.
Infrastructure projects, although associated with public health and well-being, are often faced with opposition movements during their design and implementation. In this work, public involvement is investigated as means for comprehending the reasons behind any public opposition during the implementation of civil infrastructure works. More specifically, three courses of actions are proposed in order to initiate public engagement in the design process of infrastructure projects, i.e., (i) the collaboration with municipalities, institutes and universities for collection of data and previous studies in the area, (ii) the indirect communication with the public through online questionnaires, and (iii) the direct communication with the public during field works and by loose-format interviews regarding their experiences. After statistically evaluating the information acquired by the input data, it is concluded that the combination of the above actions can enhance the engineers’ knowledge at the area of interest, and thus, may result in a more efficient design of civil works, but also, in the public engagement during and after their implementation.
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D. Markantonis, P. Dimitriadis, G.-F. Sargentis, T. Iliopoulou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Estimating the risk of large investments using Hurst-Kolmogorov dynamics in interest rates, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU23-14416, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14416, 2023.
Economies of scale, which minimize the cost of the unit, are vital for the prosperity of the society and the progress of civilizations. In order to achieve economies of scale, large investments have to be made. However, investments contain always a risk. An important evaluation of the investment’s risk could be done by interest rates. In this study, we update our recently presented methodology from utilizing Markov assumptions and instead for the timeseries generation algorithm, we employ a stochastic model following the Hurst-Kolmogorov dynamics . The updated methodology is applied for interest rates in various historical periods and compared with the Markov-based one.
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T. Iliopoulou, D. Koutsoyiannis, A. Koukouvinos, N. Malamos, N Tepetidis, D. Markantonis, P. Dimitriadis, and N. Mamassis, Regionalized design rainfall curves for Greece, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU23-8740, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8740, 2023.
We perform a large-scale assessment of the probabilistic behaviour of rainfall extremes over the Greek territory aiming to construct a national model for design rainfall. To this aim, we employ multiple sources of rainfall data: from long-term daily records to samples of multi-scale annual maxima, reanalysis rainfall products and satellite information. We identify suitable probability distributions for the multi-scale rainfall extremes useful for design rainfall estimation and regionalize their parameters over Greece using two-dimensional multivariate smoothing techniques. Unique insights are derived regarding the spatio-temporal variability of extreme rainfall over the Greek area, notable for its highly variable topography and climate.
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P. Dimitriadis, M. Kougia, G.-F. Sargentis, T. Iliopoulou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Violent land terrain alterations and their impacts on watermanagement; Case study: North Euboea, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU23-13318, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13318, 2023.
North Euboea is a place with high topographic relief, covered mostly by wild forests, with a lot of small rivers receiving high amounts of rainfall. After 2017 a severe disease started to eliminate plane trees (Platanus orientalis), which were growing on the riverbanks stabilizing the flow of water. One more dramatic event which severely impacted North Euboea was the wildfire that occurred in August 2021 and burnt 52,900 ha. Both events drastically changed the land terrain, causing various impacts on the area’s watersheds. In this vein, we try to investigate the changes in the water flow and inspect the combined effects of these landscape alterations on water management.
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D. Dimitrakopoulou, R. Ioannidis, G.-F. Sargentis, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, E. Chardavellas, S. Vavoulogiannis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Social uncertainty in flood risk: field research, citizens’ engagement, institutions' collaboration, IAHS 100th Anniversary – 11th IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, IAHS2022-351, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 2022.
The well-presented results and the high efficiency of new tools in the evaluation of flood risk leads us to forget the fundamental tool for analysis which is field research, citizens’ engagement and institutions collaboration. Having in mind that field-research must be connected with modern tools, this paper shows that only engineers are appropriate for flood-study field-research. In addition, a training protocol is necessary. This protocol describes the method of the field-research, the organization of the team, legal distractions in field research, proper software needed for field research, characteristic points of interest, code name and proper depiction of the points. In addition, describes an efficient formula of the reports in order to be used in GIS and evaluated in DEM and risk analysis. In addition, the cooperation of research and governmental institutions is crucial for the quantification of risks associated with natural hazards. Research institutions, local-government authorities and environmental agencies are all necessary, in order to combine both theoretical and practical knowledge for the generation of optimized risk-assessment results. Thus, a targeted methodology was formed including a process of successive cycles of communications relevant those agencies and institutions, aiming to utilize both their qualitative and quantitative knowledge and overall, to set a solid data-based foundation for the later stages of the flood-risk analysis. Last but not least, in the process of investigating for locations with increased flood risk, citizens’ engagement should be sought. During the research field or through an online form, the citizens should be asked to fill in a relative questionnaire with brief, multiple choice questions, regarding their residence, their years of residence, the frequency of floods that they can recall and their location and other relates topics. The permanent residents' experience can lead to the location of areas prone to flood that cannot be located otherwise, in terms of designs. Consequently, it is argued that the residents must play an active role in the conception, design and implementation of flood protection projects and infrastructure projects, overall.
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M. Chiotinis, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, To act or not to act. Predictability of intervention and non-intervention in health and environment, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU22-11747, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11747, European Geosciences Union, 2022.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth the question of the need for draconian interventions before concrete evidence for their need and efficacy is presented. Such interventions could be critical if necessary for avoiding threats, or a threat in themselves if harms caused by the intervention are significant.
The interdisciplinary nature of such issues as well as the unpredictability of various local responses considering their potential for global impact further complicate the question.
The study aims to review the available evidence and discuss the problem of weighting the predictability of interventions vis-à-vis their intended results against the limits of knowability regarding complex non-linear systems and thus the predictability in non-interventionist approaches.
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D. Markantonis, A. Siganou, K. Moraiti, M. Nikolinakou, G.-F. Sargentis, P. Dimitriadis, M. Chiotinis, T. Iliopoulou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Determining optimal scale of water infrastructure considering economical aspects with stochastic evaluation – Case study at the Municipality of Western Mani, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU22-3039, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3039, European Geosciences Union, 2022.
Infrastructures for the supply of water are one of the most necessary facilities in modern life. The optimal design of such infrastructures (for example, dams or even small-size tanks) is often a great challenge in civil engineering, given the large number of factors required for their design (e.g., feasibility, reliability, cost effectiveness, resilience). One of the most critical decisions that may have a great impact on the optimization procedure is the determination of the scale of the proposed system.
During a study of such a design of a water supply infrastructure in the Municipality of Western Mani, it became clear that several solutions of different scales coexisted. Ultimately, the cost-benefit factors were the most heavily considered ones, provided that the required reliability was met. Stochastic methods have been proven to be appropriate tools for studying such highly complex and uncertain puzzles. The current study intends to approach this problem by considering solutions of different scales, and to establish the long-term cost effectiveness as the main criterion to evaluate the different solutions.
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K. Moraiti, D. Markantonis, M. Nikolinakou, A. Siganou, G.-F. Sargentis, T. Iliopoulou, P. Dimitriadis, I. Meletopoulos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Optimizing water infrastructure solutions for small-scale distributed settlements – Case study at the Municipality of Western Mani., EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU22-3055, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3055, European Geosciences Union, 2022.
Water infrastructure is an indicator of human civilization and its evolution. The sustainable water management and distribution to local communities remains a critical engineering priority so that the most efficient usage is achieved. In this analysis the design of water-infrastructure establishments is studied for the community of the Municipality of Western Mani (western Peloponnese, Greece).
One of the main issues that arise is the presence of karstic-limestone geological structure at the study area with no permanent watercourses. Furthermore, the lack of data about the current quantity of surface water makes it difficult to formulate trustworthy conclusions on the availability of water resources. Additionally, the notable growth of the tourist sector during the summer months in the past few years exacerbates this issue. Due to the above reasons, the available water is not enough to cover the needs of the Municipality, especially during the summer.
After examining all the possible options that have been proposed to increase the water availability (e.g., through dams, wells, desalination, water ponds etc.), we investigate an optimal solution that aims to achieve a more efficient water management and distribution to the communities of Western Mani. To this aim, we apply a multi-criteria decision-making approach by also considering local traditional water harvesting systems to increase water resilience.
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M. Nikolinakou, K. Moraiti, A. Siganou, D. Markantonis, G.-F. Sargentis, T. Iliopoulou, P. Dimitriadis, I. Meletopoulos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Investigating the water supply potential of traditional rainwater harvesting techniques used – A case study for the Municipality of Western Mani, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online, European Geosciences Union, 2022.
Water availability is a critical issue for growing local communities. For example, in the Municipality of Western Mani (western Peloponnese, Greece) tourist development has caused scarcity of water intensifying during the summer period. In this context, multiple solutions are being studied in order to assist the local communities of Western Mani to deal with this situation.
This study focuses on traditional water harvesting structures and more specifically cisterns. In the past, a cistern was present nearby or almost at every house, collecting rain water so as to cover the various needs of the inhabitants, including human consumption and irrigation. However, although cisterns today have fallen into disuse due to the developments of modern water supply systems, they remain an important part of cultural heritage and an architectural element of great interest.
In this work, we evaluate the potential of traditional water infrastructures to cover domestic needs employing the method of stochastic simulation based on hydrological data and by also taking into account traditional architecture.
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A. Siganou, M. Nikolinakou, D. Markantonis, K. Moraiti, G.-F. Sargentis, T. Iliopoulou, P. Dimitriadis, M. Chiotinis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Stochastic simulation of hydrological timeseries for data scarce regions - Case study at the Municipality of Western Mani, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online, EGU22-3086, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3086, European Geosciences Union, 2022.
West Mani, an attractive place in western Peloponnese, Greece, faces water shortage. The problem lies not only in the quantity but also in the quality of the available water. Investigating the options for the sustainable management of water resources, utilizing surface water seems to be the optimal solution. However, the complex geomorphology and geology of the study area, and its particular its karstic structure, when combined with the scarcity of hydrological data, makes the estimation of surface water availability challenging. As a result, it is considered necessary to take hydrological uncertainty into account using stochastic analysis. To this aim, we generate synthetic rainfall and streamflow timeseries based on available meteorological data from basins near the area of interest. We then appropriately adjust them so that they represent the magnitude and the variability of the rainfall and streamflow of the study area. For the timeseries generation algorithm, we employ a stochastic model following the Hurst-Kolmogorov dynamics by reproducing marginal distribution, seasonality and persistence.
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I. Papageorgaki, A. Koukouvinos, and N. Mamassis, OpenHiGis: A national geographic database for inland waters of Greece based on the INSPIRE Directive Hydrology Theme, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13465, European Geosciences Union, 2021.
The Open Hydrosystem Information Network ( is an information infrastructure for the collection, management and dissemination of hydrologic information related to inland waters in Greece. The is under development in the context of HIMIOFoTS, a national infrastructure integrating both marine and inland waters. is mainly oriented to collect and manage river and lake stage data. Geographic data are essential to link stage data with the upstream basin’s hydrologic characteristics. The OpenHiGis is the GIS component of the platform. The geographic database design and implementation are based on the Hydrography Theme specified by the INSPIRE Directive. The main goal is to collect, query, analyze, and offer web services relevant to hydrologic - geographic information for hydrographic network, lakes and reservoirs, river basins, drainage basins and station basins at a national level. In this sense, data stored for (a) hydrographic network (geometry, length, segment’s slope, geographical name and stream order), (b) lakes and reservoirs (geometry, area, elevation and geographical name) , and (c) basins (geometry, area, elevation, slope, basin order, main watercourse length and slope, runoff Curve Number.
The European Digital Elevation Model (Copernicus, EU-DEM version 1.1) with spatial resolution of 25 m, is selected (after examining a few well-known elevation models) for extracting hypsometric information, which is basic for river basin’s response. Other main data sources found and used are the: (a) hydrographic network, lakes and reservoirs from the implementation of EU 2000/60/EC Directive, (b) hydrographic network from EU 2007/60/EC Directive and (c) OpenStreetMap publically available hydrographic network and river networks from various scanned maps at scales approximately 1:50 k.
The ArcGIS Model Builder environment is used as the main spatial analysis tool. Several models are created to run the geographic processes and perform calculations (create INSPIRE compliant geodatabase, data import from various sources, watercourse extraction from DEM and hydrographic network definition, river basins delineation and geomorphologic attributes calculation, watercourse naming, topology creation and validation). The extraction of a primary (before editing) watercourse line is achieved by using the EU-DEM, applying an upslope contribution area threshold equal to 10 km2, which is proposed by the EU 2000/60/EC Directive. Spatial relationships between features are defined using topological rules. All the modeling procedures and the output datasets are considered to be at a scale 1:50 k.
The QGIS software is used to perform the final editing by using OSM’s, ESRI’s, Google’s and Bing’s base-maps. Furthermore, QGIS is used to make a connection to the ArcGIS geodatabase and transfer the data to PostGIS (Postgres). Finally, the MapServer software is used for publishing the data to the web. Two services, the Web Map Service (WMS) and the Web Feature Service (WFS), are provided to the user to access, query or download the geographic data through the platform.
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K. Risva, G.-K. Sakki, A. Efstratiadis, and N. Mamassis, Hydropower potential assessment made easy via the unit geo-hydro-energy index, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, EGU21-4462, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4462, European Geosciences Union, 2021.
The design of hydropower works typically follows a top-down approach, starting from a macroscopic screening of the broader region of interest, to select promising clusters for hydroelectric exploitation, based on easily retrievable information. Manual approaches are very laborious and may fail to detect sites of significant hydropower potential. In order to facilitate this kind of studies, we provide a novel geomorphological approach to assess the hydropower potential across river networks. The method is based on the discretization of the stream network into segments of equal length, thus providing a background layer of head differences between potential abstraction and power production sites. Next, at each abstraction point, we estimate the so-called unit geo-hydro-energy index (UGHE), which is a key concept of our approach. UGHE is defined as the ratio of annual potential energy divided by the upstream catchment area, the head difference, and the unit annual runoff of the catchment, which is set equal to 1000 mm. The method is further expanded, to estimate the actual hydropotential, if spatially distributed runoff data are available. All analyses are automatized by taking advantage of the high-level interpreted programming language Python and the open-source QGIS tool. The proposed framework is demonstrated at the regional scale, involving the siting of run-of-river hydroelectric works in the Peneios river basin.
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R. Ioannidis, C. Iliopoulou, T. Iliopoulou, L. Katikas, P. Dimitriadis, C. Plati, E. Vlahogianni, K. Kepaptsoglou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Solar-electric buses for a university campus transport system, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2020.
This study explores the prospect of replacing conventional university campus buses powered by fossil fuels with electric ones using primarily solar energy stored in batteries and secondarily the central electricity grid. On the basis of existing infrastructure and facilities in the NTUA campus in Athens (Greece), three scenarios are developed for the collection and use of solar energy for electric buses: (a) bus stop shelters covered with solar panels, (b) installation of solar panels in unused open spaces, and (c) solar roads, i.e. specially engineered panels that can be installed on the road surface. Since the availability of solar energy is linked to sunshine levels, we employ GIS mapping technology to select the locations with the highest solar radiation. For each of the three scenarios, we investigate the optimal technical configuration, the resulting energy generation and the capital cost. The preliminary feasibility analysis shows that scenario (b) presents the lower capital costs in relation to energy generation. Therefore, we further explore this scenario by simulating its daily operation using historical solar radiation data including the actions of buying and selling energy to the central grid, when there is energy deficit or surplus, respectively. Overall, results indicate that, regardless of the high capital costs, solar-powered transportation schemes present a viable alternative for replacing conventional buses at the studied location, yet heavily depend on the choice of Photovoltaic (PV) materials, since capacity factors differ among technologies.
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A. G. Pettas, P. Mavritsakis, I. Tsoukalas, N. Mamassis, and A. Efstratiadis, Empirical metric for uncertainty assessment of wind forecasting models in terms of power production and economic efficiency, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 22, Vienna, EGU2020-8018, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8018, 2020.
As made for most of renewable energy sources, wind energy is driven by highly uncertain and thus unpredictable meteorological processes. In the context of wind power scheduling and control, reliable wind predictions across scales is a challenging problem. However, since the generation of wind energy is, in fact, a nonlinear transformation of wind velocity through the power curve of each specific turbine, the errors in meteorological predictions have different impacts on wind power forecasts. It is well-known that for quite a large range of wind velocity values, the wind power production is either zero or constant, thus independent of the individual wind velocity value. This interesting feature allows for ensuring better predictions of the output, i.e. the energy production, with respect to input, i.e. wind velocity. Taking advantage of this, we present a hybrid stochastic framework for multi-step ahead wind velocity predictions and their evaluation by means of power production and economic efficiency. The methodology is tested for different wind regimes and different layouts of wind turbine systems, emphasizing to mixing of different turbine types, which allows for minimizing uncertainties. Finally, we investigate the use of this index in the technical and operational optimization of wind energy systems.
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G.-K. Sakki, V. Papalamprou, I. Tsoukalas, N. Mamassis, and A. Efstratiadis, Stochastic modelling of hydropower generation from small hydropower plants under limited data availability: from post-assessment to forecasting, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 22, Vienna, EGU2020-8129, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8129, 2020.
Due to their negligible storage capacity, small hydroelectric plants cannot offer regulation of flows, thus making the prediction of energy production a very difficult task, even for small time horizons. Further uncertainties arise due to the limited hydrological information, in terms of upstream inflow data, since usually the sole available measurements refer to the power production, which is a nonlinear transformation of the river discharge. In this context, we develop a stochastic modelling framework comprising two steps. Initially, we extract past inflows on the basis of energy data, which may be referred to as the inverse problem of hydropower. Key issue of this approach is that the model error is expressed in stochastic terms, which allows for embedding uncertainties within calculations. Next, we generate stochastic forecasting ensembles of future inflows and associated hydropower production, spanning from small (daily to weekly) to meso-scale (monthly to seasonal) time horizons. The methodology is tested in the oldest (est. 1926) small hydroelectric plant of Greece, located at Glafkos river, in Northern Peloponnese. Among other complexities, this comprises a mixing of Pelton and Francis turbines, which makes the overall modelling procedure even more challenging.
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A. Efstratiadis, N. Mamassis, A. Koukouvinos, D. Koutsoyiannis, K. Mazi, A. D. Koussis, S. Lykoudis, E. Demetriou, N. Malamos, A. Christofides, and D. Kalogeras, Open Hydrosystem Information Network: Greece’s new research infrastructure for water, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 22, Vienna, EGU2020-4164, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-4164, 2020.
The Open Hydrosystem Information Network ( is a state-of-the-art information infrastructure for the collection, management and free dissemination of hydrological and environmental information related to Greece’s surface water resources. It was launched two years ago as part of the national research infrastructure “Hellenic Integrated Marine Inland water Observing, Forecasting and offshore Technology System” (HIMIOFoTS), which also comprises a marine-related component ( The system receives and processes real-time data from automatic telemetric stations that are connected to a common web environment ( In particular, for each monitoring site it accommodates stage measurements, raw and automatically post-processed. Furthermore, in some specially selected sites time series related to water quality characteristics (pH, water temperature, salinity, DO, electrical conductivity) are provided. The web platform also offers automatically-processed information in terms of discharge data, statistics, and graphs, alerts for extreme events, as well as geographical data associated with surface water bodies. At the present time, the network comprises about 20 stations. However, their number is continuously increasing, due to the open access policy of the system (the platform is fully accessible to third-parties uploading their data). In the long run, it is envisioned that a national-scale hydrometric infrastructure will be established, covering all important rivers, lakes and reservoirs of the country.
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G. Karavokiros, D. Nikolopoulos, S. Manouri, A. Efstratiadis, C. Makropoulos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Hydronomeas 2020: Open-source decision support system for water resources management, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 22, Vienna, EGU2020-20022, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20022, 2020.
Over the last 30 years, numerous water resources planning and management studies in Greece have been conducted by using state-of-the-art methodologies and associated computational tools that have been developed by the Itia research team at the National Technical University of Athens. The spearhead of Itia’s research toolkit has been the Hydronomeas decision support system (which stands for “water distributer” in Greek) supporting multi-reservoir hydrosystem management. Its methodological framework has been based on the parameterization-simulation-optimization approach comprising stochastic simulation, network linear optimization for the representation of water and energy fluxes, and multicriteria global optimization, ensuring best-compromise decision-making. In its early stage, Hydronomeas was implemented in Object Pascal – Delphi. Currently, the software is being substantially redeveloped and its improved version incorporates new functionalities, several model novelties and interconnection with other programs, e.g., EPANET. Hydronomeas 2020 will be available at the end of 2020 as a free and open-source Python package. In this work we present the key methodological advances and improved features of the current version of the software, demonstrated in the modelling of the extensive and challenging raw water supply system of the city of Athens, Greece.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Koutiva, I., and C. Makropoulos, On the use of agent based modelling for addressing the social component of urban water management in Europe, Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, 10(4), 140-154, doi:10.4236/cweee.2021.104011, 2021. |
K. Kardakaris, M. Kalli, T. Agoris, P. Dimitriadis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Investigation of the stochastic structure of wind waves for energy production, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, Vienna, EGU2019-13188, European Geosciences Union, 2019.
Ocean energy is considered a promising renewable energy resource mainly due to its massive energy potential.State of the art technologies that can harness the ocean dynamics are discussed in terms of their efficiency and cost of energy production. The ocean related process with the highest potential, but also the highest uncertainty, is the wave process generated by wind. We analyze several wind-wave timeseries mostly close to shore but also one of the largest available timeseries located in the Northern Adriatic Sea with almost 40 years of 3 hours resolution of recorded wave heights and periods. We estimate marginal seasonal properties as well as second-order depen-dence structures in terms of the climacogram (i.e. variance of the averaged process vs. scale) that is shown to be advantageous as compared to more traditional stochastic tools such as the autocovariance and the power spectrum.Finally, we propose a stochastic model that can adequately simulate the observed variability of timeseries in state and scale.
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G. Papacharalampous, H. Tyralis, A. Langousis, A. W. Jayawardena, B. Sivakumar, N. Mamassis, A. Montanari, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Large-scale comparison of machine learning regression algorithms for probabilistic hydrological modelling via post-processing of point predictions, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, Vienna, EGU2019-3576, European Geosciences Union, 2019.
Quantification of predictive uncertainty in hydrological modelling is often made by post-processing point hydrological predictions using regression models. We perform an extensive comparison of machine learning algorithms in obtaining quantile predictions of daily streamflow under this specific approach. The comparison is performed using a large amount of real-world data retrieved from the Catchment Attributes and MEteorology for Large sample Studies (CAMELS) dataset. Various climate types are well-represented by the examined catchments. The point predictions are obtained using the GR4J model, a lumped conceptual hydrological model comprising of four parameters, while their post-processing is made by predicting conditional quantiles of the hydrological model's errors. The latter are transformed to conditional quantiles of daily streamflow and finally assessed by using various performance metrics. The machine learning regression algorithms are also benchmarked against the quantile regression algorithm.
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L. M. Tsiami, E. Zacharopoulou, D. Nikolopoulos, I. Tsoukalas, N. Mamassis, A. Kallioras, and A. Efstratiadis, The use of Artificial Neural Networks with different sources of spatiotemporal information for flash flood predictions, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, Vienna, EGU2019-7315, European Geosciences Union, 2019.
For more than two decades, the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in hydrology has become an effective and efficient alternative against traditional modeling approaches, i.e. physically-based or conceptual. These can take advantage of any type of available information to predict the hydrological response of complex systems, with missing data and limited knowledge about the transformation mechanisms. A promising area of application is the real-time prediction of flood propagation, which is essential element of early warning and early notification systems. In this work we focus to flash floods, considering as areas of application two medium-scale catchments in Greece with substantially different characteristics. The first one is the highly urbanized river basin of Kephissos (380 km2), which is the main drainage channel of the Athens Metropolitan area, while the second is the rural catchment of Nedontas, SW Greece (120 km2). Both areas have been recently equipped with automatic hydrometric stations, while online rainfall data are also available at a representative number of meteorological stations. For the two case studies we investigate several setups of ANNs, in order to predict the river stage at the catchment outlet for several lead times, using different combinations of input sets, by means of upstream stage and point rainfall data.
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P. Mavritsakis, A. G. Pettas, I. Tsoukalas, G. Karakatsanis, N. Mamassis, and A. Efstratiadis, A stochastic simulation framework for representing water, energy and financial fluxes across a non-connected island, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, Vienna, EGU2019-8758, European Geosciences Union, 2019.
Integrated modeling of hybrid water-energy systems, comprising conventional and renewable energy sources, pumped-storage facilities and other hydraulic infrastructures, which aim to serve combined water and energy uses, is a highly challenging problem. On the one hand, such systems are subject to significant uncertainties that span over all associated input processes, physical and anthropogenic (i.e. hydrometeorological drivers and water-energy demands, respectively). On the other hand, the everyday operation of such systems is subject to multiple complexities, due to the conflicting uses, constraints and economic interests. Taking as example a future configuration of the electric system of Ikaria Island, Greece, we demonstrate a stochastic simulation framework, comprising: (a) a synthetic time series generator that reproduces the statistical and stochastic properties (i.e. marginal distributions, auto- and cross-dependencies) of all input processes, at multiple temporal scales; and (b) a simulation module employing the hourly operation of the system, to estimate the associated water, energy and financial fluxes. This scheme is used within two case studies, i.e. the optimal design of key system components, and the real-time operation of a hypothetical energy market, involving different energy providers and associated electricity sources, conventional and renewable.
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A. Efstratiadis, N. Mamassis, A. Koukouvinos, K. Mazi, E. Dimitriou, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Strategic plan for establishing a national-scale hydrometric network in Greece: challenges and perspectives, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, Vienna, EGU2019-16714, European Geosciences Union, 2019.
The protection and management of water and environmental resources require the availability of reliable data, collected by properly designed, equipped and functioning monitoring networks. However, for many years in Greece, the status of data collection and archiving has been far from adequate, thus preventing the country from managing its water resources properly. Today, a large effort to mitigate this gap is employed, within a recently launched research infrastructure called “Open Hydrosystem Information Network” ( This aims establishing automatic monitoring systems for the surface water resources at the national scale, accompanied by supporting e-infrastructure (databases and modeling applications), in compliance with the requirements of the relevant EU Directives. Essential component of this initiative is the implementation of a detailed evaluation of all existing measuring infrastructures and associated data, resulting to a strategic planning for the installation of the new monitoring stations across all important rivers, lakes and reservoirs of the country. This presentation summarizes the outcomes of this work, and the experience gained so far from the operation of first pilot stations.
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D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, Reconstructing the water supply conditions of the Ancient Piraeus, Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration (BRAU4), Pireaus, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.18049.51044, 2018.
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G. Papacharalampous, H. Tyralis, and N. Mamassis, Conceptual hydrological modelling at daily scale: Aggregating results for 340 MOPEX catchments, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Vienna, EGU2018-3759, European Geosciences Union, 2018.
We present a large-scale model-implementing study aiming at the comparison of 3 daily conceptual hydrological models. These models comprise a different number of parameters, i.e. 4, 5 and 6 parameters. The comparison is performed for 340 MOPEX catchments, while each of the modelling approaches is assessed by computing the values of 18 metrics for the calibration and validation periods. The results are presented in maps and in an aggregated form, indicating that the models exhibit a quite similar performance, with the 6-parameter model being slightly better than the rest in terms of specific metrics. The metric values are mostly to a small extent better for the calibration set than they are for the validation set.
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D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, From mythology to science: the development of scientific hydrological concepts in the Greek antiquity (solicited), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Vienna, EGU2018-10143-1, European Geosciences Union, 2018.
While hydrology is a Greek word (υδρoλoγία, from ύδωρ = water and λόγoς = reason), it has not been in use in the classical literature but much later, during the Renaissance, in its Latin version, hydrologia. On the other hand, Greek natural philosophers created robust knowledge in related scientific areas, to which they gave names such as meteorology (μετεωρoλoγία, cf. Aristotle’s “Meteorologica”), climate (κλίμα, κλιματικός, cf. Hipparchus, “Ton Aratou kai Eudoxou Phainomenon Exegeseon”) and hydraulics (υδραυλική, cf. Hero’s of Alexandria “Pneumatica”). These terms are now in common use internationally. Within these areas, Greek natural philosophers laid the foundation of hydrological concepts and the hydrological cycle in its entirety. Knowledge development was brought about by search for technological solutions to practical problems, as well as by scientific curiosity to explain natural phenomena. While initial explanations of nature belong to the sphere of mythology, the rise of philosophy was accompanied by attempts to provide scientific descriptions of the phenomena. It appears that the first geophysical problem formulated in scientific terms was the explanation of the flood regime of the Nile, then regarded as a paradox because of the spectacular difference from the behaviour of rivers in Greece, i.e. the fact that Nile flooding occurs in summer when rainfall in Egypt is very low to non-existent. Revisiting the variety of attempted explanations for this ‘paradox’, from Homer’s mythical view (archaic period) to Eratosthenes’s correct scientific exegesis (Hellenistic period) we can trace out the evolution of science in the Greek antiquity.
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P. Dimitriadis, H. Tyralis, T. Iliopoulou, K. Tzouka, Y. Markonis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, A climacogram estimator adjusted for timeseries length; application to key hydrometeorological processes by the Köppen-Geiger classification, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Vienna, EGU2018-17832, European Geosciences Union, 2018.
We present a climacogram estimator (variance of the scaled process vs. scale) that employs all the available information through a pooled time series estimation approach. This method does not discard time-series of short length or of high percentage of missing values; a common practice in hydrometeorology. Furthermore, we estimate and compare the second-order dependence structure (overall and classified by the Köppen-Geiger system) over the last two climatic periods (60 years) for several processes (temperature, dew-point, wind, precipitation, river discharge and atmospheric pressure) using worldwide surface stations. This analysis is performed based on the standardized climacogram, which shows numerous benefits compared to the autocorrelation and standardized power-spectrum.
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E. Klousakou, M. Chalakatevaki, R. Tomani, P. Dimitriadis, A. Efstratiadis, T. Iliopoulou, R. Ioannidis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Stochastic investigation of the uncertainty of atmospheric processes related to renewable energy resources, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Vienna, EGU2018-16982-2, European Geosciences Union, 2018.
Renewable energy resources, e.g., wind and solar energy, are characterized by great degree of uncertainty and in general, limited predictability, because of the irregular variability of the related geophysical processes. A simple and robust measure of the inherent uncertainty of a process is the Hurst parameter. Specifically, the more complex a process is, the larger the introduced uncertainty (unpredictability) and the larger the Hurst parameter. This behaviour (called Hurst-Kolmogorov, HK) has been identified in numerous geophysical processes. Although there are several methods for estimating the Hurst parameter, the climacogram (i.e. variance of the averaged process vs. scale of averaging) is one of the most powerful ones, with a lower statistical estimation uncertainty compared to the autocovariance and power spectrum. We apply the climacogram method to timeseries from processes related to renewable energy systems (wind, solar, ocean etc.) with the aim to characterize their degree of uncertainty and predictability across different timescales. We compare results among the different processes and we provide real-world examples of renewable energy systems management to illustrate the technical relevance of our findings.
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I. Anyfanti, P. Dimitriadis, D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Mamassis, and A. Efstratiadis, Handling the computation effort of time-demanding water-energy simulation models through surrogate approaches, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Vienna, EGU2018-12110, European Geosciences Union, 2018.
We investigate the computational challenges of a model for the integrated simulation – optimization of water and renewable energy fluxes, based on an example (hypothetical) hybrid water – energy system at a small non-connected island (Astypalaia, Greece). The system consists of a hydroelectric reservoir with pumped storage facilities, connected with system of wind and solar power plants. The model runs on hourly time step, using as inputs rainfall and temperature data, data for the water supply, irrigation and electric energy demands, as well as energy production data from wind and solar resources. The reservoir system attempts to fulfill the two water demands and regulate the energy excesses and deficits. Due to the fine time step of calculations and the use of synthetic time series of long horizon, the computational burden of simulation runs in an optimization framework is significant. In an attempt to minimize the computational load, particularly in optimizations, we investigate the use of surrogate approaches, through black-box sub-models (e.g., neural networks) that represent autonomous parts of the whole simulation procedure. The outcomes of surrogate models are compared with the corresponding outputs of the original model.
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D. Nikolopoulos, A. Efstratiadis, G. Karavokiros, N. Mamassis, and C. Makropoulos, Stochastic simulation-optimization framework for energy cost assessment across the water supply system of Athens, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, Vienna, EGU2018-12290, European Geosciences Union, 2018.
The water supply of Athens is implemented through a complex hydrosystem, including four reservoirs, 350 km of main aqueducts, 15 pumping stations, more than 100 boreholes and 5 small hydropower plants. The management of this system is subject to multiple complexities and uncertainties, as well as conflicts between different water uses and environmental constraints. Yet, the key challenge arises from the need to minimize the operational cost of the system, mainly induced to energy consumption across pumping stations and boreholes, at the same time retaining its long-term reliability at the acceptable level of 99%, on annual basis. In general, the energy cost is low, since most of raw water is abstracted and conveyed via gravity, yet occasionally this may be substantially increased, due to the activation of auxiliary resources that require intense use of pumping stations. In order to assess this cost for several water demand scenarios and reliability levels, taking into account all aforementioned issues, we employ a stochastic simulation – optimization framework, implemented within the recently updated version of Hydronomeas software. The outcomes of these analyses are next used in order to estimate the cost of raw water arriving at the metropolitan area of Athens, as function of demand and reliability.
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V. Daniil, G. Pouliasis, E. Zacharopoulou, E. Demetriou, G. Manou, M. Chalakatevaki, I. Parara, C. Georganta, P. Stamou, S. Karali, E. Hadjimitsis, G. Koudouris, E. Moschos, D. Roussis, K. Papoulakos, A. Koskinas, G. Pollakis, N. Gournari, K. Sakellari, Y. Moustakis, N. Mamassis, A. Efstratiadis, H. Tyralis, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, G. Karakatsanis, K. Tzouka, I. Deligiannis, V. Tsoukala, P. Papanicolaou, and D. Koutsoyiannis, The uncertainty of atmospheric processes in planning a hybrid renewable energy system for a non-connected island, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, Vienna, EGU2017-16781-4, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.29610.62406, European Geosciences Union, 2017.
Non-connected islands to the electric gird are often depending on oil-fueled power plants with high unit cost. A hybrid energy system with renewable resources such as wind and solar plants could reduce this cost and also offer more environmental friendly solutions. However, atmospheric processes are characterized by high uncertainty that does not permit harvesting and utilizing full of their potential. Therefore, a more sophisticated framework that somehow incorporates this uncertainty could improve the performance of the system. In this context, we describe several stochastic and financial aspects of this framework. Particularly, we investigate the cross-correlation between several atmospheric processes and the energy demand, the possibility of mixing renewable resources with the conventional ones and in what degree of reliability, and critical financial subsystems such as weather derivatives. A pilot application of the above framework is also presented for a remote island in the Aegean Sea.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Vashisth, P. K. Agrawal, N. Gupta, K. R. Naizi, and A. Swarnkar, A novel strategy for electric vehicle home charging to defer investment on distributed energy resources, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), Male, Maldives, doi:10.1109/GlobConHT56829.2023.10087723, 2023. |
P. Stamou, S. Karali, M. Chalakatevaki, V. Daniil, K. Tzouka, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, P. Papanicolaou, D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, Creating the electric energy mix of a non-connected Aegean island, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, Vienna, EGU2017-10130-10, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.36537.77927, European Geosciences Union, 2017.
As the electric energy in the non-connected islands is mainly produced by oil-fueled power plants, the unit cost is extremely high. Here the various energy sources are examined in order to create the appropriate electric energy mix for a non-connected Aegean island. All energy sources (renewable and fossil fuels) are examined and each one is evaluated using technical, environmental and economic criteria. Finally the most appropriate energy sources are simulated considering the corresponding energy works. Special emphasis is given to the use of biomass and the possibility of replacing (even partially) the existing oil-fueled power plant. Finally, a synthesis of various energy sources is presented that satisfies the electric energy demand taking into account the base and peak electric loads of the island.
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G. Koudouris, P. Dimitriadis, T. Iliopoulou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Investigation of the stochastic nature of solar radiation for renewable resources management, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, Vienna, EGU2017-10189-4, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.16215.06564, European Geosciences Union, 2017.
A detailed investigation of the variability of solar radiation can be proven useful towards more efficient and sustainable design of renewable resources systems. This variability is mainly caused from the regular seasonal and diurnal variation, as well as its stochastic nature of the atmospheric processes, i.e. sunshine duration. In this context, we analyze numerous observations in Greece (Hellenic National Meteorological Service; and around the globe (NASA SSE - Surface meteorology and Solar Energy; and we investigate the long-term behaviour and double periodicity of the solar radiation process. Also, we apply a parsimonious double-cyclostationary stochastic model to a theoretical scenario of solar energy production for an island in the Aegean Sea.
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H. Tyralis, N. Mamassis, and Y. Photis, Spatial analysis of electricity demand patterns in Greece: Application of a GIS-based methodological framework, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, Vienna, European Geosciences Union, 2016.
We investigate various uses of electricity demand in Greece (agricultural, commercial, domestic, industrial use as well as use for public and municipal authorities and street lighting) and we examine their relation with variables such as population, total area, population density and the Gross Domestic Product. The analysis is performed on data which span from 2008 to 2012 and have annual temporal resolution and spatial resolution down to the level of prefecture. We both visualize the results of the analysis and we perform cluster and outlier analysis using the Anselin local Moran's I statistic as well as hot spot analysis using the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic. The definition of the spatial patterns and relationships of the aforementioned variables in a GIS environment provides meaningful insight and better understanding of the regional development model in Greece and justifies the basis for an energy demand forecasting methodology.
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D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, The water supply of Athens through the centuries, 16th conference Cura Aquarum, Athens, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.24516.22400/1, German Water History Association, German Archaeological Institute in Athens, 2015.
Over its long history, Athens has never had sufficient water resources and the water supply of the city has been an endless and ambitious challenge. Several hydraulic works of various scales and types (from simple wells and cisterns to large aqueducts) have been constructed during this long period. These works helped Athenians to cope with water scarcity. The evolution, through the centuries, of water supply works and water management practices in the city of Athens, is revisited, focusing on the sustainability of ancient works (aqueducts that were in use until the 20th century), and the relationship of the water technology with socio-economical characteristics during history. The management of the contemporary water supply system, one of the most extensive and complex water supply systems in the world, is also studied.
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H. Tyralis, G. Karakatsanis, K. Tzouka, and N. Mamassis, Analysis of the electricity demand of Greece for optimal planning of a large-scale hybrid renewable energy system, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, Vienna, EGU2015-5643, European Geosciences Union, 2015.
The Greek electricity system is examined for the period 2002-2014. The demand load data are analysed at various time scales (hourly, daily, seasonal and annual) and they are related to the mean daily temperature and the gross domestic product (GDP) of Greece for the same time period. The prediction of energy demand, a product of the Greek Independent Power Transmission Operator, is also compared with the demand load. Interesting results about the change of the electricity demand scheme after the year 2010 are derived. This change is related to the decrease of the GDP, during the period 2010-2014. The results of the analysis will be used in the development of an energy forecasting system which will be a part of a framework for optimal planning of a large-scale hybrid renewable energy system in which hydropower plays the dominant role.
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A. Koukouvinos, D. Nikolopoulos, A. Efstratiadis, A. Tegos, E. Rozos, S.M. Papalexiou, P. Dimitriadis, Y. Markonis, P. Kossieris, H. Tyralis, G. Karakatsanis, K. Tzouka, A. Christofides, G. Karavokiros, A. Siskos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Integrated water and renewable energy management: the Acheloos-Peneios region case study, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, Vienna, EGU2015-4912, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.17726.69440, European Geosciences Union, 2015.
Within the ongoing research project “Combined Renewable Systems for Sustainable Energy Development” (CRESSENDO), we have developed a novel stochastic simulation framework for optimal planning and management of large-scale hybrid renewable energy systems, in which hydropower plays the dominant role. The methodology and associated computer tools are tested in two major adjacent river basins in Greece (Acheloos, Peneios) extending over 15 500 km2 (12% of Greek territory). River Acheloos is characterized by very high runoff and holds ~40% of the installed hydropower capacity of Greece. On the other hand, the Thessaly plain drained by Peneios – a key agricultural region for the national economy – usually suffers from water scarcity and systematic environmental degradation. The two basins are interconnected through diversion projects, existing and planned, thus formulating a unique large-scale hydrosystem whose future has been the subject of a great controversy. The study area is viewed as a hypothetically closed, energy-autonomous, system, in order to evaluate the perspectives for sustainable development of its water and energy resources. In this context we seek an efficient configuration of the necessary hydraulic and renewable energy projects through integrated modelling of the water and energy balance. We investigate several scenarios of energy demand for domestic, industrial and agricultural use, assuming that part of the demand is fulfilled via wind and solar energy, while the excess or deficit of energy is regulated through large hydroelectric works that are equipped with pumping storage facilities. The overall goal is to examine under which conditions a fully renewable energy system can be technically and economically viable for such large spatial scale.
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See also:
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Stamou, A. T., and P. Rutschmann, Pareto optimization of water resources using the nexus approach, Water Resources Management, 32, 5053-5065, doi:10.1007/s11269-018-2127-x, 2018. |
2. | Stamou, A.-T., and P. Rutschmann, Optimization of water use based on the water-energy-food nexus concept: Application to the long-term development scenario of the Upper Blue Nile River, Water Utility Journal, 25, 1-13, 2020. |
A. Efstratiadis, I. Tsoukalas, P. Kossieris, G. Karavokiros, A. Christofides, A. Siskos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Computational issues in complex water-energy optimization problems: Time scales, parameterizations, objectives and algorithms, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, Vienna, EGU2015-5121, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.11015.80802, European Geosciences Union, 2015.
Modelling of large-scale hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) is a challenging task, for which several open computational issues exist. HRES comprise typical components of hydrosystems (reservoirs, boreholes, conveyance networks, hydropower stations, pumps, water demand nodes, etc.), which are dynamically linked with renewables (e.g., wind turbines, solar parks) and energy demand nodes. In such systems, apart from the well-known shortcomings of water resources modelling (nonlinear dynamics, unknown future inflows, large number of variables and constraints, conflicting criteria, etc.), additional complexities and uncertainties arise due to the introduction of energy components and associated fluxes. A major difficulty is the need for coupling two different temporal scales, given that in hydrosystem modeling, monthly simulation steps are typically adopted, yet for a faithful representation of the energy balance (i.e. energy production vs. demand) a much finer resolution (e.g. hourly) is required. Another drawback is the increase of control variables, constraints and objectives, due to the simultaneous modelling of the two parallel fluxes (i.e. water and energy) and their interactions. Finally, since the driving hydrometeorological processes of the integrated system are inherently uncertain, it is often essential to use synthetically generated input time series of large length, in order to assess the system performance in terms of reliability and risk, with satisfactory accuracy. To address these issues, we propose an effective and efficient modeling framework, key objectives of which are: (a) the substantial reduction of control variables, through parsimonious yet consistent parameterizations; (b) the substantial decrease of computational burden of simulation, by linearizing the combined water and energy allocation problem of each individual time step, and solve each local sub-problem through very fast linear network programming algorithms, and (c) the substantial decrease of the required number of function evaluations for detecting the optimal management policy, using an innovative, surrogate-assisted global optimization approach.
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A. Drosou, P. Dimitriadis, A. Lykou, P. Kossieris, I. Tsoukalas, A. Efstratiadis, and N. Mamassis, Assessing and optimising flood control options along the Arachthos river floodplain (Epirus, Greece), European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, Vienna, EGU2015-9148, European Geosciences Union, 2015.
We present a multi-criteria simulation-optimization framework for the optimal design and setting of flood protection structures along river banks. The methodology is tested in the lower course of the Arachthos River (Epirus, Greece), downstream of the hydroelectric dam of Pournari. The entire study area is very sensitive, particularly because the river crosses the urban area of Arta, which is located just after the dam. Moreover, extended agricultural areas that are crucial for the local economy are prone to floods. In the proposed methodology we investigate two conflicting criteria, i.e. the minimization of flood hazards (due to damages to urban infrastructures, crops, etc.) and the minimization of construction costs of the essential hydraulic structures (e.g. dikes). For the hydraulic simulation we examine two flood routing models, named 1D HEC-RAS and quasi-2D LISFLOOD, whereas the optimization is carried out through the Surrogate-Enhanced Evolutionary Annealing-Simplex (SE-EAS) algorithm that couples the strengths of surrogate modeling with the effectiveness and efficiency of the EAS method.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Xu, Z., P. Plink-Björklund, S. Wu, Z. Liu, W. Feng, K. Zhang, Z. Yang, and Y. Zhong, Sinuous bar fingers of digitate shallow‐water deltas: Insights into their formative processes and deposits from integrating morphological and sedimentological studies with mathematical modelling, Sedimentology, doi:10.1111/sed.12923, 2021. |
G. Karakatsanis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Entropy, recycling and macroeconomics of water resources, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, Vienna, European Geosciences Union, 2014.
We develop a macroeconomic model of water quantity and quality supply multipliers derived from water recycling (Karakatsanis et al. 2013) and examine its statistical properties. Macroeconomic models that incorporate natural resource conservation have become increasingly important (European Commission et al. 2012) for national accounting. In addition, as an estimated 80% of globally used freshwater is not reused (United Nations 2012), with increasing population trends, water resource recycling becomes a solution of high priority. Recycling of water resources generates two major conservation effects: (1) conservation of water in reservoirs and aquifers and (2) conservation of ecosystem carrying capacity due to wastewater flux reduction. It is the properties of the distribution of recycling efficiencies –on quantity and quality- per sector that determine macroeconomic decoupling from geophysical uncertainty. Generally, uncertainty may statistically be quantified by entropy. Higher entropy signifies a greater dispersion of recycling efficiencies and potentially greater exposure to geophysical uncertainty; probably indicating the need for additional infrastructure for the statistical distribution’s both shifting and concentration towards higher efficiencies, supply multipliers and geophysical uncertainty decoupling.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Karakatsanis, G., and C. Makropoulos Chemical leasing (Ch.L.) and the Sherwood plot. Resources, 13(5), 65, doi:10.3390/resources13050065, 2024. |
A. Tegos, A. Efstratiadis, N. Malamos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Evaluation of a parametric approach for estimating potential evapotranspiration across different climates, IRLA2014 – The Effects of Irrigation and Drainage on Rural and Urban Landscapes, Patras, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.14004.24966, 2014.
Potential evapotranspiration (PET) is key input in water resources, agricultural and environmental modelling. For many decades, numerous approaches have been proposed for the consistent estimation of PET at several time scales of interest. The most recognized is the Penman-Monteith formula, which is yet difficult to apply in data-scarce areas, since it requires simultaneous observations of four meteorological variables (temperature, sunshine duration, humidity, wind velocity). For this reason, parsimonious models with minimum input data requirements are strongly preferred. Typically, these have been developed and tested for specific hydroclimatic conditions, but when they are applied in different regimes they provide much less reliable (and in some cases misleading) estimates. Therefore, it is essential to develop generic methods that remain parsimonious, in terms of input data and parameterization, yet they also allow for some kind of local adjustment of their parameters, through calibration. In this study we present a recent parametric formula, based on a simplified formulation of the original Penman-Monteith expression, which only requires mean daily or monthly temperature data. The method is evaluated using meteorological records from different areas worldwide, at both the daily and monthly time scales. The outcomes of this extended analysis are very encouraging, as indicated by the substantially high validation scores of the proposed approach across all examined data sets. In general, the parametric model outperforms well-established methods of the everyday practice, since it ensures optimal approximation of PET.
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G. Karakatsanis, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and A. Efstratiadis, Entropy, pricing and macroeconomics of pumped-storage systems, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, Vienna, EGU2014-15858-6, European Geosciences Union, 2014.
We propose a pricing scheme for the enhancement of macroeconomic performance of pumped-storage systems, based on the statistical properties of both geophysical and economic variables. The main argument consists in the need of a context of economic values concerning the hub energy resource; defined as the resource that comprises the reference energy currency for all involved renewable energy sources (RES) and discounts all related uncertainty. In the case of pumped-storage systems the hub resource is the reservoir’s water, as a benchmark for all connected intermittent RES. The uncertainty of all involved natural and economic processes is statistically quantifiable by entropy. It is the relation between the entropies of all involved RES that shapes the macroeconomic state of the integrated pumped-storage system. Consequently, there must be consideration on the entropy of wind, solar and precipitation patterns, as well as on the entropy of economic processes –such as demand preferences on either current energy use or storage for future availability. For pumped-storage macroeconomics, a price on the reservoir’s capacity scarcity should also be imposed in order to shape a pricing field with upper and lower limits for the long-term stability of the pricing range and positive net energy benefits, which is the primary issue of the generalized deployment of pumped-storage technology.
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T. Tsitseli, D. Koutsoyiannis, A. Koukouvinos, and N. Mamassis, Construction of ombrian curves using the Hydrognomon software system, Facets of Uncertainty: 5th EGU Leonardo Conference – Hydrofractals 2013 – STAHY 2013, Kos Island, Greece, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.34517.01762, European Geosciences Union, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 2013.
Hydrognomon is an application for the analysis of hydrological data and includes several applications for time series processing, such as time step aggregation and regularization, interpolation, regression analysis and infilling of missing values, consistency tests, data filtering, graphical and tabular visualization of time series, etc. Both its source code and the executable program are freely available. The new version of Hydrognomon includes a module for the construction of ombrian (intensity-duration-frequency) curves. It is based on a mathematical framework that expresses ombrian curves with unified relationships giving rain intensity in terms of duration and return period, either for a single gauging station or for a station group over a specified area. In the latter case, it supports either single parameters set or spatially varying parameters. The framework is completed with raw rainfall data processing, data management and storage, graphical user interface, and output data graphs and export facilities.
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E. C. Moschou, S. C. Batelis, Y. Dimakos, I. Fountoulakis, Y. Markonis, S.M. Papalexiou, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Spatial and temporal rainfall variability over Greece, Facets of Uncertainty: 5th EGU Leonardo Conference – Hydrofractals 2013 – STAHY 2013, Kos Island, Greece, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.19102.95045, European Geosciences Union, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 2013.
The main objective of this study is to determine the major statistical properties of rainfall over Greece and analyse their variability through time. To this end, the following properties of rainfall variability were investigated on time series extracted from Hellenic National Meteorological Service records that date back to 1950: (1) the spatial correlation among the stations and the existence of regions which demonstrate homogeneity; (2) the temporal occurrence of maximum rainfall (the month which the daily maximum occurs) and the ratio of the daily maximum to the annual sum; (3) the spatial distribution of the daily maxima, which are observed in a number of stations simultaneously, as well as the rank correlation in space of annual rainfall; (4) the classification of the empirical distributions of daily maxima. The results of our analysis offer an improved overall picture of rainfall variability over Greece and help us clarify whether some attributes have changed over the last 60 years.
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N. Bountas, N. Boboti, E. Feloni, L. Zeikos, Y. Markonis, A. Tegos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Temperature variability over Greece: Links between space and time, Facets of Uncertainty: 5th EGU Leonardo Conference – Hydrofractals 2013 – STAHY 2013, Kos Island, Greece, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.17739.80164, European Geosciences Union, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 2013.
Temperature is strongly linked to the hydrological cycle in numerous ways and mainly with the evapotranspiration. Our aim here is to examine the possible influence of spatial characteristics on the temperature temporal variability of the monthly absolute maxima/minima and the monthly means over Greece. To achieve this, the temperature records of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service station network, which date back to 1950, are analysed. The analysis involved two steps: the determination of regions with similar climatic properties and the investigation of the possible correlations of temperature in time. Thus, the time series are classified in three groups based on their location (continental, coastal and island) and four types regarding the proximity of the station to a city (at the city centre, near the city border, far away from city border) or to an airport. Each one of the time series is then examined for (a) the influence of the city heat island as Greek cities expanded in time, (b) the effect of the general atmospheric circulation (NAO phase), (c) its correlation to the global temperature record and (d) the implied change on evapotranspiration in the area.
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Y. Markonis, A. Efstratiadis, A. Koukouvinos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Investigation of drought characteristics in different temporal and spatial scales: A case study in the Mediterranean region , Facets of Uncertainty: 5th EGU Leonardo Conference – Hydrofractals 2013 – STAHY 2013, Kos Island, Greece, European Geosciences Union, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 2013.
In 1988-1995 Greece experienced a drought, one of the most extended (both in space and time) and intense since the beginning of hydro-meteorological instrumental measurements. The aim of this study is to describe the phenomenon in different temporal and spatial scales in order to (a) identify possible links with Mediterranean/global climatic regime and (b) to demonstrate the role of the marginal distribution and the autocorrelation function in estimating the return period of the drought and its impact. Three spatial scales were examined: the local scale (regions of Peloponnese in the southern and Macedonia in the northern part of Greece; ~2x2° each), the national scale (~8x8°) and the Mediterranean scale (~15x45°). In the time domain the monthly, annual and inter-annual time steps were taken, while the time horizon is that of the instrumental record as well as a broader time window obtained by introducing qualitative evidence from paleoclimatic studies. Our findings show both strong temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity, which imply enhanced uncertainty.
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G. Karakatsanis, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and A. Efstratiadis, Entropy and reliability of water use via a statistical approach of scarcity, Facets of Uncertainty: 5th EGU Leonardo Conference – Hydrofractals 2013 – STAHY 2013, Kos Island, Greece, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.24450.68809, European Geosciences Union, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 2013.
The paper examines economic reliability of water resource availability within a stochastic framework. Hoekstra and Mekonnen (2012) provide water use data for agricultural and industrial production. The current work utilizes these findings by coupling hydrological processes with reliability for economic use via a statistical approach of scarcity. Water extracted from the hydrological cycle is never bounded permanently, but only creates temporary scarcity via the competitive use of its limited economically useful attributes (such as its quality). The replenishment rate of freshwater reservoirs is limited and the return of water to its natural path requires energy inputs and time. Hence, what the economy is actually deprived of via the intensification of water use, the diversion of a water resource from its natural hydrological path and the eventual degradation after its use is its immediate availability, which is equivalent to increased uncertainty as the economy reaches closer to its natural water supply reliability limit. Georgescu-Roegen (1986) postulated a connection between increased dispersion and supply uncertainty of a resource to entropy, which in the case of water might be interpreted as increase of the probability of temporal unavailability.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | Karakatsanis, G., and N. Mamassis, Energy, trophic dynamics and ecological discounting, Land, 12(10), 1928, doi:10.3390/land12101928, 2023. |
A. Efstratiadis, A. Koukouvinos, P. Dimitriadis, A. Tegos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, A stochastic simulation framework for flood engineering, Facets of Uncertainty: 5th EGU Leonardo Conference – Hydrofractals 2013 – STAHY 2013, Kos Island, Greece, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.16848.51201, European Geosciences Union, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 2013.
Flood engineering is typically tackled as a sequential application of formulas and models, with specific assumptions and parameter values, thus providing fully deterministic outputs. In this procedure, the unique probabilistic concept is the return period of rainfall, which is set a priori, to represent the acceptable risk of all design variables of interest (peak flows, flood hydrographs, flow depths and velocities, inundated areas, etc.). Yet, a more consistent approach would require estimating the risks by integrating the uncertainties of all individual variables. This option can be offered by stochastic simulation, which is the most effective and powerful technique for analysing systems of high complexity and uncertainty. This presupposes to recognize which of the modelling components represent time-varying processes and which ones represent unknown, thus uncertain, parameters. In the proposed framework both should be handled as random variables. The following computational steps are envisaged: (a) generation of synthetic time series of areal rainfall, through multivariate stochastic disaggregation models; (b) generation of random sets of initial soil moisture conditions; (c) run of hydrological and hydraulic simulation models with random sets of parameter values, picked from suitable distributions; (d) statistical analysis of the model outputs and determination of empirical pdfs; and (e) selection of the design value, which corresponds to the acceptable risk. This approach allows for estimating the full probability distribution of the output variables, instead of a unique value, as resulted by the deterministic procedure. In this context, stochastic simulation also offers the means to introduce the missing culture of uncertainty appreciation in flood engineering.
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D. Panagoulia, N. Mamassis, and A. Gkiokas, Deciphering the floodplain inundation maps in Greece, 8th International Conference "Water Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context", Porto, Portugal, 8 pages, European Water Resources Association, 2013.
Floodplain inundation is caused by heavy rainfall, while its evolution depends mainly on land cover and geomorphologic characteristics of the river basins. The aim of this work is to decipher the similarities and differences of flood inundation maps that have been produced for various areas in Greece in the framework of the European Floods Directive (2007/60/EC). The adopted mapping methodology was accomplished through the use of the HECHMS software, which simulates the hydrologic processes of river basins and determines the design flood hydrographs for given return periods, as well as the HEC-RAS software, which simulates the hydraulics of open channel flow (computation of energy gradients and piezometric heads). Both packages are compatible with ArcGIS, which can be used for further data processing and visualization for cartographical purposes. The outcome of floodplain inundation mapping is anticipated to help in planning and prioritizing environmental and flood protection actions in a pre-disaster stage. The mentioned multi-methodology has been implemented to a great number of flood prone river basins in Greece. Flood maps, which can depict a variety of parameters, such as flood extent, water depths and piezometric heads for various return periods, were deciphered taking into account the specific characteristics of each area. The values of the aforementioned parameters are dependent on the (a) intense rainfall regime of the area (IDF curves), (b) geometrical characteristics of the river channel (cross sections areas, roughness, slope) and (c) geomorphologic, geological and soil characteristics of the flood plain (land cover, land use, elevations, slopes, soil permeability, hydraulic conductivity etc).
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D. Serbis, C. Papathanasiou, and N. Mamassis, Flood mitigation at the downstream areas of a transboundary river, 8th International Conference "Water Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context", Porto, Portugal, 10 pages, European Water Resources Association, 2013.
Floods in the basin of Ardas river, a transboundary river that crosses Bulgaria and has its outlet in Greece, have often created havoc and caused millions of damage, especially in downstream Greek areas, which also repeatedly receive unregulated flow from upstream dams. More specifically, Ardas River, a tributary of Evros river, flows for 214 km in Bulgaria and for only 39 km in Greece and its catchment stretches for 5 250 km2 (94% of the total area) in Bulgaria and for 350 km2 (6% of the total area) in Greece. Three large dams along the river have been constructed in Bulgaria (Kardzhaly, Studen Kladenets and Ivaylovgrad), the last one, Ivaylovgrad dam, in short distance (approx. 15 km) from the transnational borders. During heavy rain, excessive flow from the Ivaylovgrad dam is often released downstream, in order to relieve the reservoir that is kept at maximum level for energy production reasons. As a result, the downstream areas, also affected by the same heavy rain events, need to regulate large flows, often with inadequate response time and relevant means. The present study presents an approach to estimate flood water levels in the Greek territory, caused by both rain events and releases from the upstream dam. For this purpose the study area was divided into three subbasins and the corresponding flood volumes were calculated using several methodologies. The paper concludes with a series of structural and non-structural measures that are suggested to be taken to confront and mitigate flood effects.
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V. Pagana, A. Tegos, P. Dimitriadis, A. Koukouvinos, P. Panagopoulos, and N. Mamassis, Alternative methods in floodplain hydraulic simulation - Experiences and perspectives, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, Vienna, EGU2013-10283-2, European Geosciences Union, 2013.
Floods can simply be defined as the physical phenomena, during which an initially dry land area is covered by water. Floods are normally caused by extreme weather conditions, while their evolution depends mainly on geomorphologic factors, such as soil stability, vegetation cover, as well as the geometrical characteristics of the river basin. To prevent floods’ consequences, we have to study the hydraulic behavior of all the basins. Here, the study is focused on the upstream part of the Rafina basin, located in the east of Athens (Greece). Particularly, a hydraulic simulation is accomplished via the one-dimensional HEC-RAS and the quasi-two-dimensional LISFLOOD-FP and FLO-2D models. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis is carried out to investigate the effects of the floodplain and river roughness coefficients on the flood inundation in conjunction with a modern probabilistic view. Finally, a comparison between the three models is made regarding the simulated maximum water depth and maximum flow velocity.
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Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Μίχας, Σ. Ν., Κ. Ι. Νικολάου, Σ. Λ. Λαζαρίδου, και Μ. Ν. Πικούνης, Σύγκριση μαθηματικών ομοιωμάτων διόδευσης πλημμυρικού κύματος από υποθετική θραύσης φράγματος Αγιόκαμπου, Πρακτικά 2ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Φραγμάτων και Ταμιευτήρων, Αθήνα, Αίγλη Ζαππείου, Ελληνική Επιτροπή Μεγάλων Φραγμάτων, 2013. |
A. Oikonomou, P. Dimitriadis, A. Koukouvinos, A. Tegos, V. Pagana, P. Panagopoulos, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Floodplain mapping via 1D and quasi-2D numerical models in the valley of Thessaly, Greece, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, Vienna, EGU2013-10366, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.25165.03040, European Geosciences Union, 2013.
The European Union Floods Directive defines a flood as ‘a covering by water of land not normally covered by water’. Human activities, such as agriculture, urban development, industry and tourism, contribute to an increase in the likelihood and adverse impacts of flood events. The study of the hydraulic behaviour of a river is important in flood risk management. Here, we investigate the behaviour of three hydraulic models, with different theoretical frameworks, in a real case scenario. The area is located in the Penios river basin, in the plain of Thessaly (Greece). The three models used are the one-dimensional HEC-RAS and the quasi two-dimensional LISFLOOD-FP and FLO-2D which are compared to each other, in terms of simulated maximum water depth as well as maximum flow velocity, and to a real flood event. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is performed to determine how each simulation is affected by the river and floodplain roughness coefficient, in terms of flood inundation.
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See also:
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Μίχας, Σ. Ν., Κ. Ι. Νικολάου, Σ. Λ. Λαζαρίδου, και Μ. Ν. Πικούνης, Σύγκριση μαθηματικών ομοιωμάτων διόδευσης πλημμυρικού κύματος από υποθετική θραύσης φράγματος Αγιόκαμπου, Πρακτικά 2ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Φραγμάτων και Ταμιευτήρων, Αθήνα, Αίγλη Ζαππείου, Ελληνική Επιτροπή Μεγάλων Φραγμάτων, 2013. |
A. Efstratiadis, A. D. Koussis, D. Koutsoyiannis, N. Mamassis, and S. Lykoudis, Flood design recipes vs. reality: Can predictions for ungauged basins be trusted? – A perspective from Greece, Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and changing environment, Volos, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.19660.00644, University of Thessaly, 2012.
As a result of its highly fragmented geomorphology, Greece comprises hundreds of small- and medium-scale steep hydrological basins of usually ephemeral regime. Typically, their drainage area does not exceed few hundreds of km2, while the vast majority of them lacks of measuring infrastructures. For this reason, and despite the great scientific and technological advances in flood hydrology, the everyday engineering practices still follow simplistic rules-of-thumb and semi-empirical approaches, which are feasible and easy to implement in ungauged areas. In general, these “recipes” have been developed many decades ago, based on field data from few experimental catchments abroad. However, none of them has ever been validated against the peculiarities of the hydroclimatic regime and the geomorphological conditions of Greece. This has an obvious impact on the quality and reliability of hydrological studies, and, consequently, the safety and cost of the related flood-protection works. In order to provide a consistent design framework and ensure realistic predictions of the flood risk in ungauged basins (which is key issue of the 2007/60/EU Directive), it is imperative to revise the rather outdated engineering practices, by incorporating methodologies that are adapted to local peculiarities. In particular, the collection of reliable hydrological data is essential for evaluating and verifying the existing “recipes” and updating the design criteria. In this context, we are elaborating a research program titled “Deukalion”, in which we already have developed a fully-equipped monitoring network, extending over four pilot river basins. Preliminary outcomes, based on historical flood data from Cyprus and Greece, indicate that a substantial revision is required within multiple aspects of the flood modeling procedure.
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M. Mathioudaki, A. Efstratiadis, and N. Mamassis, Investigation of hydrological design practices based on historical flood events in an experimental basin of Greece (Lykorema, Penteli), Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and changing environment, Volos, University of Thessaly, 2012.
Typically, the hydrological design procedure in ungauged basins comprises three computational steps: (a) the formulation of the design storm; (b) the estimation of the “effective” rainfall (direct runoff); and (c) the derivation of the flood hydrograph at the basin outlet. In particular, the most widespread approaches with regard to (b) and (c) are the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method and the unit hydrograph (UH), respectively. The SCS-CN method extracts the effective from the total rainfall through an elementary model that uses two parameters, i.e. the curve number (CN), which determines the potential maximum soil moisture retention of the basin, and the initial abstraction, which is in general assumed as 20% of the later. Next, the effective rainfall is propagated through the UH, which is a linear response function employing the spatiotemporal transformation of the direct runoff across the basin. In the absence of flow data, synthetic UHs are employed, for which various empirical formulas exist, derived from hydrological investigations in experimental basins worldwide. Yet, the suitability of such regionalization approaches is questionable, when aiming to apply them in areas with substantially different hydroclimatic and geomorphological characteristics. This issue certainly involves small-scale Greek basins of ephemeral runoff, which are affected by relatively short yet intense storm events causing flash floods. The objective of our study is the evaluation of the aforementioned methods, on the basis of historical flood data from the experimental basin of Lykorema. The basin is located in Penteli Mountain and covers an area of 15.2 km2. It is equipped with three meteorological stations and two flow gauges, from which we selected 35 rainfall and flood events to analyze. In all events was shown that the use of the SCS-CN method, with typical parameter values, in conjunction with two well-known synthetic UHs (Snyder and British Hydrological Institute) provided unrealistic predictions. The key reasons were the significant overestimation of both the CN value and the initial abstraction rate, as well as the improper representation of the shape of the UHs (particularly their rising branch). In this respect, we attempted to adjust the SCS-CN method, given that the CN is not a constant but a variable that actually depends on the soil moisture conditions, while the initial abstraction ratio is rather minor. In addition, we developed a synthetic parametric UH, described by a linear rising branch and a logarithmic falling branch. This uses as inputs the time of concentration, estimated by the Giandotti formula, and another duration parameter, estimated via calibration. Following a multi-criteria optimization approach, we represented with high accuracy all the important aspects of the flood hydrographs, in terms of runoff volume, magnitude and location of the peak. Although the implementation of the proposed framework in the specific basin was quite satisfactory, there is much more work to be done for establishing consistent design practices and guidelines of general use. An ultimately important step is the development of pilot basins and the collection of reliable flood data, which will allow providing much more accurate models and formulas.
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S. Kozanis, A. Christofides, A. Efstratiadis, A. Koukouvinos, G. Karavokiros, N. Mamassis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and D. Nikolopoulos, Using open source software for the supervision and management of the water resources system of Athens, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, Vienna, 7158, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.28468.04482, European Geosciences Union, 2012.
The water supply of Athens, Greece, is implemented through a complex water resource system, extending over an area of around 4 000 km2 and including surface water and groundwater resources. It incorporates four reservoirs, 350 km of main aqueducts, 15 pumping stations, more than 100 boreholes and 5 small hydropower plants. The system is run by the Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP). Over more than 10 years we have developed, information technology tools such as GIS, database and decision support systems, to assist the management of the system. Among the software components, “Enhydris”, a web application for the visualization and management of geographical and hydrometeorological data, and “Hydrognomon”, a data analysis and processing tool, are now free software. Enhydris is entirely based on free software technologies such as Python, Django, PostgreSQL, and JQuery. We also created, a web site hosting our free software products as well as a free database system devoted to the dissemination of free data. In particular, “Enhydris” is used for the management of the hydrometeorological stations and the major hydraulic structures (aqueducts, reservoirs, boreholes, etc.), as well as for the retrieval of time series, online graphs etc. For the specific needs of EYDAP, additional GIS functionality was introduced for the display and monitoring of the water supply network. This functionality is also implemented as free software and can be reused in similar projects. Except for “Hydrognomon” and “Enhydris”, we have developed a number of advanced modeling applications, which are also generic-purpose tools that have been used for a long time to provide decision support for the water resource system of Athens. These are “Hydronomeas”, which optimizes the operation of complex water resource systems, based on a stochastic simulation framework, “Castalia”, which implements the generation of synthetic time series, and “Hydrogeios”, which employs conjunctive hydrological and hydrogeological simulation, with emphasis to human-modified river basins. These tools are currently available as executable files that are free for download though the ITIA web site ( Currently, we are working towards releasing their source code as well, through making them free software, after some licensing issues are resolved.
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E. Galiouna, A. Efstratiadis, N. Mamassis, and K. Aristeidou, Investigation of extreme flows in Cyprus: empirical formulas and regionalization approaches for peak flow estimation, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, Vienna, 2077, European Geosciences Union, 2011.
The island of Cyprus has a typical Mediterranean, semi-arid climate, characterized, among others, by relatively short yet intense storm events causing flash floods. Current practices for the design of flood-protection works as well as flood risk assessment are based on regional approaches, which require a number of parameters that derive from the river basin characteristics. The main target of this work is to evaluate the existing empirical formulas for estimating those watershed parameters, emphasizing on the runoff coefficient and the time of concentration, which are typical inputs for most of the aforementioned tools, such as the rational and the unit hydrograph methods. For this purpose, we analyzed a large amount of hydrological and geographical data, provided by the Water Development Department and the Meteorological Service of Cyprus. This includes annual discharge maxima at 130 flow gauges and the corresponding rainfall data, intensity-duration-frequency (ombrian) curves for different regions of the island, and geographical information for 70 river basins (DEM, hydrographic network, land uses, geology and permeability). A preliminary statistical analysis of annual maxima data indicated that the empirical distribution functions of the flood discharges are much sharper than those of the corresponding rainfall depths, which denotes strongly nonlinearity of the rainfall-runoff mechanisms. In addition, we found that the existing peak runoff estimation methods fail to reproduce this kind of nonlinearity, thus leading to severe underestimation of flood risk. To handle this inconsistency it was necessary to revise the erroneous hypothesis that both the runoff coefficient and the time of concentration are constant properties of the basin. In reality, they depend not only to the constant geomorphological characteristics of the basin but also to the rainfall-runoff event itself. However, an analytical estimation of their actual values is impossible, since they are related to complex hydrological and hydraulic processes. For this reason, we examine the simple yet realistic assumption that the two variables are functions not to the event magnitude but to its return period. Using appropriate historical data, we attempt to establish improved empirical relationships for Cyprus, by fitting the simulated peak flow values to the observed ones.
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Y. Markonis, D. Koutsoyiannis, and N. Mamassis, Orbital climate theory and Hurst-Kolmogorov dynamics, 11th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Edinburgh, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.31312.30724, International Meetings on Statistical Climatology, University of Edinburgh, 2010.
Orbital climate theory, based mainly on the work of Milankovitch, is used to explain some features of long-term climate variability, especially those concerning the ice-sheet extent. The paleoclimatic time series, which describe the climate-orbital variability relationship, exhibit Hurst-Kolmogorov dynamics, also known as long-term persistence. This stochastic dynamics provides an appropriate framework to explore the reliability of statistical inferences, based on such time series, about the consistency of suggestions of the modern orbital theory. Our analysis tries to shed light on some doubts raised from the contradictions between the orbital climate theory and paleoclimatic data.
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A. Varveris, P. Panagopoulos, K. Triantafillou, A. Tegos, A. Efstratiadis, N. Mamassis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Assessment of environmental flows of Acheloos Delta, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, Vienna, 12046, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.14849.66404, European Geosciences Union, 2010.
Acheloos, the river with the highest discharge among rivers of Greece, hosts three hydroelectric dams, while two more dams are under construction. In addition, there are plans for partial diversion of the river to a nearby water district, for irrigation and hydroelectric development. The Acheloos Delta is considered to be one of the most significant Mediterranean wetland habitats for its ecological importance, including fish fauna. In this case study we aim to redefine the ecological flow and propose an outflow management policy from the most downstream reservoir (Stratos), in order to preserve the ecosystem at the Acheloos Delta. A hydrological analysis is employed to reconstruct the natural discharge records along the river on a daily basis, accompanied by a detailed evaluation of alternative methodologies for the estimation of the ecological flow. Based on the results of the analyses, the corresponding water management policy is determined, taking into account the characteristics of the hydropower plan and the related hydraulic works.
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See also:
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Fourniotis, N. T., M. Stavropoulou-Gatsi and I. K. Kalavrouziotis, Acheloos River: The timeless, and since ancient period, contribution to the development and environmental upgrading of Western Greece, Proceedings 3rd IWA Specialized Conference on Water & Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilizations, Istanbul-Turkey, 420-428, 2012. |
2. | Fourniotis, N. T., A proposal for impact evaluation of the diversion of the Acheloos River on the Acheloos estuary in Western Greece, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4(4), 1792-1802, 2012. |
S. Kozanis, A. Christofides, N. Mamassis, A. Efstratiadis, and D. Koutsoyiannis, Hydrognomon – open source software for the analysis of hydrological data, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, Vienna, 12419, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.21350.83527, European Geosciences Union, 2010.
Hydrognomon is a software tool for the processing of hydrological data. It is an open source application running on standard Microsoft Windows platforms, and it is part of the framework. Data are imported through standard text files, spreadsheets or by typing. Standard hydrological data processing techniques include time step aggregation and regularization, interpolation, regression analysis and infilling of missing values, consistency tests, data filtering, graphical and tabular visualisation of time series, etc. It supports several time steps, from the finest minute scales up to decades; specific cases of irregular time steps and offsets are also supported. The program also includes common hydrological applications, such as evapotranspiration modelling, stage-discharge analysis, homogeneity tests, areal integration of point data series, processing of hydrometric data, as well as lumped hydrological modelling with automatic calibration facilities. Here the emphasis is given on the statistical module of Hydrognomon, which provides tools for data exploration, fitting of distribution functions, statistical prediction, Monte-Carlo simulation, determination of confidence limits, analysis of extremes, and construction of ombrian (intensity-duration-frequency) curves. Hydrognomon is available for download from
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See also:
Other works that reference this work (this list might be obsolete):
1. | #Sebastianelli, S., M. Giglioni, C. Mineo, and S. Magnald, On the hydrologic-hydraulic revaluation of large dams, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICNAAM 2015), 1738, 430003-1–430003-4, doi:10.1063/1.4952216, 2016. |
2. | #Mineo, C., S. Sebastianelli, L. Marinucci, and F. Russo, Assessment of the watershed DEM mesh size influence on a large dam design hydrograph, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1738, 430003, 2016. |
3. | Tsitroulis, I., K. Voudouris, A. Vasileiou, C. Mattas, M. Sapountzis, and F. Maris, Flood hazard assessment and delimitation of the likely flood hazard zones of the upper part in Gallikos river basin, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 50(2), 995-1005, doi:10.12681/bgsg.11804, 2016. |
4. | López J. J., O. Delgado, and M. A. Campo, Determination of the IDF curves in Igueldo-San Sebastián. Comparison of different methods, Ingeniería del Agua, 22(4), 209-223, doi:10.4995/Ia.2018.9480, 2018. |
5. | Nyaupane, N., B. Thakur, A. Kalra, and S. Ahmad, Evaluating future flood scenarios using CMIP5 climate projections, Water, 10, 1866, doi:10.3390/w10121866, 2018. |
6. | Vargas, M. M., S. Beskow, T. L. Caldeira, L. de Lima Corrêa, and Z. Almeida da Cunha, SYHDA – System of Hydrological Data Acquisition and Analysis, Brazilian Journal of Water Resources, 24, e11, doi:10.1590/2318-0331.241920180152, 2019. |
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